chapter 11 : Party

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Later the Avengers were in their Jet flying back after completing a successful mission.

 While the other's were doing what they were doing, Alex was deep in thought about what happened today. He kept thinking about the vision he saw of him killing the Avengers, his friends. Then he started to think about that girl. The same girl he saw in the vision he had 3 years ago. She was Enhanced just like he was but when he looked into her eyes, he could tell she was in pain, that she had been through a lot of trauma and hell in her life.

The more Alex thought about her, the weirder he felt. Not a bad kind of weird though. It sort of a warm fuzzy feeling that he couldn't understand. The thought about the vision he had when he first held the Scepter and seeing her smiling. The memory of her smiling for some reason made him blush. Which was weird because he never blushed around other women. Not even Nat or Maria and they were both beautiful, but he did for this one woman who was a complete stranger to him.

He then felt someone shake him gently which snapped him out of his train of thought. He looked up and saw Nat standing next to him.

"Hey you ok?" She asked as she sat next to him "You've been quiet the whole time"

"Uh, yeah I'm just thinking" Alex said.

"About?" Nat asked.

Alex sighed in defeat, he knew Nat was too stubborn to let this go.

"Remember that vision I told I had during the battle of New York?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I remember" Nat nodded "You said you saw a girl in it"

"She was there, at the base" Alex said.

"I saw that girl in a vision I had 3 years ago when I...... touched the Scepter. I don't know why but she was there"

"Are you sure?" Nat asked "She could be with Hydra"

"No, no she's not like Hydra" Alex said "When I saw her at the base I saw that she had been through a lot of traumatic events, and she was just scared"

"How do you know?" Nat asked

"I've been through a lot of trauma Nat" Alex said "I've been through hell and back a lot in my life so I know what I'm talking about. When I see someone go through something like that I just want them anyway I can. I know it sounds stupid-"

"No, no it doesn't" Nat said "You're a good person Alex and it only proves that you're not a monster."

"Yeah" Alex said thinking about the vision he had of him killing Nat and the others "I really hope so."

"Thor report on Titan and the Hulk" Nat said.

"The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of their victims" Thor said pumping his right fist in the air while Nat gave him the "Are you kidding me" look.

"But not the screams of the dead of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining-"

"Ok we get it man" Alex said clearly annoyed.

"Hey Banner" Tony called out to Bruce.

"Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it ok if she sets up in your lab?"

"Uh, yeah she knows her way around" Bruce said.

Tony then let Jarvis take control of the jet and joined Thor, Steve and Alex around the Scepter.

"Feels good, yeah?" Tony asked "I mean you've been after this thing since S.H.I.E.L.D collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little railings parties, but....."

"No, but this..... This brings it close" Thor said.

"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for." Steve said "I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"

"Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard" Tony said.

"I still say we should destroy it" Alex said "This damn thing has caused nothing but trouble ever since Loki showed up. Not to mention he used it to take control of Barton as well as kill Coulson"

"Easy kid" Steve said putting his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "Once we analyze it Thor will take it back to Asgard and you'll never see it again ok?"

"Fine" Alex growled not taking his eyes off the Scepter.

"Anyway, is that ok with you?" Tony asked Thor "Just a few days till the farewell party. You're staying right?"

"Yes, yes, of course" Thor said "A victory should be honored with revels"

"Yeah, who doesn't love revels?" Tony asked "Captain?"

"Hopefully, this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra" Steve said "So, yes, revels"

"Great, how about you kid?" Tony asked.

"After today I'm gonna need more than one glass of revels. If you know what I mean" Alex said with a smirk.


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