Chapter 34 : The Talk and the records

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Once Tony and Alex arrived back at the compound, Alex made his way over to Wanda's room to check up on her. Apparently there was someone waiting for Tony in his office but he didn't really care enough to ask about who it was, that wasn't important to him right now.    

As he got closer to Wanda's room, the sounds that were coming from her TV became clearer.

She was watching the news, again. He turned around the corner and leant in her doorway, frowning slightly as he watched her sit on the bed, attention fixed onto the TV with her chin resting on her hand, her eyes glossing over with tears a little.   

"What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in—"   

Before the reporter could continue his sentence Alex picked up the remote and turned the TV off. Wanda sighed and didn't bother to turn her head, she knew who it was at the door.   

"What did I tell you about watching the news?" Alex placed the remote back down on the table.   

"It's my fault." Wanda mumbled, still staring at the now black screen.    

Alex shook his head. "That's not true Wanda."   

"Turn the TV back on." She finally turned her head and met his eyes.

"They're being very specific."    

Alex sighed and began walking over to Wanda, taking a seat next to her on the bed.

"I should've not been so cocky and let my guard down that I didn't even realise what was right in front of me. I let the solider stop me with that weapon , If I was not that arrogant.....I could've helped you, I should've. And people died, it's on me."   

Wanda shuffled closer to Alex and slipped her hand into his, interlocking their fingers and resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's on both of us." Alex  

He turned and kissed the top of her head before speaking up once more,

"This job...  We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. I know it's not exactly a nice thought, but people die Wanda. Accidents happen. And if we can't find a way to live with that... then next time... maybe nobody gets saved."    

Alex moved his position and placed an arm around Wanda, brining her closer to him. She smiled and nuzzled her face into his chest like she usually does, his presence already starting to make her feel better.    

That was until she noticed the bandage on his arm.   

"You got hurt because of me." She whispered.    

"Don't... Don't do that to yourself Wanda." Alex 

"You would've never of had to go into that building if it wasn't for me, for what I did." Wanda  

Alex removed his arm from around Wanda and removed his shirt , showing his now fully Scarless body for Wanda to see.

"Look it's all healed, ta-da!" He said, noticing the small smile that graced Wanda's lips.

"I get hurt on basically every mission I go on Wanda, it's nothing new. Besides, I with my self healing no need to worry and I entered the building knowing the risks."   

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