Chapter 6

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Ap'leks POV

After collecting the girl from Vicruls quarters the next morning, I had been instructed to take her to her basic lessons, thankful that I was going to miss a day of training after seeing how riled up kylo had been this morning. He got like that sometimes when things weren't going his way, or for any reason really, he was quite the drama queen, of course I would never say that to his face.

I guided the girl through the halls of the base, my vibro-axe clutched tightly in one gloved hand and the other at my side, the girls delicate fingers wrapped around two of my much larger appendages. She pressed herself to my side as a set of stormtroopers made there way past, clearly unnerved by there appearance as they glanced down at her through there helmets.

As we made it to the correct door, I waved my hand over the data pad mounted against the wall, the motion making the door slide open with a whooshing sound. "Come along, Pet" I commanded, pulling her through the threshold and into the grey makeshift classroom. A women, short black hair and large thick glasses sat reading through a stack of notes at the desk, her head snapping up to look as us as we approached.

She scrambled to stand, smoothing out her uniform as she looked into my mask, a terrified expression washing over her features at the sight of me. "Good morning, sir. I've prepared the girls lessons as instructed." She rushed, her voice shaking as she spoke. I didn't reply, only nodded and pried my companions grip from my hand, pushing her forward as I turned, starting off towards the back of the room where I would stand post until she was ready to be taken back.

Her instructor, clearly unnerved by my presence did her best to ignore that I was there, smiling sweetly at my companion as she encouraged her to sit. "Good morning. I understand that your in need of basic lessons correct?" She asked, looking to the girl for some kind of reply, but just like me and my fellow knights received nothing more then a confused stare.

"Well we can start with introductions. My name is sky." She started, pointing to herself as she repeated her name a few times over, until it seemed the girl understood what she was saying. "Sky" she repeated, pointing to the women. "Yes that's right! It's very nice to meet you. What is your name?" She continued, now pointing at the girl as she asked her question.

There was a long pause, the girl looking down as she seemed to think. "Nobody." She said suddenly, pressing her pointer finger into her chest. The woman's eyebrows knit together in confusion, her gaze flicking between the girl and myself as she tried to think. "Your name is nobody?" She questioned. The girl quickly shook her head, trying to think of another way to say what she was meaning.

She scrunched up her face and  leaned in, as if trying her best to imitate someone. "You are nobody" she scolded, her face softening after she spoke. Clearly this was something someone had said to her, whom I had no idea, but clearly they didn't think highly of her. "Well nobody isn't a proper name. We will have to think of something better to call you, yes?"


After what seemed like hours the instructor finished her first lesson, seeming satisfied with the progress she has gotten the girl to make. "We'll I'll be seeing you again soon for more lessons. I expect your knights will help you practice." She said as she gathered her things, heading for the door, stopping in front of me to give a small bow. "Good day, sir"

My companion made her way over, smiling sweetly up at me as she took my hand in her own, pulling at me making it clear that she was ready to leave. Chuckling a bit I allowed the girl to lead me to the door, opening it for her before heading off into the halls.

"You know my name?" The girl spoke, her words coming out slowly, some words pronounced wrong but she was clearly trying her best. "I don't know your name, pet. Do you?" I questioned.
"I am no name." She replied matter-of-factly, as if it was obvious. I didn't know what that meant. "I know your from the wasteland. Where there people there with you, pet? A family perhaps?" She quickly shook her head. "Alone, then taken."

I nodded, indicating that I understood. I wondered how she survived out there, in the wasteland, all alone for so many years. Surely she couldn't have been alone her whole life, but that would explain her lack of speaking skills. "What are family?" She questioned, her innocent eyes looking up at me as she asked. I grimaced at the question, thankful that my mask was there to cover my expression.

"Family is..." I paused, not able to think of a coherent answer. Stopping in my tracks I bent to the girls level, tipping her chin up to make her meet my gaze. "Family are the people who care for you, who protect you. I understand you were alone before, but we are your family now, pet. Do you understand?"
She gave an unsure nod as she stared into the face of my helmet, her hands finding there way to the end of her dress as they always seemed to when she became confused or nervous.

I suddenly noticed another set of stormtroopers, stopped down the hallway from where we stood, there attention seeming focused on the interaction between me and the girl. I straighten myself, turning my body to face them. I loved to scare the troopers. It seemed to be one of the only fun things Kylo shared interest in and we all tended to participate in the taunting quite often.

The staff of my axe hit the floor with a loud boom, the sound seeming to startle the soldiers back to reality. "Problem gentlemen?" I inquired, watched amused as they began to back themselves away in terror, I smirked beneath my mask. "I suggest you return to your assigned posts, lest you wish to leave this hallway without your heads."

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