Chapter 8

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Vicruls POV

The girl sat silent, staring with a displeased scowl down at her shoes as she leaned into my side. We were due to arrive on Prine at any moment and my brothers where buzzing in anticipation, thirsty for the blood of
the resistance. There was an eery silence that had fallen over the ship, the girl seemed to notice, her eyes darting from knight to knight as she patiently waited to land.

Her hands gripped the fabric of my robes as the night buzzard came to a halt, the movement jerking her a bit as she wasn't used to it. We all stood, gathering in formation behind ren. The girl scurried into the line, placing herself between me and Trudgen.

As we made our way down the ramp of the ship smoke took over my senses, people ran, screaming as they went in a pathetic attempt to get away. The sound of the stormtroopers blasters firing echoed through the air, the sound making the girl flinch as she took in her surrounding. A hesitant look crept over her features as she followed, staying as close to Trudgen as she could get without touching him.

"Find there general, I know he's here somewhere." Ren boomed, his gaze searching across the crowds of people as he tried to locate him. "Yes ren" we spoke in unison, splitting up as we started our search. Ap'lek and I started off towards what looked to be there headquarters, watching as resistance fighters attempted the guard it's entrance, how brave, how stupid.

The girl rushed after us, seeming confused as to where she was supposed to go. "Come, pet. Let us show you the power of the first order." Ap'lek chuckled, his voice dripping with wickedness. Before the first guard got the chance to make a move he was cut down by Ap'leks axe, the sound of the weapon meeting flesh a satisfying slice.

He pushed the dismembered body out of his way with his foot, making his way inside where everyone scattered. We both got to work, taking out everyone we could catch, not that there was really anywhere for them to run. I took in the euphoria off the hunt, grunting in satisfaction as I executed  the resistance scum one by one, the feeling of power pulsing through me with every life I took.

I heard the sound of a struggle behind me and whipped around, worried that my poor pet had been caught in the crossfire of the chaos. To my surprise I found her holding a blade to the throat on a man about twice her size. It was clear he had initiated the fight, blood dripping down her face from a fresh cut on her cheek bone. She grunted in annoyance as he struggled against her hold, digging the weapon deeper into his jugular as a warning.

I smirked beneath my mask, so she wasn't as helpless as I had once thought. "Finish him, pet. Show him your power." I commanded. Seeming to understand, she gripped the man tightly as she pulled the blade across his neck, red liquid spilling from his wound soaking his clothing and her hands. She let go of him stumbling away from his limp body as she watch his carcass hit the floor. I had never been more attracted to anyone in my life.

A group of 4 men surrounded her, seeming to be very upset about there fallen brother. I thought about intervening but decided against it, thinking it best to allow the girl to prove herself. She crouched, her stance making it clear that she wasn't afraid, that she would do whatever she needed to survive. The first lunged in her direction, his movements quick but sloppy as she dodged his grasp.

The already bloody blade sliced into the flesh of his arm earning a hiss from her opponent. This only seemed to anger him. I watched, ready to step in at any moment as the man pulled a blaster from the waistband of his pants. She ducked, throwing herself into his legs, tackling him to the ground, prying the gun from his hand before he got the chance to fight back. She fired the weapon once, the blast going straight through his head.

Standing from over his body she turned and fired again, a direct hit to the chest of his co-conspirator before discarding the gun. She grunted as someone grabbed her around the torso from behind, dragging her backwards as she dug her heels into the ground. She threw her elbow back, hitting the man's nose with a booming crack before she stabbed the vibro-blade onto his thigh. A scream of pain broke through the air, the sound bringing a smile to my face.

She pulled the blade free, stabbing it backwards again over and over until she felt the man's grip on her go slack. She turned to face him, shoving him away from her watching as he toppled over, doing his best to put pressure on his gushing wounds. He would surly die any moment.

The last man backed away, terror in his eyes as he realized his fate. She stalked her way over to him, her chest heaving from all the commotion. Before he got the chance to move away she stabbed deep into his torso, twisting the blade with all of her forced as she stared into his eyes. The man coughed, blood spilling from his lips and down his chin as he slumped against the wall.

"Who are you?" He spoke weakly, wincing as she kneeled in-front of him. She shooshed him sweetly, a hard contrast from the aggression she had just shown, caressing his face with her hand as she eased him mercifully into his death. Even in her defense she was kind, how strange. "Sorry" she whispered to him, watching as the life faded from his eyes.

She stood and tossed the blade, turning to face me, her face smeared with blood and dirt from her victims. She turned scanning the room for anymore threats, her shoulders dropping in exhaustion as she realized she was done. I was proud, confused as to how she was such a skilled fighter but proud non the less.

"There you are." Ap'lek boomed, the sound of his voice catching mine and the girls attention. He took harsh hold of a man who had been hiding behind a stack of boxes that held parts for there ships. He dragging him roughly along at his side as he went to find Ren. "The supreme leader will be pleased to see you general."

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