Chapter 10

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(Oh my gosh!! The book just hit 500 guys! I really did not expect this, i thought i'd only get like 70-80+ reads. But still thank you so much for giving this book a chance :D)

Laya's POV

I was woken up by Sehun, i looked at him confused "noona it's 6:15am don't you have to get ready for work?" My eyes widened

"OMO! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!THANKS SEHUNNIE!" I shrieked and ran to my room.

I took a quick 10min shower, once i was done i grabbed my phone to text my boss that i'll be 15 mins late. Quickly i wore my uniform and packed my bag. About 10 mins later, my boss replied "It's Fine!! Take care don't rush ok!" I smiled at his reply.

When i was done getting ready, i walked out to see sehun standing in the hallway with his eyes closed. "Sehun-ah?" His eyes snapped open and he quickly stood up.

"Noona? You're finished? That was quick" i grinned cheekily and walked to the front door with him

When i was about to leave, Sehun quickly spoke up "wait! Here have this" he passed me an apple. "Eat"

I smiled and kissed his forehead. Once i stepped out of the elevator, the cold winter breeze slapped me in he face luckily, i wore something warm.

I reached the cafe about 10 minutes after, everybody greeted me and smiled which i returned. In the midst of lunch time hour, i saw  familliar face walk in the cafe. I smiled

"Taehyung-ah!!" I yelled. His head snapped up as soon as he heard my voice. "YAH PARK LAYA!" He ran to me and hugged me tighty.

"Pabo what are you doing here?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "i work here tae-ah" he "ohh-ed" and nodded.

Then he took my arm and dragged towards a group of boys he came in with. "Laya this is Jimin, jungkook and Jin. Guys this is Laya" i smiled and bowed.

"Well hello there, Park Jimin-imnida" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Yah stop flirting."

I laughed as the rest of the voys introduced themselves.




"WAIT HAHAH PLEASE TELL ME HAHAH YOU'RE JOKING HAHAH" i laughed so hard till i can't even breathe. The boys stayed back until closing time and we're now sitting in the cafe drinking hot chocolate, laughing our butts off.

Kookie showed me a video of their leader, Namjoon dancing. I keep laughing at his face oh my gosh, taehyung told me they're actually in a group from Bighit called 'Bangtan Sonyeondan'or 'Bangtan boys'. There were 7 of them. The other three couldn't make it because jimin said and i quote

'They're too lazy to wake the f*ck up.'

I checked the time, '11:34pm' my ryes widened. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT, I HAVE TO GO" we quickly rushed out after locking up the cafe and the boys gave me a ride back to the dorm.

After about 10mins we reached the building. Taehyung got out to send me off, i quickly thanked and hugged him.

When i reached the dorm, i took out the keys that i took from Kris and insert it in.

I almost screamed when i entered. All the boys staring at me, some expressions were worried, angry, dissapointed, relieved.

"WHERE WERE YOU PARK LAYA?! DO YOU KNOW IT'S ALREADY 12AM?!" Chanyeol yelled. I looked down and nodded, i didn't dare to look at his face cause i knew he was fuming red with anger.

"Chanyeol relax i'm sure she has an explanation. Look at her, she's shaking for god's sake!" Kris tried to calm him down.

"YOU SHUT UP. SHE ISN'T YOUR SISTER, DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. " Kris immediately shut up then his expression hardened.

"Im telling you to calm down. For goodness sake you're waking up the neighbours! Let's listen to her first" kris said calmly. Then he turned to me

"Why were you late laya?" I looked at chanyeol, his face was as red as a fire truck. "I stayed in the cafe after closing time, my old friend taehyung came by and we decided to catch up. I didn't realise it was very late, I'm sorry" i bowed and started tearing up.

Once i finished explaining, i heard a door being slammed shut. I flinched at the loudness. Immediately i started crying when i realised chanyeol wasn't standing in front of me.

Sehun hugged me and started whispering in my ear "don't cry anymore noona. He's just like that, give him time to cool down" he rubbed my back. When he let go all the boys took this opportunity to give me a hug.

Lay was the last one to come up. He hugged me tightly "You don't know how worried i was. Don't do it again ok? Stop crying, Chanyeol will be fine. Shh don't cry" he rubbed my back comfortingly as i cried even harder in his chest.

Then i heard kris say "lay bring her up to her room"

i felt him nod and carry me up to my room. He laid me down and continued comforting me until i fell asleep. Last thing i heard from him was "Goodnight beautiful" then i felt him peck my forehead.





"Laya? Noona wake up.." A voice spoke, "that was pathetic sehun" "like you can do better hyung"

"LAYA WAKE UP!" My body sprang up, "see?" Baek smirked

"Why did you wake me up so early?" i asked with my eyes still closed. "Laya it's 1pm" my eyes widened

"WHAT?! I'M LATE FOR WORK!!" i shoutedld, i jumped out of bed and quickly ran around around the room looking for a towel.

"Laya" a towel! "Layaa" i ran to the bathroom, "PARK LAYA" I froze and fell down, i face baek "WHAT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M LATE?!"

"Your boss called, you have the day off today" he said.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled 

"I tried to but you were running around like a headless chicken" baek retorted.

I rolled my eyes and sat down massaging my head "noona are you ok?" Sehun asked looking concerned, i smiled and nodded

Baek sighed and walked out of my room, "lets go to the kitchen im hungryy" sehun whined, i laughed

Sehun stood up and i followed but before i could one step forward, i fell down holding my head, wincing.

"Noona! You stay here i'll go get someone to help you" Sehun rushed out after placing me on my bed.

After a few minutes, Sehun came back with Lay and Chanyeol. When they walk in, i was curled up on my bed.

Chanyeol rushed to my side and held my hand "Take deep breaths slowly. You'll be fine trust me"i nodded and followed his instructions.

Lay sat on my bed and placed his palm on my forehead "chanyeol she's burning up. Here laya eat this and take this pill after" he instructed.

I took a few bites of the apple and swallowed down the pill with some water. By this time, sehun has already called out all the boys to my room

Lay told the guys to give me some space, he shooed them out leaving me and chanyeol alone.

"I'm sorry about yesterday laya. I didn't mean to shout at you like that, i was just really worried" he sighed closing his eyes

I looked at him and chuckled, flicking his ear "it's fine i understand, did you apologized to kris?" He nodded

"Good now get out i want to sleep" he laughed and kissed my forehead before he left.




HUEHUE hellu! Updated yayyy! See you soon loves:)

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