Old Wounds 🥺

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"So Nanon are you ready for your new school" Lin asked her sixteen years old son. They both were standing infront of the school gate.

"It's very nice mom......I will definitely make many friends here" Nanon said excitedly while hugging his Mother tightly and kissing her cheeks tenderly.

"Good boy now go don't be late at your first day.....and one more thing sweetie today your father will not be coming home.....he is at his business trip... and I'm also going to your grandmother's house.....so driver uncle will pick you up Ok" Lin said while pinching his cute son's cheeks softly.

"I'm already become big boy Mom I can also go by myself.....you don't need to worry about me" Nanon said while walking towards his new school gate.

"I know my big boy good luck" Lin said while waving at him. After seeing that her son entered his new school gate she quickly left for her mother's house.

Nanon was searching for his class.... after searching for a while he found his class. But everything was so weird no one wants to be friends with him because he was a nerd boy with glasses. He was missing his bestfriend Jimmy who was now studying abroad.

He was going outside the school gate but he heard someone's sobbing sound from behind. He quickly approached the voice and got shocked to see a boy around his age was curling into a ball while hugging his knees and crying his clothes were dirty and his face was bruised badly.

"What happened to you.....do you need my help" Nanon aksed worriedly he squat infront of him.

That boy just nod his head then Nanon quickly took him to their school clinic. After getting treated by school nurse he was starting to leave but Nanon stopped him.

"Hey....can I know your name" Nanon asked while smiling.
"Sorry and thank you friend my name is Sam and yours" Sam said smiling back he extend his hand towards Nanon.

"Umm...my Name is Nanon and I'm a new student here" he said while accepting his handshake.

After that incident they both became bestfriend's with each other. Sam got bully because he was a outcast that's why no one wants to be his friends but Nanon didn't believe in those things because of Sam no one wants to be friends with him either but who cares he got a true friend.


Nanon was heading towards his class room but suddenly Sam came towards him while running drenched in sweat.
"N-Nanon p-please h-help they are chasing me" Sam said panting very badly.
"Ok go and hide behind the staircase I will cover for you" Nanon said while pushing him towards staircase hiding him there completely.

After a while three well built boys came towards Nanon who was standing infront of his class room.
"Oyyy little one where is your out cast best friend" asked the leader in deep tone while walking towards Nanon.

"P-Phi L-Luke I-I d-didn't saw him today maybe he went home" Nanon asked while backing away from them. Yes it's true that after became friends with Sam he also got bullied and beaten by these bullies but he choose to stay loyal with his friend.

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