Chapter 7

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Vicruls POV

I waited patiently in the common room for my pet to return from her lesson, the sound of cardo taking apart yet another non functional weapon he planned to rebuild the only sound occupying the space. I kept myself busy bandaging up a new wound I acquired in training that day, courtesy of Kuruk who still seemed to be a bit upset over the whole companion situation. He would soon get over it, or at least I hoped.

The sound of loud footsteps followed by the patter of much smaller bare feet running to keep up grew louder and closer until the girl and Ap'lek came into view. "I've been called to a meeting with Ren. Goodbye, pet." He spoke as he pried her hand from his, pushed her in my direction, giving her one last gentle pat on the head before he stalked off towards the throne room without another word.

The girls eyes fell upon my injury, sympathy and sorrow taking over her features as she rushed to me, kneeling at my feet. Her hands setting themselves gently on my thighs as she looked up at me concerned. I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm fine, pet. It's only a flesh wound. It will heal." I assured her, taking hold of her face as I admired her sweet features. She didn't seem to believe me, pushing my hands away before taking hold of my arm and examining the dressing with furrowed eyebrows.

The night prior hadn't been an eventful one. The poor thing had fallen asleep before I had even finished disrobing, her body curled into a ball on the couch as soft noises escaped her. I had thought about moving her to my bed but decided against it, thinking it best to let her sleep where she pleased.

I had quickly taken notice that she had somehow managed to steal a fork from the dining hall, the silver object clutched in her hand as she happily snuggled herself deeper into the sofa. My little thief. I grabbed a blanket from my bed, draping it carefully over her sleeping form before retreating to my bedroom.

I was brought back to reality by the feeling of the girls warm lips meeting my shoulder, leaving a trail of soft kisses around the damaged area. With each touch she was careful to not push to hard, not that I would have complained even if she had. All this over a tiny cut. Stars, I couldn't even imagine what she was going to be like when she saw us coming back from a mission.

"Happy?" She asked, tilting her head as she awaited my answer. I chuckled, nodded down at her. "Yes, pet. Thank you." She smiled seeming content with her work before she pushed herself off the ground. Her gaze moved to Cardo, the sound of his tools clanking loudly against one another catching her attention. He seemed to be agitated, huffing in annoyance as he tossed away a spare piece, the object meeting the floor with a loud thud.

I watched as she made her way over to him, picking up the piece of metal along her way. She took a moment to examine it before she spoke. "Help." Without hesitation she moved herself to Cardos lap, the man immediately tensing as she perched herself on his thigh. It was clear that he didn't know how to react to her, staying stark still as she leaned herself over his work.

She pulled at the wires he had been tinkering with, the action causing him to grimace, surly thinking that she had completely ruined his project and he would need to start from scratch. Her tongue poked out the side of her mouth in concentrated as she worked. She twisted cables together, moved pieces from one side of the device to the other, and screwed the metal piece that had once occupied the ground back into the weapon.

Suddenly the sound of the machine activating echoed through the room, the hum of energy seeming to satisfy the girl, a smile spreading over her features as she turned to face the knight. Cardo sat with a look of shock on his face as he realized she really had fixed it, all by herself without any help from him. "How'd you do that, pet?" He interrogated, picking up the object and inspecting it for any discrepancies.

"Welcome." She nodded, her broken basic making me laugh. She climbed under his arm to remove herself from his lap, giving him one last smirk, as if she was mocking him for thinking she was incapable of such a task. She scampered back to me, looking quite proud of herself, smiling as I took her into my arms.

"Smart girl, where'd you learn such a thing?" I praised, a blush coming to her cheeks at my words as she nuzzled herself into my neck to avoid my gaze. The sound of Kylo, and the rest of the knights making there way into the room caught my attention, a fleet of stormtroopers following loudly behind them in formation.

"We've gotten word of a resistance base on the planet Prine." Kylo spoke, vocoder distorting his every word. "Prepare yourselves and the girl. We will departing within the hour." Ren finished turning to lead the troops to the bridge. He stopped in his tracks looking back at us over his shoulder, his masked face giving the girl a once over. "Find her something else to wear. And put some shoes on her for stars sake."

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