Chapter 12

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Kylos POV

I had instructed Trudgen to bring the girl to the throne room to be fitted for her new mission attire. If she was to be fighting alongside her knights and my soldiers she needed to look the part. I watched seated on my throne as she entered, pulling her hand from Trudgen's grasp and running her way up the steps to me, setting herself happily in my lap. "Good morning, Master Ren" she greeted. "Good morning, little one." I chuckled at her enthusiasm, planting a kiss on her head.

It was clear Vicrul had gotten his hands on her, the dark purple marks that adorned her neck making that quite clear. "I've a gift for you, pet." I spoke, pointing my first finger toward the manikin that now wore her new clothing. The fabric of the garments dark, black to match her masters. I decided against a helmet, knowing full well the girl wouldn't have liked it one bit, instead opting for an apparatus that sat solely around her mouth and nose. The devices use to filter toxins, smoke, and airborne debris, all things we encountered on missions quite often.

She gasped excitedly, turned back to me to plant a hard kiss on my left cheek. "Thank you, Master Ren." She beamed, scrambling away from me to examine her items. She ran her fingers over the cloth, taking in the texture, her eyes bright with wonder as she noticed the mask. "Don't be shy pet. Try them on. We must make sure they fit before our next expedition."

She quickly nodded, stripping herself naked without hesitation, pulling the garbs in place of her body. They fit like a glove, I would hope so, they were special made just for her. Trudgen made his way over to her, showing her how to place the mask on her face, the girl seeming unsure of the device as it was set in place. She took a deep breath, making sure she was still able to breath with the contraption on, giggling at the new feeling. "It's perfect, Master look!" She spoke, seeming almost startled by the sound of her own voice coming through her vocoder.

"I sound like you master!" She squealed happily, pulling at Trudgen to make him look. Her excitement looked strange in that outfit, a killer, a warrior, hopping up and down with joy, how adorable. "I'm glad you like it, pet. But that isn't all, I've one more present." I spoke, standing from my throne and making my way over to a box, I pushed the latch to release the lid, pulling it opened to reveal two good sized matching blades. The girl scurried her way over, ducking herself beneath my arm to get a look at what it was I was staring at.

"Wow." Was all that came from her as she ran her fingers over the metal of the weapons. Picking one up with caution she examined every inch of it. Glancing back at me she became suddenly sheepish she set her weaponry back in its box before engulfing me in a tight hug, her arms unable to fully make there way around my torso as she squeezed. She let out a sigh, nuzzling her face to my sternum.

"Thank you, Master. I've never had a gift before." She said, her voice barley above a whisper. I couldn't help but smile, such simple things brought her so much contentment. Clearing my throat I watched as she stepped back, her grin covered by her mask but still apparent from the scrunch of her eyes. "Yes, well, im a busy man pet, I have things to attend to, I hope you enjoy everything but I must be going." And with that I gave her one last pat, the girl leaning into my touch as I did so, before I made my way out of the throne room without another word.

(I know this chapter sucks lol it's a filler chapter so don't judge it I'm sorry 😭)

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