Chapter 27

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A celebration was in order. The entirety of the first order was in attendance, all for her. Pet sighed nervously, rubbing her hands against her sides as she did her best to rid them of the nervous sweat that was gathering against her palms. She had never been celebrated before, never been made to feel so important, and now that it was happening she didn't know how to feel.

"You look stunning" Ap'lek praised, his eyes wandering over every inch of her body, admiring how her dress fit her just right, hugging her every womanly curve. Pet blushed sheepishly, her cheeks heating up at the sound of the man's compliment. "We mustn't keep the people waiting. Are you ready little one?" He questioned her, his gloved hands making there way to the top of her head, gently petting her freshly groomed hair. She nodded against his touch, closing her eyes as she tried her best to prepare herself for what was to come. "Let us go then."

With that he stepped to the side, allowing her to stand in front of the doors that led to her party. The sound of the metal sliding it's way open barley audible to her over the sound of her anxious heartbeat. She took a deep breath, holding her head high as she made her way through the threshold. Immediately the room erupted with cheers.

She took in the sound of fists banging happily against tables, glassing clinking together merrily, whistles of excited onlookers. Kylo had arranged quite the gathering, sparing nothing to make the event absolutely perfect for his little warrior. He stood at the head of the biggest table, the knights along side him all clapping as they beckoned her to join them. "Ladies and gentlemen. The knightess of ren has arrived" Kylo spoke proudly, giving the girl a small bow as she made it to his side.

Pet couldn't contain her smile, her cheeks heating up as she shyly allowed her master to take her hand in his own. "You have done well, my pet." He nodded, leaning down to give her a quick peck on the cheek before turning back to the rest of the guests. "Now, we feast!" He exclaimed, earning another round of applause and noise to echo through the space.

Kylo guided her to sit in the empty chair to his right, nodding allowing everyone else at the table to noisily take there seats as well. "That was quite the victory you won, pet. A warrior you are indeed." Cardo chimed across the table from the girl, a smirk of pride tugging at his lips as he spoke. "Thank you, Master." She smiled shyly, biting into her lip as she looked up at him, his eyes meeting her own in an adoring glance.

"She is more then a warrior. She is a champion." Kuruk cheered, raising his glass before he chugged what was left inside of it. This made her laugh, she didn't think of herself much as a champion. A revengeful justice seeker seemed more accurate to the situation at hand, but she kept quiet, not wanting to correct her masters seeing how happy they were. Cardos brows knit together in concern as he looked down at the girls hands as she went to reach for her cutlery.

"Your injured. Would you like me to bandage that for you, pet?" He questioned as he noticed the significant damage to the girls knuckles. She looked down, the skin was broken and bruised, blood staining a good portion of the back of her hands, purple and red markings littered her like camouflage. She quickly shook her head, declining his offer. "I don't wish them to be covered up. They are my trophy's. A reminder of my victory."

This statement brought a surprised smile to Vicruls face, his twisted little destroyer had finally settled in her ways. "Are you quite sure? We will not think any less of you if you are in pain, little one." Kylo assured her , his voice making it clear that he wanted to honest truth. She quickly nodded, she was very sure.

She thought back to all the nights that Alexi would leave her bloody and beaten, chained up in the darkness. She needed the scars to remind herself that what she had done was right, that he would never again lay his filthy tainted hands on another person. Though they hurt then, they would not hurt forever. "I'm perfectly ok, Master. I only wish to enjoy your party." She smiled up at him. His gloved hand reached out and tipped her chin up ever so slightly. "This party is yours, my pretty. Anything you'd like just ask and you'll have it."

She nuzzled into his touch, his words making her heart flutter in a way she wasn't used to. "I wish nothing more then the presence of my knights and the food you have provided, Master. I thank you greatly for your generosity." A satisfied grin made its way to her masters face, he was impressed by her basic, she was quite good at it now, maybe even better then some of her knights. "You deserve it all and more my pet."

As the night went on everyone slowly became more comfortable, the spirits overtaking the minds of most everyone in the room. Music played through the night, people dancing sloppily as giggles of excitement and joy made there way to pets ears. She sat perched comfortably on Vicruls lap, nuzzling herself against the man contently as he quietly praised her for her victory. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer as his lips met the shell of her ear making her shiver. "My brave girl." He cooed, his nose brushing against her temple.

Truth be told the spirits had gotten to her as well, she had never consumed such substances before and she hated to turn down a drink from any of her masters so she accepted them all. The room was a bit wonky as she looked around but she didn't much mind, almost enjoying the feeling of being able to let her guard down, knowing in Vicruls arms no harm would come to her.

She readjusted herself so that she was facing the man, giggling girlishly as she leaned in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around her masters shoulders, pulling herself as close as she could get to him, there chests pressed together as her mouth moved sloppily against his own. To her the kiss felt electrifying, a warm familiar feeling gathering in her stomach as she moved herself against him, her fingers gripping the fabric of his clothing eagerly.

"Seems to me you've overdone yourself with the alcohol, pet." The man chuckled as she moved to kiss his jaw, making her way down his throat. She didn't reply, simply smirking to herself as she felt his pants tighten beneath her, a clear sign that not only was she getting what she wanted but that he liked it. "Seems to me you don't much mind." She whispered, leaning in close so that only he could hear her. God, the things she did to him.

His hand made its way to her face, his fingers pressing into the skin of her cheeks making her lips pucker from the pressure. "Your quite a naughty little thing, aren't you?" He questioned, his other hand squeezing her hip as he felt her begin to move against him. She only nodded in reply, no use in denying his claims. The knights eyes darkened, lust overtaking every inch of his being. It was simply impossible for him to refuse her, not that he had any desire to anyways.

The girl let out a gasp as he stood, effortlessly picking her up along with him. "We have one more gift for you today, my pet. I'm sure you'll like this one most of all." He spoke, already making his way to the door of the large room. He gave a knowing looking to each of the knights as he went, the men each stoping what they were doing to get up and follow behind them. Pets brows knit together in confusion, unaware of what her masters were planning.

"Just relax, pet. Your such a good girl always taking care of our needs. It's time we take care of yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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