Chapter 4

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Trudgen's POV

The knights had agreed that it be my responsibility to give our new pet a bath. An agreement that hadn't come without complaints from Vicrul, but after a tantrum from the girl during which she hooked her arms around my neck and refused to let go, he decided it best that she go with me. We wanted to make her as comfortable as possible after all.

As we made it to the door of my living quarters I passed my hand over the data pad mounted on the wall making the metal door slide open with a loud thud. After making my way inside I pried the girl off of me, setting her gently onto the couch. I set my weapon in its designated spot against the wall next to my bed, easy access, just incase. I pulled at my clothing, taking my garments off one by one as I disrobed. The girl watched me intently, her eyes making there way over my body as she tilted her head curiously.

Finally I reached up and pulled my helmet off. The girls eyes went wide, finally seeing my face after a full day of thinking I was nothing more then a mask. "No mask?" She questioned, her sudden increase in speech coming as a surprise to me. "That's correct. No mask." I replied, setting the metal contraption on its stand. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard, assuming I could just bathe her the way you bathe a dog.

I grabbed the girls hand, leading her to the bathroom and sitting her on the toilet as I began preparing her bath. She looked around the room curiously, her eyes falling upon the running water as the spout came to life with a sputter. She looked at me wide eyed and furrowed her brows, looking almost afraid. "Don't worry princess, we're only going to clean you." I explained, realizing after the fact that she had no idea was I was saying.

I finished filling the tub with warm water and stood to grab a towel. The girl stood, backing herself up as if trying to avoid being grabbed. I frowned at this, why was she acting this way. Had they not given her baths at the club, had they hurt her. I shook my head ridding myself of the thought. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet, the fabric black and plush, and set it on the counter.

"Now I know you don't understand me, but I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to clean you. You're a good girl, you wanna be clean don't you? My good girl wants to be clean?" I questioned her, remembering how positively she had reacted when Ren had referred to her as such. She perked up at the words, and nodded, pointing to herself. "Good." She repeated.

I approached her and caught her by the waist before she got the chance to get away. "That's right, good girl." I started to pull at the little clothing she had, Unclipping her bra and tossing it aside followed by kneeling in front of her to pull her panties down to the floor, guiding her ankles as she stepped out of them before I tossed them as well. Her nakedness didn't seem to faze her, her hands resting gently on my shoulders to steady herself, her eyes making their way to mine now that we were eye level.

I hooked an arm around her lifting her and walking us both over to the tub. She struggled against me, pushing against my chest as hard as she could to get me to let her go, but I was much stronger then she so ultimately she failed. "Don't be afraid. It's only water." I tried, kneeling down next to the tub. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso, clinging on for dear life.

I had to admit, this I was not expecting to be a problem. Trying to think of a solution I stood. "Im gonna have to get in there with you aren't I?" I questioned more to myself then to her. She didn't reply of course, just stared at me with an unpleased pout on her face. Sighing, I pulled my pants to the ground, kicking them aside. Luckily I had already removed my shirt to avoid getting soaked by my little pet.

Stepping over the edge of the tub I sat myself and the girl down into the wide rectangle, the warm water coming up to our chests. The girl gasped as the water touched her body, seeming as if she was expecting it to be cold but relaxed as she realized that the feeling of the warmth was actually quite pleasant. "See. I told you, only a little water." I encouraged, tipping her chin up with a finger.

She still seemed a bit unsure, still refusing to release her hold on me, her warm body against my own shivering a bit at the new sensation, like she had never had a warm bath before. God I hoped that wasn't true. I had heard of the cruelty some pets endured, but I never much cared til now. She rested her head against my shoulder, burying her face in my neck with a whimper.

I began washing her as best I could in this position, earning a few annoyed grunts and ticklish giggles here and there from her. She wiggled in my lap as I ran my hands up her sides, the movement making it hard to stay focused on the task at hand. I grabbed her hips, my grip tight and stern, a warning to sit still.

She giggled once again, seemingly understanding why the movement had flustered me, but took my warning into mind and quickly stopped. "Good girl" I praised, happy that she was able to take direction so well. It then came time to wash her hair, i grabbed the cup from the side of the tub, filling it with water. I poured its contents onto the top of her head earning a very annoyed growl as she stood from my lap and tried to get out of the bath.

I grabbed her wrist, my grip on her tight enough to prevent her escape. I grabbed a handful of soap as fast as I could and rubbed it into her hair, her annoyed growls now having become agitated whimpers as she tried her hardest to push my hands away. I made sure to give her scalp a good scrub, wanting her to be as clean as possible. Again I filled the cup and tipped it over her head until all the soap was gone. She kept her eyes and mouth shut tight as to not get water in them.

"Look at that little pet, all clean!" I said with an encouraging smile. She wasn't pleased with me, a scowl on her face as she tipped her head to the side in an attempt to get the water out of her ears. I stood, pulling the drain to empty the tub and grabbed her towel, wrapping it snuggly around her body before I picked her up and set her outside of the bath.

I dried her and dressed her in the clothing I had requested be brought to my room for her, just a simple black dress that covered much more then her previous set of clothing. She continued to scowl at me, clearly unhappy with me for her unwanted head washing. "Come now little pet, don't be angry, put a smile on that pretty face we must attend dinner."

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