Chapter 21

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Kylos POV

"We have to go back there, we have to kill him." Vicrul growled, doing all he could to keep himself calm, and failing miserably I might add. I had never claimed to be a saint, nor did I promise to keep my pets secrets from my knights. What I had seen, they needed to know about it, and even if I hadn't been willing to share they would have figured it out at some point anyways. "I fully agree." Cardo nodded.

"Now now men, I know you are angry-" I was quickly cut off. "Angry? Angry doesn't even break the surface of what I am feeling." Vicrul continued, his fist meeting the dining hall table with a boom, his out burst earning grunts and nods of agreement from the others. "Do you not think I feel the same? I wish nothing more then to watch his head roll, but we must not be irrational." I scolded.

"I've sent troopers to collect the man, to bring him back here, but he is not ours to kill. The girl was the one who had to endure the abuse, not us, and she is to be the one to kill him if that is her wish." They glanced between each other, all seeming to be fine with the idea of the girl getting her revenge. "She told me she didn't wish for you all to know, so do not mention it to her, not a word. She is embarrassed, ashamed. She thought you would think less of her once you knew."

Ap'lek scoffed in annoyance, anger seething from him as he rubbed his hands over his face. "Think less of her? that's ridiculous. This doesn't change anything" he grumbled. "I am aware, brother, but the girl. You know she doesn't think the way we do. She feels dirty. What was done to her wasn't her fault, but she believes it to be."

Trudgen paced his way back and forth across the room, his silence doing nothing to hide the rage that burned through him like a curse. "I knew there was something off, something wrong, the way she behaved upon her arrival. She feared we would only do the same to her." He grumbled, clenching his jaw so tightly I feared for his teeth. "But she knows now that she is free here brother, that is all that matters."

The sound of the table shaking on impact filled the room once again. "Does she? Sure she acts happy but does she really believe herself to be free? Or does she think she just happened to get good owners who don't abuse her for the fun of it." Cardo hissed, his words seeming to make the knights question themselves, there actions, there motives.

It was clear he had grown exceptionally fond of the girl, that he wanted her to be happy here, to have everything she ever wanted. It made him sick thinking about her life before Starkiller Base. "She knows her place here, I have no doubts about that. We have clothed her, fed her, taught her, fought along side her. She holds just as much power as the rest of us." Ap'Lek interjected, looking to his fellow knights for nods of agreement.

"You are right. She does hold power, which is why I've decided we must knight her." I announced tapping my fingers against the cold surface in front of me. "Since she successfully completed her first mission I think it only right that we make it official, the first and only knightess of Ren. Free from her enslavement."

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