Chapter 16

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Hey there:) lets do this

Laya's POV

(Skip a few days since I don't have any idea what to write)

I woke up to a burning smell, my eyes widened 'the kitchen!' I got up and sprinted to the kitchen. "YAH WHAT HAPPENED?!" I squealed and hurriedly grab a pail and filled it with water, I quickly splashed it on the stove. I sighed in relief and no one got hurt, I turn around and glared at park chanyeol.

"What were you doing?" I questioned him. He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided my gaze "yah park chanyeol!" "MIANHE! MIANHE! i was just trying to make breakfast for everyone" he looked down, guilty.

I sigh " aigoo what do I do with you oppa!" I grabbed his burned hand and dragged him to the sink to wash off the burn "pabo jinjja pabo park chanyeol"

I quickly wrapped his hand with bandage and look at him " lets go. I'll help you" I grin. We walked to the kitchen and made some pancakes and bacon "now wake up all the boys while I go shower. Oh and save me one or two ok?" He nodded giving me a tooth grin

I shook my head smiling 'I'm starting to think I'm the older one here' as I walk to my room



I went back down downstairs after washing up and ate my two pancakes and my half eaten bacon. After eating, I join the others in the living room "oppa can you come with me to look for apartments?" I asked chanyeol "yeah sure!"

"Ooo can I come noona! Please? I'll be good!" Sehun whined, "yah you have to get your hair dyed today" suho said. I look at him sadly "sorry kiddo", sehun pouted

"Oppa! Can mark come with us? Pleaseeeeeeee" I beg chanyeol, he roll his eyes "fine" I immediately smiled at hugged his arm "THANK YOUUU"


Me and chanyeol walked over to the cafe where mark is, I grin almost immediately when I saw his smile, from the corner of my eye, I can see chanyeol looking at me. I ran to him and gave him a tight hug "I miss you so much oppa" I whisper "not as much as I miss you princess you have no idea" he whisper squeezing me tightly. We stayed like that until chanyeol cleared his throat

We let go and mark greeted him "annyeonghaseyo" he bowed 90 degrees, I giggle. "Yah let's talk comfortably alright?" Chanyeol said, grinning. Mark nodded at him "naee"

I stood In the middle of them and hook my arm with theirs "ok now that my two favourite people are comfortable with each other, let's look for apartments! Let's go!"

As we look for apartments, we shared a few laughs together and chanyeol is really starting to warm up to mark, I mean seriously they're like two long lost best friends. We were currently walking to the last apartment near both the dorm and the 'JYP' building.

We met the landlord who was an old lady with 2 children both married and happy. "annyeonghaseyo" we greeted her and she gave us a motherly smile that warmed my heart. I have a good feeling about this one, we walked up the steps as she told us about the apartment. We reach the third floor and she took the key. When she opened the door, I was completely mesmerized by the interior of the apartment. It was perfect.

"Ahjumma jinjja daebak!"chanyeol said and nodded towards me, I look to mark "as long as you're happy then I am alright? Besides I get to visit you everyday" he grinned showing me pearlie whites.




So In the end, I bought the house. Thanks to half of my savings and chanyeol's, I already tried to stop him but he was to sneaky for me he actually dragged the landlord away from me and gave her his part of the amount "I like your brother"mark confessed, I roll my eyes

I paid the landlord the rest of amount and she said that I can start moving in the day after tomorrow. She insisted on helping to clean the whole apartment but I immediately stopped her and said that there was no need for her to do that.

I hugged the landlord and walked back to the 2 boys talking to each other. "Ok its all settled! But I need to start packing tomorrow morning" chanyeol nodded but then pouted "but me and the boys are not free tomorrow! We have to shoot a cf"

"No worries I'll help, besides there's like 6 other people that I can make to help" mark said, "alright, we can help later on so mark and his friends can rest.. how's that?" Chanyeol decided. I gave them a thumbs up

We decided to get some chicken for the boys at home and mark got some pizza for his members. " so guys can I ask you a question? "They look at me

"Who came first? The chicken or the egg" they rolled their eyes "I'm not going answer that" " not this again please" they simultaneously said

I laughed and walked in between them, hugging their arms on that cold snowy night



Mark walked with us to the dorm "yah mark you didn't have to walk with us all the way here you know" he laughed "aniya its ok besides my manger is picking me up" he replied chanyeol

"Oppa can you go up first?" Chanyeol nodded "see you tomorrow mark" he gave him the little handshake they made up when I was talking to the landlord

He went inside as me and mark sat down on the curb waiting for his manager "I had fun today.. how about you?" He asked

"Yeah it was really fun, you and my brother seem to be getting off really well. With that little hand shake" he gave out a laugh that Immediately warmed my heart and cause me to smile

"I missed you so much you know?" I told him "its been like 2 weeks since I last saw you."

" I know, I'm sorry I was so busy with my comeback. We didn't even get much sleep" "aww come here" I hugged him "take care of yourself ok? And the boys too!"

"Alright alright! So how is my princess doing?" He asked while holding my cold hands, I smile " well your princess has been thinking of her prince all week long" I blush at my own words since when was I this cheesy, I swear this boy is doing things to me

"Aww dammit you're so cute" he smile pinching my cheeks

Suddenly a car honked at us "well that's my ride" before I could even reply, he gave me a big warm hug "see you tomorrow princess. Although it will only be 17 hours away I will still miss you" I blush again "goodnight love" I pecked his cheek squeezing him tightly before letting go

He motioned to go inside, then getting into the car quickly

Before I could even take a step towards the building I heard him call me, I turn around to see the window of the car rolled down as the car is driving off slowly. Mark's head was poking out of the window "DREAM ABOUT ME OK!" I laughed and made a heart sign with my arms and smiled at him









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