chapter 25 : Nightmare

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Alex opened his eyes and looked around at the room he suddenly appeared in. It took him a few moments to realise where he was but once he did, his heart warmed at what he was seeing. He walked around the room and took everything in, grazing his fingers over the picture frames that was propped up on the fireplace as he walked past, the smell of vanilla candles that his mother used to love so much filled his nose.

He was home.

Alex turned to his right and chuckled when he saw his dad's jacket folded over the couch, the one that he always used to let Alex wear as a child because he loved it so much, because he wanted to be like him.

"We're home!" A voice spoke up through the halls.

He looked up to see his dad walk in the room, a 6 year old Alex in his right arm and a bag of food in the other. Alex watched as his dad placed the bag of food down on one of the side tables before playfully ruffling his younger selfs hair and setting him down on the floor.

A small smile grew on Alex's face as he watched the interaction between him and his father, so much time had passed that he'd forgotten what his dad looked like when he was like this. When he was happy, when they all were.

His attention was moved from his dad when he saw his younger self run across the room into the arms of a woman who had just come from another room. She lifted him into the air before holding him close in her arms, planting small kisses all over his face.

It was his mother.

She held out one of her hands and Alex's dad smiled and made his way over, giving her a kiss on the cheek. His mum opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of a sensor going off outside, alerting his parents.

The moment was cut short when Alex realised what was happening, what was about to happen. He quickly looked around the room, looking for anything to confirm that his fears weren't true. That this dream wasn't going to show him what he thinks it was going to show him. He didn't want to relive this moment again, he couldn't. His eyes came to a halt when he looked upon the pile of unopened birthday presents in the corner. He glanced over to his right at the newspaper on one of the side tables and looked at the date.

November 18th, his birthday.

As soon as he saw that date, he started to remenber the memories that were sealed for a long time , he instantly tried to rush over to his mother. But his legs didn't move. He looked down and grabbed his leg, pulling at it to try and lift it but. Nothing, no progress. His feet were locked in place.

"No, no, no, no!" He yelled.

He waved his arms to try and get his parents attention, but neither of them looked up or heard him. It was if he was invisible.

His parents looked at each other, worry spread across both of their faces, his mother took a deep shaky breath before giving the younger Alex a kiss on top of his head and gently placing him down on the floor. Carson's parents both gave each other a subtle nod before his dad made his way over to the front door.

"Alright sweetie, Do you want to play a game? How about hide and seek?"

His mother knelt down to his level and smiled as the younger Alex nodded.

"Your dad is going to count okay? So you go to the special hiding place in your room and I'll join you soon."

Before he could run off to his room, she gently pulled on his arm brining him back.

"I need you to promise me that you'll stay in your hiding place." She took a deep breath, trying to keep her hands steady so she didn't worry Carson.

"You can only come out if you hear me or your dad shout for you alright? Promise me."

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