Chapter 12: Ultron

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The Avengers had reached their tower and landed the jet on the landing platform. Cho and her team escorted Clint to the med bay while being joined by Nat while Maria entered the jet.

"Lab's all set up boss" Maria said.

"Oh actually he's the boss" Tony said pointing to Steve "I just pay for everything and designing"

"And also complain about everything" Alex joked making Steve chuckle and Maria giggled a little.
"So Maria, did you find out any info on the Enhanced I told you about?"

"Yes" Maria said handing him the table while she walked with Alex and Steve.
"Wanda, and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building"

"Wanda" Alex whispered looking at her profile from Hydra. "So that's your name"

"You ok Alex?" Steve asked

"That's her" Alex said "The girl from my vision"

"Are you sure?" Steve asked.

"100% I never forget a face" Alex said looking back at the tablet "I could tell she had it rough but I never thought it was this rough"

"Sokovia's had a rough history" Maria said.
"It's nowhere special, but it's on they way to everywhere special"

"Their abilities?" Steve asked.

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis" Maria said
"Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation."

Steve looked at Maria all confused because he had no idea what she just said.

"Translation, he's fast and she can move things with her mind" Alex said.

"Well, they're gonna show up again" Steve said.

"Agreed, file says they volunteered" Maria said.

"Well that's a lie right there" Alex said.

"What makes you say that?" Steve asked.

"When I encountered Wanda, I saw a look of fear on her face" Alex said
"I could also hear it in her voice before she flung me into a wall. I don't think she or her brother are bad. They're just lost and scared and need someone to help them. And I'm gonna be the one to do it"

Alex then gave the tablet back to Maria as he and Steve entered the elevator.

"You know kid, sometimes I thing you're too trusting" Steve said.

"Maybe......" Alex said as the door closed.

"We're just gonna have to see"

Later Alex met up with Nat in the lab while Cho was healing Clint.

"You sure he's gonna be ok?" Nat asked
"Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together"

"There's no possibility of deterioration" Cho said

"The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra"

"She's creating tissue" Bruce said said with excitement.

"Cool, Hey Doc, when you're done with that you think you can work on this area right here?" Alex asked as his hand circled over Clint's face.

"You know make him look half way decent?

Everyone in the room shared a laugh while Clint just scowled at Alex.

"I'm a Doctor not a miracle worker Mr. Necro. If you brought him to my lab, the Regeration Cradle could do this in 20 minutes." Cho said.

"Oh, he's flat-lining" Tony said entering the room with drinks "Called it. Time?"

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