Chapter 21

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Heyheyheyheyheyhey!! Ok first let me just say. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 11K !!!!! THIS IS SUCH AN ACHIEVEMENT For ME!! THANK YOU ALL FOR GIVING THIS LAME BOOK A CHANCE!! second, I'm currently also writing a new book 'Remember Me?' Where our dearest little sehun became a little devil's spawn. Love you ahaks!! Give that lame book a chance too!! Now on to this lame book

Laya's POV

After our little date, mark has set up. I soon found out that he invited some people. And by some people, I meant his parents. Yes mama and papa tuan. I almost peed when he said "come out mom and dad" at first I thought he was joking but then I was wronged when indeed his parents came out of nowhere.

My eyes widened, and bowed 90º "Annyeonghaseyo mr and mrs Tuan" I greeted. I was expecting a stare down but I was hugged by his mother , I recovered from my frozen state and returned the hug. She let go and gave me a warm smile, I look at his dad and immediately felt intimidated "yah stop scaring her honey!" Mrs tuan scolded that made mr tuan pout "I was just trying to play her darling! And that hurt!" He rubbed his arm

I smile and greeted him again. He gave me a short hug and a smile, suddenly I remembered something. I turned to Mark and smacked his arm "Yah wae? That hurt princess!" He pouted

"You made your parents wait in the cold until you gave them the signal! What were you thinking? I mean you could've made them wait I don't know somewhere warmer!" I scolded him playfully, mark pouted feeling guilty. Feeling bad, I gave him a hug

"Oppa mianhae, but you're still wrong tho" he returned the hug

"Omo! I love her already" his parents simultaneously said. Mark and I let go and stared at his parents. All four of us shared a laugh after a minute of awkward silence passed, that night I went to Mark's parents house in korea. I can say that I was still awkward and scared but soon felt relieved when his mother said "honey relaxs and just have fun with us ok? We won't bite you. And please call us mama and papa from now on alright?" I smile and nodded.

The evening with his parents were nice, we talked and had fun together. It made miss my mom, Mark noticed that I was silent and excused us. He took me to the kitchen, he put hands on my shoulder so that I would face him, I stared at the floor. I felt him place his finger on my chin, tilting it upwards so that I would face him. "What's wrong princess? Please tell me" he asked me, looking at me in the eye.

I started sobbing "talking to your parents and such, it made me miss my mother.. I miss her so much mark" I started crying in his chest

He wrapped his arms around me and ran his fingers through my hair. Somehow it made me feel better, "it's ok.. shh it's ok princess.. you'll see her soon" he whispered. Then I felt someone else hug me,

I let go of mark to see, mama tuan hugging me. Her actions only made me cry harder in her arms, "I know that you miss your mother, mark told me about her, she'll come back home soon honey, and in the meantime I'll be your mom ok? You can tell me anything. I'll treat you as my own daughter." She said, I nodded




Mark took me home since I begged him to because I looked awful with my puffy red eyes "but you still look beautiful to me tho" he said,smiling as he held my hand. I blushed, and leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked on that cold winter night.

We reached my apartment and bid our goodbyes "hey, I love you" I blush and smiled "I love you too Mark" and kissed him softly.

I walk in to see Chanyeol sprawled on the couch, I neared him and woke him up "oppa? Oppa irreona, chanyeollie" his eyes fluttered open and smile at my face "hey sis, can I crash here? The apartment is quieter than the dorm" I smile and nodded "ofcourse, you didn't even have to ask. You're my brother pabo-yah" he grinned and continued sleeping.

I roll my eyes and switched off the TV, I walked to my room and wash up. After doing so, I laid on my bed thinking of mark, immediately face broke into a smile. Suddenly my phone rang,


"Princess?" I hummed "I'm already missing you" I laughed at him "I miss you too oppa, sorry I went home earlier than expected,I intended to stay longer but my face looked really awful. And I am so sorry I broke down crying" I sighed

"Yah why are you apologizing? It's ok love, you still incredibly beautiful to me. Even with mucus running down your nose. And my parents understand" I blush but then scolded him

"Yah! I had mucus all over me and you didn't tell me! Oh my gosh I probably look so disgusting" I face palmed. He chuckled "you did look really disgusting but you were still beautiful" he said, laughing emphasizing on 'really'

"Oppa you're so mean! I'm not talking to you." I kept silent, I heard him panic "princess? Princess? I'm so sorry! Love please answer me! Baby! I'm sorry! You can scold as much as you want when we meet again. Laya! Babe!" He said

I still kept silent and so did he. Then suddenly he began singing Justin Bieber's Sorry, he sang a slower version. After he sang he whispered "baby please don't be mad anymore, I love you"

"I love you too oppa" I smile, in the background I heard him sigh in relief "I'm sorry I was mean princess" I chuckled "it's ok mark I was joking with you babe" he sighed

"Then as a punishment, you can attack me with kisses when we meet! Love you!" He quickly hung up before I could reply

I quickly send him a text 'THATS NOT A PUNISHMENT PABO-YAH! LOVE YOU TOO!''

I love him so much♥


Awww mark don't you doofus. I hate you. Jk boo. Hope you enjoyed it!! and please check out my other book!! Pleaseeee :'(

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