Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

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Warning SMUT

"Why won't it stop?" Holly cried in frustration, her forehead pressed up against the cold windowpane, watching the snow falling thick and fast outside.

"I'm sorry Holly, I did try, but they can't even get the Quinjet through this blizzard" Steve leaned against the wall next to her, shooting her an apologetic smile.

Holly smiled up at him and shook her head "It's ok Steve it's not your fault. I just can't believe our luck though, who would have thought we'd have gotten snowed in on a routine surveyance mission 2 days before Christmas" she threw her hands up in the air, pushing off the window and marching back into the split level living area of Tony's Rocky Mountain Cabin, falling dejectedly onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.

Steve followed chuckling "It could be worse. Afterall we are snowed in at Stark's super swank Ski Chalet, its fully stocked and I've got the best company I could have asked for" he jumped over the back of the couch, landing with a surprising soft flump next to her, one of his heart stopping, ovary combusting, pantie wetting smiles across his face.

Holly had to give herself a mental shake and pull herself together, you would have thought she'd be immune by now, but he could still catch her off guard and completely disarm her with that smile of his.

"Aww Stevie, you always know exactly what to say to cheer me up" She declared, flopping sideways across his lap, so she was looking up into his dreamy face.

He flashed her another smile pleased to see she wasn't brooding anymore "My mission in life" He raised a cheeky eyebrow at her before glancing up to the wall across from them "Now what's say we build a fire?"

Holly giggled, the man was still stuck in the 40's "You don't gotta build a fire genius, you just switch it on" how had he not realised by now that Stark had a gadget for everything.

Steve frowned down at her and then at the fireplace "What do you mean?"

Holly twisted in his lap, so she was now laying across him on her front as she groped over the armrest onto the side table. Steve sat stock still as she squirmed in his lap, willing himself to keep calm, which was proving difficult as his gaze dropped to her denim clad ass practically wiggling in his face.

"Enjoying the view Stevie?" Holly teased, peeking over her shoulder at him and catching him staring. Steve flushed guiltily but shot her a wicked smile "I'm only human Holly"

For a second Holly wondered if he was going to smack her on the ass, it's what she would have expected from Stark, Sam or even Bucky, though she would never put herself in this situation with any of them. Clearly, he'd been considering it Holly decided, as he tucked his hands securely under his thighs, she sighed a pang of disappointment settling on her at his gentlemanly ways.

Lifting herself back and off of Steve's lap, she knelt on the couch next to him with a small remote in her hand "Here we go" she announced pointing it at the fireplace and watching it roar to life with a touch of a button.

"Oh..." Steve stared baffled at the fireplace for a moment, eyebrows disappearing into his hairline "That wasn't nearly as much fun" he grumbled at last, looking slightly crestfallen.

Holly chuckled and resisted the urge to climb back into his lap and kiss him until he smiled again, getting snowed in with Steve Rogers was going to prove to be a bigger challenge than she'd realised.

"The fun part comes in the form of a bag of chestnuts I spotted in Stark's kitchen, topped off with some mulled wine" Holly quirked an eyebrow at him and leapt lightly off the couch, heading for the kitchen. She heard the couch creak slightly, indicating he was following her, but he didn't speak until they entered the rustic and yet gadget filled kitchen.

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