Chapter 18 ⚠️

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⚠️ smut warning ⚠️

The heavenly sounds of pets moans and whimpers echoed through the knight buzzard as cardo rutted into her relentlessly, fucking her like his life depended on making her cum over and over again. "Such a good girl for me, pet. You take me so well. Pretty girl." The man grunted out between the wet kisses he was leaving on every inch of the girls body, desperate to feel every part of her angelic form.

She clung to him, wishing to be as close as she could possibly get, his warmth intoxicating her like a drug. She couldn't form words, to engrossed in watching her knight take what he wanted, panting and whining as a layer of sweat  formed over her. The other knights could hear her, loud and clear, including kylo who was quietly smirking to himself, happy that his fellow knight who was not much a fan of anything had warmed up to the girl.

"S'to much master." The girl cried, tears of overstimulation making there way down her beautiful face. He grunted, the sight of them only making him want more, but he was close, so close. "Hold it, pet. Only a bit longer, you can do that for your master cant you? You can be my obedient girl?"

Her eyes rolled back in her head at the sound of his request, yes she could be his obedient girl, and she would be. The man's thrusts became sloppier and sloppier as his body shuttered with gratification, a noise coming from him that the girl could only describe as celestial.

He took hold of his pets waist, pulling her head against his shoulder as the cord withen him snapped, releasing his load into the sobbing girl, whispering praises as he allowed her to cum for him once again. "My good girl, my perfect girl. You did so well for me. Good job, little one." He cooed, wiping the tears from her pretty face, holding her tight as she shook.

He held her against him, kissing her softly, her lips, her cheeks, her shoulders, anywhere he could until she was calm. Her eyes fluttered up to look at him, blinking at him sweetly. "Thank you, Master" she spoke, her voice barley above a squeak. He quickly shook his head, petting her gently as he shushed her. "Do not thank me, pet. If anything I should thank you" he laughed quietly, making his pet blush as his hand ran over the length of her bare back.

They were quiet for a while, simply enjoying one anothers company, sharing intimate touches like a couple of younglings. "Will Archer be killed?" The girl asked suddenly, the question coming as a surprise to the man. He glanced down at her from where she sat on him, eyes wide as she waited for the answer. "Once he is no longer useful, I suppose he will be." He replied, the girl nodded in understanding, biting into her lip as she thought. "Can I kill him?" He had to admit, he hadn't been expecting his sweet pet to ask such a thing.

"Why do you wish to kill him, pet?Because he marked you?" She quickly shook her head, she didn't care about any marks, that wasn't why she wanted this. She wanted his death to be her doing so that she could have the satisfaction of knowing he would never again handle any women roughly the way he had her.

He wasn't the men from the club, the ones that had hurt her, that had left her on the cold floor after use to cry herself to sleep, but he reminded her of them, and that was enough. Of course she wasn't going to tell her knights any of that, opting to answer with a much more simple explanation. "I only wish to see for myself that he receives what he deserves."

"You must ask Kylo, pet. He is in charge of the prisoners. He decides what is done with them." Cardo explained, kissing her head once again. She nodded, she was sure she could think of a way to get the supreme leader to agree to her request. She could offer him something in return, anything he wanted. Though he did his best to hide it she was aware of the affect she had on him.

"Do you think he will give Master Ren the information he wants?" She questioned, turning her body to be closer to the knight. He chuckled, knowing that the girl had no knowledge of what kylo possessed, the power that he held. "He won't have much of a choice, little one. Ren can retrieve the information he seeks whether Archer is willing or not."

She furrowed her brows at this, seeming confused as to what the man meant. "But how, Master?" The man couldn't help but find her curiosity adorable, so naïve and clueless about the galaxy. "Ren is a very powerful man, pet. He is strong in the way of the force." This only seemed to perplex her further.

"The force?" Cardo nodded. "The force is an energy field created by all life. It binds everything in the universe together. Kylo can use it in many ways, if you wish to know more I'm sure he'd be happy to show you." His pet nodded once again, snuggling closer to the man as she let out a tiny yawn. She had become tired from the days activity's, from her activity's with her knight mostly. He gazed down at her, happy to let her sleep on him if she so pleased.

"Sleep well, little pet. You've made me proud."

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