CHAPTER 8 : Battle of New York

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Alex flew around Stark tower, multiple Chitauri on his tail as he circled the building, slowly getting higher and higher. As soon as Alex reached the top he suddenly stopped, causing all the aliens to fly straight past he, giving him the opportunity to beam them down with energy. These things are snowflakes on their own. He thought before looking over at an approaching leviathan about 800 yards away.

"That's the one I want." Alex said aloud, taking off towards it. The creature saw Alex, beginning to fly directly towards Alex.

' Come to papa.' Alex inwardly thought with a grin. Alex both got closer and closer, to the point Alex could see the saliva in the creature's mouth. Alex were just a few feet away from the leviathan's open jaws when Alex swerved to the left, extending the sword on his right hand and dragging them through the creature's bare skin. It wasn't enough to kill it, but certainly wounded it for the moment.

Alex floated still for a moment, watching the leviathan lose altitude with groans of pain. If it hit the ground there was a good chance it would just cause more casualties. Alex slowly raised a hand to his communicator.

"Say, Hulk, you don't think you could hit this bastard back up in the air, do ya?" 

Alex asked with a small smile. Alex got his answer as he heard a roar from near the leviathan. Alex flew back towards the leviathan, seeing a green blur slam into the creature, sending it flying upwards.

"Thank you."

 Alex said politely, retrieving his sword and letting his energy overtake the blade. Alex propelled himself forwards, the leviathan now in a vertical position. Alex slammed the sword straight through the creature's head and skull. Flipping his body vertically and propelling hisself downwards, slashing through the body completely, top to bottom.

Alex flew down to the ground, admiring his work before his eyes started to widen. It was falling back down again. 

"Oh shit."

 Alex mumbled before trying to think of a plan. The leviathan flipped over onto it's top as it began falling down to earth. "Uh.. someone... help?" Alex said into his comms with a nervous laugh.

Suddenly lightning began hitting the creature, forcing it up and back through the portal it came from. Alex looked over to a building, seeing Thor stood there looking in his direction.

"You should be more careful, my friend."

 Thor said, making Alex roll his eyes. Whether he knew it was an accident or not, Alex despised being told to 'be careful' as it sounded belittling.

"Yeah, yeah." Alex said, taking off from the ground again.

"Any chance someone wants to get these guys off my ass?"

 Tony called out. There was a group of around 15 Chitauri chasing him through the streets. Alex sighed, tilting his body and taking off towards him.

"Always need help, don't you, Starker?" 

Alex rumbled, following behind the Chitauri that we're after him. They hadn't noticed Alex yet, which meant he had the element of surprise. He began focusing more energy to his sword, holding it to his left as he prepared to swing

. "Stark, when I give the word you need to hit the brakes." Alex focused his eyes so he could see where he was, just ahead of the Chitauri.

"Will do." He stated, looking over his shoulder and seeing Alex beginning to glow.

 "Is that normal?"

"No clue, but I'm gonna wing it."

 Alex responded, before finally seizing the opportunity. There was a real low chance Alex were gonna be able to pull this off, but Alex wanted to show off.

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