Chapter 23

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Wow. 12.4k this is amazing guys thank you so much♥♥ btw please read the authors note at the end of the chapter.《EXTREMELY IMPORTANT》
Enjoy! Xx

Laya's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I yawned, I got up and put my hair in a bun as I walked downstairs the boys were already awake, at 9am. Ok something is up. My eyebrows furrow when I saw xiumin on the floor sleeping with his mouth open, I bend down and shook him gently "xiuminnie oppa?" His eyes slowly open and widened at my sight

"LAYA! UH GO 10 STEPS BACK LIKE SLOWLY" I frown but still followed his instructions "alright then go to your room and stay there for 20 minutes" he grinned, nervously. I nodded and went back to my room

I sat on my bed and whipped out my phone to text mark♥

Chanyeol's POV

we were busy preparing the table when xiumin hyung ran in and panted "the eagle is awake! I repeat the eagle is awake" we all looked at him weirdly and clearly confused. "What?" Luhan spoke up

Xiumin sighed "Laya is awake" our eyes widened and rushed to get everything ready.

After about 15 minutes, it was all ready so I went to her bedroom to see her staring blankly at the wall in front of her. "Laya? You alright?" I asked, worried

She sighed and nodded "I just miss mark so much" I nodded "hey its ok c'mon I have something to show you" I grabbed her hand and pulled her gently to the dining room

Before we arrive, I covered her eyes and she sighed "oppa? Is this really necessary?" "Yes duh" I replied as she chuckled.

I slowly led her to where all the boys were. I counted to three before uncovering her eyes, there infront her was breakfast made by all 12 of us. "Guys? What is all this" she smiled getting teary

I spoke up "well we wanted to repay you for surprising us with fried chicken and always making breakfast for us!" She let out a soft 'aww'

I took her hand and sat her down at a chair next to me. "Alright lets dig in!" Trust me there was A LOT of food

I look over at laya to see her smiling widely, laughing at sehun who sat next to her. In the midst of chatter and breakfast, laya spoke up "guys I have to go soon.. I'm meeting mark later" we all nodded then sehun said "are you going to surprise him too?" She blushed and nodded. I grin and ruffled her bun,making it messier.





After laya got ready, she left the dorm, but giving us all hugs before leaving. "Hyung what do you think of mark?" Sehun suddenly asked me, diverting all of the boys attention to me, awaiting for my answer

"Honestly? I like him. He makes laya happy and I can see that little sparkle in her eyes whenever she talks about him. I'm glad its him, he treats laya with respect and love. He cares for her. He even told me and promised me that he will never ever break laya's heart. And I trust him a lot." Their mouths hung open, kris was the first one to recover and said

"Wow chanyeol. Thats the first time I heared you say something so worth listening. Oh and meaningful"

I grin and went to get ready for our schedule today.

Laya's POV

I quickly went back to my apartment to get ready. After about 10 minutes of tossing shirts around,I finally was satisfied with outfit. (A/n: outfit above^^)

I went out and called their manager to wait for me in front of the building, I planned to buy them something but their manager said he already bought pizza for them.

Today was really chilly,apart from yesterday. I went to a coffee shop nearby, and bought 8 hot chocolate, I sipped on my hot chocolate and walked to the building. I quickly found their manager leaning on their van "annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted him with a big smile. He greeted back and led me to their waiting room

Outside of their room, seunghoon offered to carry the drinks. I stood outside their door and heard mark groan "GuYS I MISS MY GIRLFRIEND" everybody else groan and I giggled.

I knocked three times and waited for one of them to answer. "I'll get it" mark said, I smiled.

I covered my face with my hands, the door opened to reveal a stressed out mark, and immediately I was engulfed in a hug. I let out a squeal and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend. "LAYA!!" the guys screamed and wrapped me in a group hug, I giggled loudly "you guys stink! Especially ypu jackson!"

"Wow it has not even been 5 minutes and she's already making fun of me, I'm so touched" jackson said, sarcastically until he was dragged out by Jaebum

"Alright lets give them so alone time" he said and pushed his members out the door.

Mark wrapped me in his arms, squeezing me tightly "oppa I miss you so much its been such a long time since I've seen you" he nodded

"4 weeks and 3 days since I've seen my beautiful princess, I miss you so much love, I'm actually going crazy without you" he whispered

I immediately hummed 2pm's Go Crazy, he chuckled and shut me up with a kiss. I smiled and tangled my hands through his hair. Suddenly someone walked in and yelled "OH MY GOD MY VIRGIN EYES! THEY'RE AT IT GUYS" BamBam yelled covering his eyes

Mark sighed and rested his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. I continued pecking his lips numerous times, ignoring his members. I miss him too much to care.

He whispered to me "you look beautiful today babe" still locking his gaze with me, I blushed and looked down. By this time we were alone again thanks to jb

Mark softly tilted my chin so I'd face him "look at me princess. My god you're so beautiful" he hugged me

"I love you so much. So much" I said, still hugging him tightly

He chuckled "not as much as I love you, remember what I said yesterday night? The one that you can attack me with kisses? You know the offer still stands.." he said

I laughed and kissed him. Oh my god I'm so in love with him.





Weeeeeeee!! So hope you enjoyed it!! Thank you again so much for the 12.4k!!! Alright serious part now. This story is ending soon and I need your opinion, should I have a sequel to this? If you guys want it then I will do it for you... there will probably 1 or 2 chapters left. So yes, should I continue with a sequel or end it? Comment what you think!!

Love you xx

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