Chapter 9 ⚠️

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⚠️ contains smut⚠️

Kylos POV

I watched as Ap'lek approached, dragging the resistance general along at his side, tossing him to the ground at my feet as he arrived. The man grunted in pain at my knights harsh treatment, pushing himself up to his knees as he glared into my mask. "Take him to the ship, kill all the others." I commanded. The stormtroopers immediately followed orders, dragging the man away as the others gathered what was left of the bases fighters and disposed of them.

I turned, noticing the girl standing at my side, her face and hands smeared with blood, a large cut adorning her cheek. I looked up at Vicrul and tilted my head questioningly, waiting for an explanation. "She took out 5 fighters, all on her own." He explained, sounding just as surprised as I felt receiving that information.

I looked down at her once again giving the girl an encouraging pat on her head. "Well done, pet." She smiled up at me, taking hold of my hand as she hurried along beside me to keep pace back to the ship, knights in tow.

As we entered the night buzzard the girl sat silently in the common area, examining her blood stained hands in silence the entire trip back. Only stopping to look up when she felt the ship landing back in the bridge on base. "I'll take the girl to get cleaned up. You are all free to whatever you'd like for the rest of the day." I spoke making my way down the ships ramp, girl at my side.

Her appearance seemed to startle some of the workers as we made our way past, the blood all over her exposed skin making her look like the little killer she really was, a hard contrast from her usually innocent face. I grabbed her hand as I made my way off into the bases halls towards my living quarters. "How'd you manage to fight off those men, pet? And where'd you get a knife?" The girl smiled up at me. "Took it." She replied matter-of-factly. I chuckled. "Cunning little thing you are pet. We will have to put that to use." Not seeming to know what I meant she didn't reply, her focus more on examining her surrounds then listening to me.

As we arrived at my quarters I used the data pad to open the door, making my way inside and pulling the girl in with me. She looked around the room curiously, her eyes falling upon my grandfathers helmet that I had managed to salvage after that godforsaken scavenger girl damaged it.
It wasn't perfect but it was his, and I took pride in getting to look upon it each day.

Seeming to sense that the object was off limits she quickly turned her attention back towards me, watching me carefully as I began to disrobe. I set my helmet on it's designated stand and stripped myself of my violence soiled clothing, leaving me in only a pair of pants, the girls eyes never leaving me as she watched my every move. Reaching a hand out I waved for her to follow, heading into the bathroom with the girl following quickly at my heels.

"Let us undress you, little one." I encouraged, pulling her to me with one swift movement. She didn't resist allowing me to remove her clothing as she held tightly onto my arm for support. I couldn't help but admire her, every feminine curve of her body drawing me in. Though her skin was tainted by blood, it was soft and welcoming, my calloused hands taking pleasure in running there way along her sides making the girl giggle at the movement.

I turned on the shower, the water sputtering to life and steam rising to the ceiling as the bathroom heated up. I finished stripping us both until our bodies where bare before I hooked an arm around her waist and pulling her under the water with me. She let out an annoyed grunt as the water poured its way over her head, making her clinched her eyes shut as to not get water on them. Red swirling it's way down the drain as the blood was washed from her.

I held her in place easily with one hand, using the other to scrub her flesh until i deemed her to be clean. Pulling her against me I took on the feeling of her wet skin against my own, her warmth sending heat to my groin. "Can you see what your doing to me, little pet?" I groaned, the girl stayed silent staring sweetly up at me with those doe eyes making it just that much harder to resist her.

She quickly took notice of my hardening cock pressing against her torso, a smirk creeping over her face as her hands found there way to my chest. She was slow and delicate with her movements, tracing her fingers against the line in my torso as she made her way lower and lower until finally she reached the desired destination.

Her hand found it's way to my member, her fingers barley able to make there way around my length as she began to pump me gently in her grasp. I hissed at the contact, sucking in a hard breath as I took in the bliss that was watching her touch me in such a way. I couldn't take it anymore.

Grabbing the girl I pushed her against the shower wall, her back arching as her cheek met the cold tile. "Are you going to be a good girl for me, pet?" I growled against her ear, the sound making her shiver in my grasp. She quickly nodded, a soft moan escaping her. God, her noises made me feel like a feral man.

Slipping a hand between her legs my fingers found her core, already dripping with anticipation for the touching she so craved. "So eager and we've only begun." I chuckled watching lustfully as her legs began to shake. She pushed herself back against my hand, begging silently for more. Pushing two fingers past her folds she gasped, her eyes rolling back in her pretty little head as she whined out in pleasure.

Seeing her that way, helpless and completely at my will brought new motivation to my movements. "Ask for what you want pet. Show me what you've learned." I commanded, pumping my digits in and out of her slowly. "More" she demanded, her fingertips gripping the wall as she did her best to hold herself up on quivering legs. Her wish was my command, my movements speeding up as she mewled and whimpered.

I could feel her core clinching around my fingers as she neared her tipping point, I curled them ever so slightly, the action cause a sound to come from the girl that I could only describe as heavenly. She wouldn't last much longer I knew that for a fact. "Such a good girl, taking your supreme leaders fingers so well." I praised, a smirk pulling at my lips as I watched her twitch under my touch.

I pulled her flush against me, forcing her to look up at me as the heat in her belly became overwhelming, her orgasm pulsing through her, her body jerking against mine as I continued to touch her, overstimulating her in the best way. "That's it, little one." I encouraged, pulling my now sticky fingers from her hole and forcing them into her open mouth. She sucked obediently, her eyes never leaving mine as she cleaned my hand.

I didn't wish to stop, and I knew she wanted more, but being the kind master that I am I wished not take what I knew Vicrul wanted so badly, to be the first to fuck her. Taking a breath I stepped back from her, causing a whine to fall from her lips. "Now pet, be grateful for what your master has given you." I cooed, tilting her head up forcing her to meet my gaze. "If you desire more, Master Vicrul is the man you must seek."

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