Chapter 13

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The girl spent the rest of the day showing her knights the things that Master Kylo had so graciously gifted her. She felt special, like she was on cloud 9. She had been hesitant when the men first brought her to the base. At the pet club her old master had told her that she was being sold as a slave, to be used in any way that her purchaser saw fit, whether she liked it or not. She hadn't understood what that mean at the time but now that she knew basic she was piecing it all together.

She had expected to be chained and used only for satisfaction, similar to how she spent her time at the pet club, being used and abused by men who payed her master handsomely for time with her. But here, here was much different then that. She had no chains, she was only touched when she wished to be, she was free to go wherever she pleased and do whatever she wanted, though she still preferred to follow Master Vicrul around wherever he went.

She had no obligations besides her lessons and training sessions. It confused her and no matter how nice her masters where to her she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, to upset one of them, for them to decide she didn't deserve such freedoms and lock her up once again.

"Come on, pet. The snow let up so where having training outside today." Master Ap'lek spoke, taking hold of the girls hand, pulling her along at his side as he made his way out of the common area and towards there destination. She scrunched her face in confusion. Outside, she hadn't ever been outside on the base before, Vicrul had warned her about going out there, something about frostbite and wild animals.

"I'm allowed outside?" The girl questioned, mostly to make sure she had explicit permission as to not upset her other masters. "You're allowed to go where ever you please. You're not a prisoner here, pet." The man chuckled, as if it was obvious, she only nodded in reply. Ap'lek lead her to a door she had never noticed before, a door that lead directly to the outside. The girls hands sweated in anticipation to see what was out there, was that white stuff, that snow as master Ap'lek called it, soft like she imagined?

She watched the door slide open, a small gust of wind making its way in as it did so. Without a second thought her master walked through, his boots crunching against the snow as he walked. Slowly, she followed, shaking with nervousness. It was cold, not to cold to bare but cold enough to to make the girl see her breath when she exhaled. She bent down, shoving her hand down against the snow, expecting something completely different then she received.

It was freezing, and not soft like she thought. It melted quickly in her hand leaving nothing but a small puddle in its wake. She felt a hard pat on her back as Ushar walked past her, coming out the same door she had to join them followed by the rest of the knights. She turned to Vicrul as he past, scooping up another handful of snow and presenting it to him. "What is this stuff?" She questioned him, know he would gladly answer any question she asked.

He chuckled at her naiveness, pointing up at the sky. "The water in the clouds freezes, and then it falls to the ground looking like this." He replied, explaining the science of the process as simply as he could to not confuse his sweet little pet. She nodded, tossing down the handful of ice. She suddenly felt something hit her side quite hard, the force of it making her jump. As she looked down she noticed it was snow that had been thrown.

"And you can do that with it." Cardo laughed, seeming oh so amused by his little prank. Vicrul bent and gathered some in his large hands, making a snowball for the girl to toss back at his fellow knight. "Like this pet, and then you throw it." He showed her. Giggling to herself she took it from his hand, hurdling it with all her strength back, the ball hitting Cardo directly in the chest before breaking apart and falling to the ground. He coughed a bit, she had managed to knock the air from his lungs. "Oh your dead." He warned, bending to collect more.

Before they knew it they were all throwing snowballs, the ice sticking to them and wetting there clothing, but they didn't seem to care much, just happy to see there pet so enthused. "Hhmm" the sound of Ren clearing his throat from the bases doorway startled the girl, making her immediately drop the ice in her hands, her clothing soaking wet at this point, her body racking with shivers as she suddenly realized how cold she was.

"I see you were all having quite the time." He spoke, gesturing towards the group. The girl quickly nodded, hurrying her way over to him. "Yes master, look, it's fun!" She giggled, making a small snowball and placing it in his hand. He couldn't help but chuckle, her excitement over something so small amusing him greatly. "I see. That's very nice, little one, but we have training to do, yes?" He questioned her, tilting his chin up as he awaited her answer.

"Yes, master Ren." She nodded obediently, doing her best to dust off as much of the snow as she could. The knights did the same, knowing ren wasn't much of a snowball throwing type of guy, much to serious to engage in such childish foolery. They gathered, standing around one another as they awaited Kylos command.

"Now, who wishes to begin?"

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