Chapter 19

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(A/n mark proposes to laya in this chapter lol jk. Or am i? Lets start)

Laya's POV

That night got7 decided to sleep over to accompany me on first day living alone which I am truly grateful for. They even brought sleeping bags and thier pillows and even stuffed toys, after a while I walked EXO out. They stood in a semi circle as I stood in front of them. "so I guess laya won't be waking us up with pots and pans anymore? Haha" chen spoke to lighten up the mood but that only earned him a smack on the head by kris "yah that hurt" he said

I laughed "aniyo I'll visit you guys ok! And you guys can visit me! Its not too far from your dorm!" I said cheering them up, they nodded still looking glum. I sighed "come here give me a hug" I open my arms to be attacked by hugs from all 11 boys. I laughed tears forming my eyes

Then I gave them individual hugs. "Take care of yixing ok? If he can't go on don't make him. Don't force him when he's injured. Same with the other members" I whispered to Suho. He nodded "ne.."

I walked to Sehun to see him looking at the ground "yah maknae" I gave him hug "we'll still play games together Ok? Just not too often alright? I will visit you guys ok don't worry" I squeezed him tightly before going to the last person

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and gave chanyeol a giant bear hug "pabo don't try and burn the kitchen, take care of yourself. I'm going to miss your loud voice" I laughed

After giving them all hugs, they piled in the car and drove away. I waved at their car when I saw the all windows on the 2 cars bwing rolled down, I stared, confused "ANNYEONG LAYA!" I burst out laughing and shouted "ANNYEONG BOYS!"

I walked back to my new apartment, I walk in to be hugged by Mark "what took you so long? I missed you" I laughed and hugged him "pabo-yah it's only been 20 minutes" he pouted,giving me the puppy eyes. I pecked his nose amd laughed

"Um hello? thank you so much for grossing us out and btw we're still here" jackson sassed, making me laugh and letting go mark

"You guys don't have a schedule tomorrow?" I asked, their eyes simultaneously widened "um we don't but mark has! He has this uh photoshoot to go to yea" jackson stuttered

"Oh can we come and see?! Jebal!!" I pleaded looking at mark

His eyes widened and signalled them to help, I narrowed my eyes at him " yah what are you planning?" He shook his head "aniyo! Hahaha I have a photoshoot and it's suppose to be released next year so no one can see sorry princess" I pouted and nodded

The 8 of us sat down talking and laughing until it was nearly 12 "yah go rest you had a long day" they nodded like little children and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and sat down on my bed, I opened my group chat with the boys amd laugh at their texts


"Yah byun baekhyun i'm starting to think that you have STM." - Kris. Definitely a cold guy.


"Oh really sehun and we don't?" - Kyungsoo

"Everyone I miss all of you too!! I'm going to bed now, goodnight boys! Goodluck with your performance tomorrow!" -me

With that I locked my phone and charged it, I was just about to sleep when a knock was heard on my door. I open my eyes to see mark, I smile at his presence "ne oppa?"

"Can I like.. sleep here? I mean like if you're ok cause they snore, loud. I'm not saying on the bed, I can just lay on the flo-" I cut him off

"Are you done babbling? Come here" I patted the spot beside me, he blushed and laid beside me, intertwining our fingers together. I smiled at his warmth and snuggled closer to him. Suddenly he chuckled "wae?" I asked

"Remember how we first met? You were staring at me and you blushed when I asked if you were ok" I laughed and nodded

And then I said "remember when you saved me from being rammed over by a car?" He chuckled "if it wasn't for that car we wouldn't be together. I kinda wanna thank the driver" I smacked him playfully

We kept on talking and talking. Surprisingly we didn't get much hate on our relationship, yes everyone knows and his fans are ok with it. Although some didn't but many did and I'm thankful for it.

"Princess go to sleep ok?" I hummed and said "can you sing me a song?"

"What is your pick?" He asked "anything is fine. I just want to hear your voice" I snuggled closer to him

He kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me, it was quiet for awhile but then I heard him sing a slower version of 'A' I smiled upon hearing his voice



The Next Morning

I woke up, snuggled in Mark's arms. We stayed like that until someone barged into my room and squealed, making me and mark wake up. Mark looked around and groaned, pulling me down on the bed and wrapping his arms around me.

Can you guess who squealed? Here I'll give 3 secs to guess.

Ok yes it was Wang Jackson

Mark and I snuggled a little longer before getting upon hearing the other boys whine about being hungry. He let me shower first as he went down to scream at the boys. (A/n I'm joking.)

After showering I went down and made breakfast, thankfully I went to grocery store yesterday to buy ingredients for pancakes. Yes I came prepared.

As I was mixing the batter, I was back hugged by someone. I caught a glimpse of a familliar blue hair and smiled, "what is my princess making for breakfast today hmm?" He whispered in my ear I leaned back on his chest "pancakes and eggs" "and how can I offer my help?"

I turned around and faced him "well you can start by making the eggs" I winked and pushed him to the refrigerator. After making brealfast together, the other members help by setting up the table

And with that me and got7 ate breakfast, there was a peaceful silence when a wild Jackson spoke up "if you guys ever have a child, You better name it after me." Making all the boys argue

"Aniya!! Name it after me!!"

"Yah yah I'm the leader here. Name it after me"

"Aniya I'm the maknae! Name it after me"

"Yah maknae you have no say in this" Jr. Said

Making me and Mark groan and with that our peaceful breakfast wasn't so peaceful.









so yeah hope you like it! Love from a pineapple! Xoxoxo


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