Chapter 23 : Date

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Vision was the perfect wingman. Who knew a synthezoid could know so much about preparing for a night out? Alex should pretty much be thanking Tony for integrating J.A.R.V.I.S and his database into him.

Alex tried to keep it a secret from the rest of the team, but they found out anyway. Once Sam got word of it, it spread to everybody else.

Alex was surely going to get back at him and tell the story of how a shrinking man got the best of Falcon last week.

Wanda wore a black top with jeans along with a read sweater. She wanted to bring her leather jacket instead, but it was still scuffed from yesterday's mission. Alex wore a plaid shirt with ash-colored pants. It was something he wasn't used to wearing, but it looked good on him.

The two had left the facility with Alex driving to Manhattan. Wanda offered to fly him there, but Alex declined. He joked that hopefully soon he can develop flying abilities, or at least have Tony build him a suit.

The pair made it to Central Park. They walked through the winding paths, passing by joggers and bicyclists. They saw other couples and families spending time with one another, they even spotted the occasional influencer recording from his camera.

To their surprise, not many people recognized the two Avengers. There was a couple people here and there, but all in all they were left alone, which they appreciated.

This was Wanda's first time experiencing the city. She took in the fresh breeze and the sounds in the park. In Alex's case, he hasn't gone to Central Park since before the Chitauri invasion. It was nice seeing people up and enjoying their day when not being threatened by aliens.

After walking for some time, the two sat on the lawn beneath the sun. They looked on at the people walking across the bridge in front of them.

"It's nice, you know?" Alex spoke.

Wanda turned to him, sitting in a cross-legged position, "What?"

"Seeing all this. People enjoying life." He paused for a moment, "I feel like it makes it worth it."

Wanda understood him. She knew how selfless he was. Alex does what he does because he wants the people who aren't able to do what they do to be happy.

"I'd like to think that too." Wanda looked down at her hands,

"Back in Sokovia, things weren't like this. Everyday there'd be a gunfight outside. It seemed as if war was never going to end."

Alex looked over at the witch, feeling sympathy.

"My parents were killed in an air raid when I was 10. Pietro and I were the only survivors. We hid under our bed for two days, waiting to die."

Alex heard this, and scooted closer to Wanda. He made sure she was comfortable before putting an arm around her.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. Nobody at that age should."

The young man looked down, and thought about his parents. "well my parents resisted to leave me to hydra and were killed next day and i livied in a torturous life filled with experiments and killing so guess everyone was a past"

Wanda remembered seeing that tragedy play out in Alex's head when she mentally-manipulated him, back when they were adversaries in South Africa. She didn't want to act like it was new information to her.

"I know...I'm sorry." She apologized.


"I made you relive it back at the salvage yard. I felt your grief...your pain. I'm sorry."

She was genuinely sorry, and felt guilty. Alex wasn't mad, and was never going to be.

"Don't be, Wanda. We've all done things we regret, and it's best not to dwell on it. atleast i don't"

Alex looked ahead, and saw a man helping a couple out of a horse carriage. He had an idea.

"Enough of this moping." Alex got up, helping Wanda to her feet as well,

"You ever ridden in a carriage?"

The two rode the horse carriage through the park back in the direction where they parked the car. The enjoyed more of the sights, and even got a picture taken once the ride was over.

The pair then went out to eat at a pizza place nearby. They sat in one of the outside tables and enjoyed their food.

Alex told the story of Falcon's encounter with the mysterious date

"Really? Who else knows?" Wanda asked, intrigued by it.

"Only Nat and I. But trust me, I'm definitely going to tell Cap."

The couple laughed. "Who could it have been?" Wanda wondered.

"Beats me. Sam told me he'd look into it though...maybe she could possibly be a new friend ?" Alex replied.

Wanda nodded in agreement. Moments later, an older man walked up to them.

"Hey, sorry to bother, but are you two Avengers?" He asked.

Alex looked up at him, "Um...what will you do if I say yes?"

"It's just nephew is a big fan of you guys. Especially Iron Man." The man paused, "He saved him a few years ago at an expo."

Alex remembered that incident, when Justin Hammer recruited Whiplash.

"'s he doing now?" Wanda asked showing concern for the kid.

"He's fine now. Very smart kid. Wants to be like Tony Stark one day. His name is Peter."

"Some big ambitions I gotta say...but good ones. I'm sure he'll end up doing great things." Alex replied.

The man nodded, "Sorry to bother you both, and thank you for all that you do. You guys carry a big responsibility, and I certainly appreciate it."

He bid farewell and continued walking down the sidewalk.

"What a nice guy." Wanda remarked.

"Sure was. I honestly thought it was paparazzi know...we're the two best Avengers."

Alex and Wanda finished eating, and went back to their car. They drove back to the facility after their day out, and entered the empty lounging area.

"Surprised no one's expecting us." Alex remarked.

There was silence as Alex placed the keys down on the counter. He tapped his fingers on the granite. Wanda went towards the fridge nearby.

"Well, I had a great time." Alex spoke.

"Yeah. Me too."

"Okay..." Alex fiddled with his hands and walked closer to her.

"Maybe we can do this another time...if you're up for it of course."

Wanda placed her hands at the sides of his shoulders and went in for a kiss. Their lips met, and couple savored the moment.

"I'd like that." Wanda replied as she parted. Alex smiled.


Nearby, Rhodey and Natasha were in the security room doing their daily checks. They witnessed the young Avengers' romantic moment.

Rhodey remarked, "This is better than sam's mysterious girl date"

"well they are kids and they are acting like one after a long time , we should just let them " Nat

"yeah , when was the last time the kid , had some fun " Rhodey

"I dont remenber it , he is always training or blaming himself for what happened , i guess it is a nice thing for both of them. " Nat

"we should get back to work " Rhodey

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