chapter 17 (The move part 1)

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Hello again! Now let's start

Laya's POV

"Laya we'll be going now! See you later ok!" Chanyeol's loud voice filled the room "Nae!" I replied, I quickly put on a comfortable baggy shirt and black joggers after showering and started packing

I only had to pack my clothes here then I have to pack my other things at home, I finished putting my last shirt in my suitcase when my phone rang "annyeonghaseyo?" "Hey can we come over now?" I immediately smiled at the voice "yeah, have you guys eaten yet?" I asked

"Not yet why?" I grinned "aniya I was just asking! Come over quickly ok! See you later oppa!" "Naeeee"

I hung up and quickly ran to the kitchen to make some food for mark and the other boys, after staring at the stove for 5 minutes I finally decided to make kimchi fried rice, it's actually pretty easy for me since I cooked this a lot for the guys so it will usually take 20 minutes,

After serving it on bowls, the door bell rang "nae! Coming!" I ran to the door, I open it to see Got7's derp faces "what are you guys doing?" I laughed, jackson spoke up first "because it's too mainstream to smile at the home owner we decided to make faces to more unique, not weird but unique" I nodded, still laughing and motioned them to come in

"I made you guys some food so better eat up because we have a lot to do today" they nodded like little children, "woah it smells so good what'd you make?" Jr. asked "is kimchi fried rice ok?" They all nodded eagerly




After eating, we went out to pack my other things at my house. Earlier on I ordered a few boxes to put my stuff in. We got in the car where his manager will be driving us, "I just remembered something, our car is a seven seater.. that means one of us has to sit on the other's lap" jr. declared, I blush "ooooo laya will have to sit on hyung's lap!! Aww kyeopta! Laya is blushing" I shook my head, my face hot red.

The other boys continued teasing , I keep fanning my face and blushing whilst I was looking down until I felt someone hugging me "AWWW ITS ABOUT TO HAPPEN GUYS SHES GONNA BLUSH OH MY GOD HYUNG HOLD ME" I heard one of them say

"Are you ok with this?" Mark whispered "mainhe but I don't think I am mark, your manager is there I'm not comfortable with this, mainhe" I closed my eyes, guilty "no princess don't apologise, it's ok and honestly you're right, my manager is in there I understand. Don't apologise princess" he whispered hugging me tighter

He let go of me but still hooking an arm over my shoulders and look at the guys "one of you will have to sit the other's lap" their mouths hung open, mark dragged me to the car so we could sit in the back, the boys were still outside debating who would sit on another boy. Once me and mark got inside the car, I gave my address to his manager. One by one the boys got inside, jackson sat beside me so I was in between mark and jackson. In the end bambam had to sit on Jb's lap, both looking uncomfortable

Feeling guilty, I lean forward to give a quick peck on their cheek then hugging mark. He gave me a kiss on the head, intertwining our fingers together. The ride was loud and very chaotic, most of them were having fun, I could see the manager sighing many times. While they were all playing especially jackson, Mark was playing with my fingers as I leaned on him "is it always like this?" He look at me and gave me a smile, nodded I shook my head laughing as jackson sang to Apink's 'LUV'.

It took us an hour to get to my house, I stretched when I got out of the car. I look at my house "omo! Laya!" My head turned to the left, to see the halmonee that I was very closed with, she was like my own grandmother. I ran to her and gave her a gentle hug "halmonee!" "Aigoo, who are they?"

"Oh halmonee they are my friends but one of them is my boyfriend" I grinned, I walked halmonee to them "halmonee this is Jaebum, jinyoung, youngjae, bambam, yugeom, jackson and mark" she smiled at them but stopped at mark, she stared at mark and said "Is this one your boyfriend laya?" I giggled at their expression and nodded at halmonee

"Halmonee how did you know?" Jackson said, halmonee laughed softly "I have practically took care laya and chanyeol all my life, since their mother is always at work, I know eho is right for you just by looking at the face" the boys looked shocked

"Aigoo I'll go now ok" halmonee said, I send her back to her house and walked over to the boys "well that went well, Thank you bambam" he nodded giving a grin and a thumbs up, I look at their manager in the car and walk to him " um thank you for driving us here and sorry for the chaotic trip" he smile "its ok laya and please call me seunghoon" I grin at him and told the boys to come with me including the manage, I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Ok so the boxes that I have ordered will be here so-" I was cut off by a doorbell, I frown and went to open the door

"Annyeonghaseyo, are you miss park laya?" I nodded "well the boxes are here" the delivery man said. I grinned "thank you!" He gave me a smile and place the boxes inside

I face the 7 boys staring at the boxes "alright now, lets do this. Fighting!"




"Finally done!" Bambam squealed, I laughed. "Thanks guys, my brother should be here any minute now" I look at my wrist watch, the doorbell rang. "And that's them"

We walk downstairs and I open door with got7 behind me, "hello sorry we're late, someone had to get his clothes changed because apparently his bubbletea spilled" they look at sehun who was whistling away avoiding their gaze. I laugh shaking my head and asked them to come in as I walked got7 to their car

"Thanks again guys, sorry if it was too much work, I really do appreciate you doing this with me" I said genuinely, hugging each and every one of them.

They smile and gave me a ruffle on the head, one by one they piled in the car so it was only me and mark. I gave him a big hug "thank you for doing for me mark, you don't know how lucky I am to have you" I whispered in his ear while playing with his blue hair

"you're welcome princess, I'm the lucky one here. I'll see you tomorrow evening ok, dream about me" he kissed my cheek, giving me a tight squeeze.

Mark let go of me and got into the car, I walked inside and saw the 12 boys in the kitchen. I laughed "you hungry? Want to order some chicken before we start?" They nodded eagerly





Huhuhuuhu part 1 of the move! Part 2 will be a little special because i said its special :') love you lots ××


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