Chapter 3

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Laya's POV

Today is the day that i'll be moving in with the boys and the day that my mom will be gone for a year. Aigoo I'm going to miss her so much.

"Sis you ready? The car is already here." Chanyeol peeked into my room. I smiled weakly and nodded "yeah let's go"

As i walked down i saw my mother with her suitcase. "Umma I'll be going now ok. Take care of yourself. I'm going to miss you umma saranghae" i whispered whilst hugging her, tears were threatening to spill "Laya we have to go. Umma take care ok see you soon saranghae" "arraseo... laya take care of your oppa ok you know how he is right?" I laughed while chanyeol pouted "Naee umma" i said

We rode the car with my suitcase in the trunk. I must've fallen asleep cause chanyeol kept shaking me awake. "Yah pabo irreona we're here already"

When iwoke up i saw cameras flashing, girls screaming and reporters everywhere. "Yo-yoda wha-whats happening?" I asked " I'm a idol remember? Don't worry i'll protect you ok? Trust me. Wait you know what forget that. Remember how we would always prank the neighbours? What did we do after we got caught?" Chanyeol smirked.

"We would run away screaming like idiots?" He patted my head, nodding "we do exactly that except the screaming idiots part ok? And the last person to reach the building will have to dress up with clothes the winner picks. Deal?" I smirked. "Deal yoda oppa!"

"Ready? 3 ... 2 ..... 1!" I opened the car door screaming like an idiot. I ran as fast as i could dammit why was the building so near yet so far. From the corner of my eye, i saw him running. Curse his long legs. I closed my eyes and ran faster then suddenly. 'BANG!" Huh ow my fore head

"LAYA GWENCHANA?! HAHAHAHAH" Chanyeol burst into laughter. Seconds later after i realised i have bang into the door i started laughing so basically picture this:

An idol and his sister laughing infront of his dorm buliding like constipated hyenas. With fans, paparazzi, reporters staring at them but they just kept on laughing

After about 5 minutes he helped me up and leaded the way. In the lift, he pressed '4' and we waited 'ting' chanyeol walked infront and stopped at a door. There was alot of interesting noises behind that door. 'D.O UMMA IM HUNGRY!' 'APPA HELP BAEK IS CHASING ME' 'YAH WHO ATE THE LAST FRIED CHICKEN? '

I looked at chanyeol with curiousity and he just smiled unsurely. He unlocked the door and opened it. We walked in and met with a messy dorm with clothes all over the place and boys running around, sleeping , eating and ... crying?

I immediately walked to the boy who was crying "gwenchanayo? Why are you crying?" I patted his head. "Th-they scared me while i- i was sle-sleeping" he stuttered. "Aigoo its ok you're big boy right? Whats your name?" "Na-nae my na- name is Tao" i nodded and walked back to chanyeol and whispered in his ear "Is this all your dormmates?" I motioned to the boys staring at me. More like giving me lovey dovey stares.

"yah hajima! Stop staring at her like that!" Chanyeol shouted. Damn go yoda!

"Mianhe mianhe gundae who are you?" One of them asked me. "Annyeonghaseyo! Park laya imnida! Sister of this giant fairy" i rolled my eyes playfully

"Aigooo i love her already!" "Omo channie's sister? She is so pretty!"

"Alright then! We'll introduce ourselves properly now. Ok guys hana dul set! Annyeonghaseyo EXO imnida!" The greeted then went to individual introductions.





"Hi! I'm the sexy maknae Oh Sehun imnida! Noona you're really pretty!" I blushed "thank you" i gave him the signature toothy park smile.

"I'm Tao and thanks for comforting me just now" he blushed

"hi I'm byun baekhyun! I'm channie's best friend!" baekhyun squealed? I'll call him baek from now on.

"Annyeonghaseyo Do Kyungsoo imnida but you can call me D.O." he blushed and looked down. I smiled at him. I like him.

"Hi! I'm lay!" he waved. I smiled and waved back.
Finally a normal one

"Annyeonghaseyo chen imnida im in charge of vocals!" He greeted. "Yeah right! I am!" Baek interupted. "Yah shut up!" I laughed

"Annyeonghaseyo! Xiumin imnida! Im the oldest, i know its hard to believe" i gaped. 'Oldest? omo he looks so young'

"Hey i'm kai. You're beautiful" he winked and i just gave him a poker face and nodded.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Im suho leader of exo!" I smiled at him.

"Hey the name is kris" sheesh what crawled up his ass and died. Aigoo so cold.

"Annyeong Luhan imnida!" Aww what a cutie

Then something clicked. I faced chanyeol and smirked evilly. Chanyeol immediately paled even the other boys look scared. "Oh channieee did you forget something? I won the deal. Get ready for your outfit tomorrow" i faced Suho oppa "so where will i be sleeping?"

"Oh right! Since we have a spare extra room, you'll be sleeping there! D.O show her to the room please?" D.O nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Ani! HYUNG THATS UNFAIR I WANT TO SHOW HER TO HER ROOM!" Sehun whined "yah shut up maknae" D.O replied

He leaded me to a room "ok here we go! this is going to be your room! Right next to chan's and baek's room!" He said "You're really pretty Laya" he blushed furiously. "Thank you D.O oppa. You're handsome too" i smiled and patted his head and went inside my room.

I laid on my bed thinking 'well i'm here let's hope everything will be ok. Please' with that i dozed off





Updated yay! hope you like it! Who would you like to see laya with? Comment! and also the picture above is Park Laya!

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