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Loki had been transferred to a cell' on the Helicarrier. By 'cell it was pretty much just a container and a death pit.

Alex sat down next to Nat .He would wasn't listening to the conversation between Fury and Loki, but decided to sit and listen to music using some headphones that he may or may not have stolen from one of the agents.

He glanced over at Natasha who was watching the live feed. He was single but he wasn't actively looking for a relationship. The idea of being with the ex assassin was intriguing, yet not an idea he'd choose if he had a choice. It was a random thing to think about, but at the same time he was 17 so it wasn't that surprising.

Everyone seemed to look up from the footage so he assumed it was time to talk game plan and took off his headphones. As soon as he removed them, he heard something he didn't want to hear.

"He has an army called the Chitauri"

Thor stated as he faced the other direction. Alex could see Steve was visibly uncomfortable at the news.

"They're not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return for the Tesseract." Thor finished.

"An army? I like those odds." Alex said with a smirk. On the outside he was cool as the breeze but On the inside he were incredibly anxious at the idea of an army invading the planet.

"From outer space?" Steve asked quietly.

"No, from Kansas." Alex joked, resting his jaw on his hand. He felt a light slap on his arm and turned to see Natasha with a disapproving expression. he quietly laughed before turning back as Bruce began talking.

"He's building another portal. That's what Selvig is for." Bruce said, holding his glasses in one hand

"Selvig?" Thor questioned.

"He's a friend, an astrophysicist." Bruce stated

"Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours." Natasha said. looking a little upset when saying the last part.

"So he's got a space lover and Robin Hood in his corner. Why should we be so afraid? If he's gonna open a portal, we close it. Case closed." Alex said, crossing his arms and looking around the room.

"It will not be that easy, mortal." Thor stated

as he looked at Alex. He stared him down once he finished.

"Who are you calling "mortal"? If that fight continued I would've kicked your ass." Alex responded. His ego raising to the surface.

"Didn't he beat you and throw you down before Tony helped?" Bruce questioned, fiddling with his glasses and avoiding eye contact.

"Who told you that?" Alex asked nervously. His best bet was either Stark or Rogers.. Speaking of Rogers.

"I want to know why Loki let us capture him." Steve said, resting his arm on the table. Steve has a good point still. Anyone with that much power and the goal of bringing an army here, wouldn't just surrender that fast. This was either Antelope Anthony's plan, or he was an idiot.

"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki." Bruce replied

"That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him." He added.

"Watch your tongue." Thor intervened.

"Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother." Thor stated.

"He killed 80 people in two days." Natasha said, slowly looking up and glaring at Thor You ignored the talk for a moment, looking behind Thor

"He's adopted." Thor countered

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