Chapter 7 : Chitauri

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At the quinjet approached New York. you could all see the giant ass portal in the sky and aliens flying around the cay. To say the least it was a bit of a surprise to see,

"What's our plan?"

Clint asked, keeping his eyes on the invasion currently happening The whole experience was probably a lot more amazing and surprising to him, It's not every day that god mind controls you and opens a portal.

"Get me to the tower, I'm going after Loki."

Alex said, walking up behind Nat's seat so he end look through the front window better

"Swing up Park. Im gonna lay 'em out for you."

Tony called over the comms, He waved between buildings, some of the Chitauri crashing into them.

The quinjet flew above the road and in between different structures. The gun extending down as the team approached Stark.

As Tony flew pass further down the road. Natasha opened fired, shooting down the Chitauri behind him, pulling up and flying to the top of the tower, shooting more aliens on the way. come a long way from being invited into the Avengers Initiative, to fighting space lizards

Once the jet reached the top of the Tower, they could see Loki and Thor fighting on the exterior. Alex leaked to the other platform on the outside. blinking to it and locking down at the lower one that held the two gods

Loki lifted the sceptre up firing a blast of energy at Alex, then the quinjet. Alex dodged the shot but the quint was hit in it's wing. Nat and Clint began loosing control, storing the jet away as It started losing altitude

Alex felt a small bit of anger as he watched the quinjet away Jumping down onto the other platform and retrieving a qui from your side. He shot Loki in his face, stunning him, then grabbing and throwing him at Thor who threw him to the ground.

He put his gun back on hid belt as Thor and Loki began fighting again this time retrieving his sword and getting the jump on . While he was dealing with Thor, you span the sword in your hand, taking a swipe at his abdomen which surprisingly left a scar

Loki made sound of pain, placing hand on his side before being hit by Thor and sent over you onto his back, dropping the sceptre on the ground.

"What's the point of all this?" Alex

Asked stepping forward.

"You can't rule a world if there's nobody and nothing left to rule." Alex stared, blue energy starting to release from his hands, covering his body in an almost blue energy armor.

"Brother, step this madness now?" Thor said as he approached , Thor had had enough of this actions. wanting this to end already.

"It cannot be stopped!" Loki stated. standing up. He looked in portal then that Alex.

"Your powers are nothing compared to the Tesseract itself. So why don't you run home and play"

Alex cut him all slashing sword through his chest which activated an explosion because of the energy that was running through the blade. The explosion itself threw Loki back more than actually hurting him, sending him flying off the tower and towards a group of Chitauri

Alex could faintly see him taking care of their bike things, turning to Thor and motioning for him to follow him as he jumped from the building towards where he assumed everyone else was

He hit the ground none to calmly, energy exploding from his body and sending the nearby Chitauri directly into the stone buildings, hard enough to kill them on impact. The suddenly landed beside him, Steve, Clint and Nat all approaching from in front of him

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