4th of July (Part 2)

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Cassie finished the last song with a flourish spotting Tony hovering at the side of the stage, he gave her a thumbs up that was her cue.

Signalling the band, they struck up the song Tony had chosen for her serenade the Captain with as they brought out the cake. Pointing directly across the dancefloor at the birthday boy, who froze like a deer in headlights, Cassie batted her eyelashes and crooked her finger inviting him over.

Steve's throat went dry as Sam and Bucky shoved him across the floor, the crowd parting for them.

I could feel it from the start
Couldn't stand to be apart
Something 'bout ya caught my eye
Something moved me deep inside
Don't know what ya did, boy, but you had it
And I've been hooked ever since
Told my mother, my brother, my sister, and my friends
Told the others, my lovers, both past and present tense
That every time I see you everything starts making sense

Nat and Clint broke into hysterics clutching their sides and each other at the look on Steve's face as Cassie started slinking towards him shaking her hips to the Christina Aguilera Chart topper.

Ain't no other man that can stand up next to you

Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do

You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon

You got soul, you got class, you got style, you're badass

Ain't no other man, it's true (Alright)

Ain't no other man but you!

Cassie stepped down from the stage as she sang, reaching Steve on the final line, on a complete whim she rose up on tip toe, threw her arms around his broad shoulders and planted a swift kiss full on his lips. "Happy Birthday Captain" she whispered huskily in his ear, sliding down his body and sauntering back to the stage. Bucky and Sam whooped and clapped a stunned Steve on the back as he stared transfixed, mouth hanging open watching Cassie's swaying behind walking away from him.

The entire crowd hooted and hollered as the enormous cake was wheeled out to where Steve stood, breaking into a raucous and discordant rendition of Happy Birthday lead by Cassie back on stage microphone in hand.

"That was brilliant Sugar, I feel like I should pay you extra for that little show" Tony said gleefully to Cassie handing her a slice of cake.

Taking the slice, she grinned and shook her head "No need Mr. Stark the pleasure was all mine"

He chuckled "Ok well how about you stay for the rest of the party, fireworks are going to be epic this year and they start in about half hour, oh and call me Tony"

"That would be great, thank you Mr... I mean... Tony" she called to his retreating back.

Now that she was officially off duty Cassie decided to take her cake out onto the balcony and stake out a good spot for the fireworks.

She stepped out into the fresh air sighing with pleasure as the cool air hit her skin, it was so stuffy inside with so many people crammed into one, admittedly very large, room. She sank gratefully into one of the lounge chairs dotted around dropping her untouched cake down onto the table next to her.

Cassie heard the balcony door slide open, looking round she smiled at the birthday boy as he made his way over to her, two glasses of champagne clutched in his hands.

"You looked thirsty" he stated, offering her one of the glasses.

Cassie smiled up at the blond god towering over her "Parched" she admitted with a smile, gratefully accepting the drink.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Steve asked tentatively.

Cassie pretended to think about it for a second "Well it would be rude to refuse the birthday boy" she winked at him, chuckling as he blushed.

Steve settled down on the chair next to Cassie's "You were absolutely fantastic tonight, I'm so glad Tony hired you"

"Thank you I've loved every second plus Tony very kindly invited me to stay for the rest of the party"

Steve looked pleased "Really that is good news, so what are you doing out on the balcony then?"

"I love fireworks so I was unashamedly nabbing the best spot for myself" she confessed smiling.

"Sounds like a plan but there's a better spot I know of if you're interested?" Steve stood holding out his hand to her suddenly looking nervous "Trust me?"

"Well what's the worst that could happen" Cassie giggled.

Steve led Cassie back inside, through the throng of party guests, slipped out to the elevator and rode it a few floors up. Entering a sparsely decorated apartment save for a few old photos, Steve shrugged off his jacket draping it over the arm of the sofa.

"Captain! Have you brought me to your apartment?" Cassie gasped theatrically an old photo of Bucky and Steve in her hands "Whatever do you have planned for me" she winked seductively.

Steve coloured, he was adorable, and motioned to the balcony on the other side of the room "My balcony has the best view of the fireworks, honest" he held up his hands.

Cassie slinked past him whispering "Shame" loud enough for Steve to hear her.

She stepped out onto the balcony sliding her hands against the cool metal of the railing taking in the breath-taking view of the New York skyline.

"What a view" she breathed.

"Couldn't agree more" Steve commented stepping outside behind her. Gently he slid his arms around her waist bringing her back into his warm body, holding her flush against his chest "and I wasn't talking about New York"

Cassie flushed with pleasure at the compliment, leant back into him turning her head and bringing her arm up to cup the back of his head, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

They stood moulded together languidly kissing, tasting one another for the longest time. Steve's hands roamed her body unchecked, caressing her sides and whispering over her hips, skin sliding smoothly over the satin of her dress.

She sighed into his mouth giving Steve the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth massaging her tongue with his own.

The kiss turned needy as Cassie felt his hardening length pressing into her ass, she ground back into him earning a groan from the super soldier in return.

Steve pulled back suddenly remembering himself "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I just couldn't help myself" he released her stepping backwards but Cassie wasn't having any of it.

Turning to face him she stepped back into his embrace, splaying her hands across his taut abs through his shirt "Did you hear me complaining?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

Steve chuckled gently holding her away from his body "Well no, but a gentleman doesn't take advantage of a beautiful woman"

Cassie smiled saucily at him "Well I'm no gentlemen and I have no problem taking advantage of a gorgeous soldier"

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