4th of July (Part 1)

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A/N Ok so I've been seeing on other stories that i should be posting warnings of mature content so you guys know what you're getting into so here goes... WARNING mature content fiction ;-)

Cassie couldn't believe her luck she was going to the Avengers Tower for their annual 4th of July celebrations.

This year they were going all out as it was also Captain America's 100th Birthday, technically he was turning 30 but to Tony Stark bigger was always better.

It was Tony that had hired her to sing at the 1940's themed birthday party in the Captain's honour. Cassie specialised in era specific cabaret; she had a wide enough repertoire that she could do themed parties from 1920's right up to today. She loved the 1940's especially though it was her favourite and that showed when she sang.

She'd spent the afternoon setting her auburn hair into an elaborate 1940's updo and was just putting the finishing touches to her makeup. With a well-practised flick of the wrist she applied the dark winged eyeliner before applying the finishing touch to any 1940's look, a rich deep red lipstick.

She pouted at her reflection makeup really was an amazing invention, she'd gone from shy librarian to screen siren in half an hour with a handful of products and a bit of skill.

Cassie's phone buzzed on the tabletop next to her signalling the arrival of the limousine Mr Stark had insisted on sending to escort her to the party.

The driver identified himself as Happy Hogan and that he was waiting downstairs when she was ready.

Excited as a schoolgirl Cassie checked her stockings were secure in her red lacy suspender belt and shimmied into her custom-made red satin off the shoulder full length dress. It fit her perfectly skimming her curves in all the right places, with a high neckline looking almost conservative from the front but the black plunged all the way to the very top of her ass, held in place only by 2 slender straps that encircled her shoulders. The silky material pooled slightly at her feet until she slid her feet into her red stiletto's completing the look.

Grabbing her faux fur wrap and bag on the way out the door she slinked through her building entrance throwing the gaping doorman a kiss and a wink as he held the door open for her. There was definitely something about this dress that made her bolder than usual.

Happy was waiting by the car his mouth practically on the floor as she sauntered towards him, he composed himself enough to open the door before she reached him allowing her to slide smoothly into the back of the vehicle. As he shut the door behind her, she distinctly her him mutter "Happy Birthday Cap"

On arrival to the tower Happy escorted her to the entertaining floor where Mr. Stark was supervising the set up of the party. Which essentially meant he was starting the party early with a whiskey while his girlfriend Pepper did all the work.

"Seriously Tony if you're not going to help just go get ready" Cassie overheard her hissing at him.

"But I am helping" he admonished scandalised.

She just laughed at him "Ah you must be Cassie, the singer, you look fabulous" Pepper gasped as they reached the bickering couple.

"Hello Miss Potts, lovely to meet you" Cassie smiled widely shaking the hand Pepper proffered.

"Wait you're the singer?" Tony stood blatantly staring his mouth hanging open.

Pepper shot him a glare "Yes Mr Stark we've met remember?" Cassie murmured confused.

"Nope doesn't ring a bell, I vaguely remember a mousy little slip of a girl, not the femme fatale I see before me, now you I would have remembered" Tony smirked.

Cassie laughed "Well you said 1940's glamour so here I am"

"Happy Birthday Capsicle" he snorted echoing Happy's earlier comment.

"So, your assistant messaged me earlier that you had a couple of specific requests for me and would elaborate when I arrived. Did you have particular song in mind? I should just about have enough time to run through with the band before the party gets under way" Cassie enquired though she hated going on stage unprepared with an unknown song.

Tony smirked again "Ah well it's not a song related request persay"

"Oh, I see then what is it you're wanting me to do?" she asked warily, his reputation preceded him after all.

"Well our birthday boy is a bit shy, and dressed... well... like that sugar, he's going to be putty in your hands. So I was thinking you could flirt with him a little, it'll make his night"

Cassie couldn't believe her ears "So can I just get this straight you want me to flirt with Captain America?"

"Yeah that gonna be a problem?" Tony downed the rest of his drink handing it to a passing waiter before looking back at Cassie for confirmation.

"Mr. Stark that is not something you have to ask me to do, it'll be my absolute pleasure" She exclaimed thrilled, this was going to be a fantastic night.

Pepper laughed at the rapture on your face "Come on I'll show you where to go and help get everything set up" Calling back over her shoulder as you both walked away "Tony go change now!"

The party was in full swing Cassie had been up on stage for an hour already belting out the most well known 1940's tunes, the dance floor was heaving, everyone was having a good time.

Across the dancefloor Cassie had a very specific audience watching her every move.

"Jesus would you look at the way she moves, good thing Laura's not here she'd murder me" Clint said mesmerised by Cassie's swaying hips.

Sam wholehearted agreed "Lucky thing I'm single"

"Dream on bird brain she looks like she can tell a real man from a boy" Bucky stated downing another shot.

"Boys, that there is Stevie's present from Tony so stop drooling and go about your business" Nat rolled her eyes catching them staring at you intently.

"Shame he has no idea what to do with a hot piece of ass like that" declared Tony.

"I know exactly what to do thank you Stark but I, unlike you, am a gentleman and will not be pawing at the poor girl like a piece of meat" Steve tried to shame the billionaire unsuccessfully.

Tony shrugged "Sure so that's why you're staring at her like a starving man at a buffet then?" he smirked and sauntered off towards the stage.

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