Chapter 26

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⚠️TW: Death, gore, violence.⚠️

Pets POV

I had never been a violent person, I  had only done what was necessary to survive in the world that was presented to me, but this was different. My chest rose and fell, my breathing loud in my ears as I stood facing the man who had once tortured me along with numerous others for his own sick pleasure.

He wore a smirk on his face which only made me angrier, my fists tightening as I tried to get use to the apparatus around my mouth. The knights said it made me look fierce, like a warrior, and I liked that they saw me that way, not weak, like the man before me always had.

Dust clouded around my feet with every stalking step I took around the man. He stood, unmoving, watching me. He probably still thought me the weak frail girl I once was, but things were different now. I trained daily with the most deadly killers in the galaxy, and won, I wasn't afraid of him anymore.

"Look at you." He chuckled loudly. "You've grown stronger." He observed, his eyes wandering there way up and down my body making me feel like he was violating me all over again. "No thanks to you." I growled, my fingernails digging harshly into the skin of my palms as I tried my best to stop myself from attacking him.

"Breath. Focus. Do not let your anger cloud your judgement." Kylo rang out inside my head, the sound of his voice easing my nerves. Another calming breath. "Dear girl, you've grown cocky-" He chuckled, his amusement making me want to claw his eyes from his skull. "You'd do well to remember who made you a champion in the first place. Not these men. Not the first order. Me."

I scoffed at his remark. What a disgusting word to use in describing what he had made me. Champion. I was no champion, I was a killer. A killer of the innocent. "You made me a monster." I hissed, forcing myself to hold back the tears that threatened to break there way out.

"Oh please. Monster. You could have stopped if you so desired. You choose to do what you did. In fact, I think you took pleasure in it." I wanted to vomit at the sound of those words. How could I ever take pleasure in being so horrid. My breathing was shaking, my anger bubbling over in ways I had never felt before. I wanted to rip him to pieces.

"I never took pleasure in your sick twisted game." I spat, my steps drawing me closer and closer to where he stood. "But I will take great pleasure in watching the life drain from your eyes." With that, I could no longer hold myself back. I lunged at him with all my force, the impact taking us both to the ground. He let out a grunt as his back hit the dirt, a cloud of dust gathering around us in the tussle.

I didn't hesitate, my hands going straight for his face, my nails clawing there way into the flesh of his cheeks like a feral animal. He yelped in pain as blood tricked his way down his face, dripping rhythmically onto the brown dirt below. His hands found my throat so tightly I'm sure he'd broke blood vessels, but I didn't care.

All I could think about was every girl I had ever watched die by his command, the ones I had killed. The feeling of the body's going limp beneath me. I swallowed back the vomit I felt making its way towards my mouth. My hands shot to his face once again, my thumbs pressing violently into the soft surface of his eyelids. He immediately let go of my neck, scrambling to grab my wrists, to pry my hands away as quickly as he could but it just felt to good to stop.

A screech like something from the depths of the void made it's way from his lips. I was shaking with adrenaline at the feeling of his orbs giving way to the pressure of my fingers. I was enjoying this to much, so much it made me sick, but in that moment all cares had left my mind. All I could focus on was the bliss of hearing his agony echo through the arena.

The moment became blurred, the room beginning to spin as I took in what I was doing, the feeling of his blood pooling around my hands. He took the opportunity to grab me once again, his large paw meeting the side of my face in a slap so hard it made my ear ring. I toppled to the side, my hip hitting the ground where I sat in shock, trying to regain my stability.

It was clear from his movement he couldn't see a thing, stumbling clumsily towards me, using his palms to feel his way along the ground. It didn't take him but seconds to find me, grabbing my ankles and yanking me towards him with the force of a man filled with rage. "You stupid pathetic little nothing." He hissed, pinning my arms to the ground, his weight against my legs making me unable to move.

For the first time since entering the ring I cried out, not in pain, but in sheer horror. Being so close to him again, his face only an inch or so from my own made me feel like my old self again, weak and helpless. He was so close I could feel his breath against my face. I wanted more then anything for my knights to come save me, to rip him to pieces before my very eyes, but this was my fight.

I raised my face to his with all my force, my four head meeting his nose with a loud crack. I would not let him make me look feeble before my people, before my knights. He tried his best to ignore the blood pouring rapidly down his face and the pain I'm sure was radiating him, bringing his fist down to meet my face more times then I could count.

I didn't back down, I didn't turn away, I took those punches and let them fuel my anger, my hatred for the man above me. I smiled beneath my mask, blood dripping from my brow. I knew what to do next, I was trained for this. I pulled my legs from beneath him with all my might, grunting with effort from the sheer heft of him before wrapping them around his waist.

He seemed startled by my action, still unable to see and thoroughly confused. I used my leverage to twist my body to the side, slamming the man to the dirt beside me. I didn't pause to think, just let my body do what had to be done.

Once I started I couldn't stop, my fists pounding violently into the man's face with a force that even scared me. It hurt my knuckles, my hands aching in pain with every blow, but I didn't care, I wanted to beat his face in. "Fuck. You" I growled, taking hold of the sides of his head and picking it up, slamming it back against the ground repeatedly, the sound of his skull cracking making me want to vomit, but it also brought me a sick wave of satisfaction.

"FUCK. YOU." I was screaming now, so loud it made my throat burn, the same two words making there way out of me over and over. I kept this up until liquid started to pool around my knuckles, the man now unrecognizable for who he once was, just a heep of blood and carnage. I was shaking, my breath, my hands, every part of me vibrating.

I had won, he was dead. I hissed as I felt someone large gloved hand take my wrist and lift me to my feet, the movement making pain radiate down my arm in agonizing spurts. He pulled my arm high in the air, my body being forced to its tippy toes to hold myself up. I looked up to see Vicruls black mask, looking down at me with what I'm sure was a proud smile underneath. I turned my gaze towards where the rest of my knights stood, observing, all of them looking like they had there chests puffed with pride at the war they had just witness.


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