Modern Woman (Part 1)

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A/N This story will contain funnies, fluff and some smut in later parts

"Wow! Your hair looks amazing Mel" Wanda enthused, walking around her in a circle to view it from all angles.

"Thanks Wanda, you don't think it's too bright?" Mel asked, self-consciously smoothing her hand over her Bubble gum Pink hair.

"Well you could go brighter Sugar, but they can probably already see you from space, so where's the need" Tony Smirked, his eyes not leaving the screen of his phone, propped up against the jug of orange juice on the breakfast table.

Natasha smacked him upside the head as she left the table to fetch more coffee "Ouch" he muttered cringing away from the former assassin, gaze still trained on his phone.

She smirked down at him as he flinched "Baby"

Turning her attention back to Mel she ducked left and right, viewing her new haircut and colour from all angles "I like it, especially the shaved bit on the side, very edgy"

Bucky walked into the kitchen making a beeline for the coffee machine as usual, only pulling up short when he caught sight of the ladies clustered around it "Woah Mel that's... er... different"

Mel laughed, rolling her eyes as he walked towards her "Yeah because normally I'm so conservative"

Bucky threw his metal arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his muscular chest, grinning from ear to ear "Can't wait to see Steve's reaction"

Natasha laughed "Poor Stevie, even a lip piercing is too much for him let alone..." she looked at Mel sideways "Well..." she gestured to Mel shrugging.

Mel laughed, Steve struggled to hide his horror whenever she arrived back at the tower fresh from the tattoo parlour. Her largest tattoo being a full Avengers themed sleeve on her left arm. She had that done years before she interviewed for Tony as the team techy, he'd just laughed when he saw it and hired her on the spot, so it had come in handy.

Working with the Avengers was a dream come true, she spent most days working with Tony and Bruce in the labs coming up with new gadgets to keep the team safe. More importantly, she kept them under control ensuring they didn't attempt to build anymore superbots. Vision had turned out great in the end but Ultron went badly wrong. It had taken a long time for the team to truly feel comfortable with Bruce and Tony being back in a lab together.

Very occasionally Mel would be required for surveillance missions, usually where high levels of tech were involved, but they were minor league dangerous. Mel liked to joke that she was like the teams conscience, the little voice in their ears. Natasha on the other hand referred to her as the devil on her shoulder, as she was prone to making sarcastic comments over the comms. Which on more than one occasion had reduced Sam or Bucky to fits of giggles nearly blowing their covers.

Steve had chewed her out several times for it but she could tell he really wanted to laugh, his beautiful mouth twitching up at the sides as he shouted. She loved to watch him talk, didn't matter what he was saying it was an excuse to watch the way his mouth moved, as she imagined him putting that mouth to better use.

At least twice Bucky had caught her staring at him during briefings, having to kick her under the table to snap her out of her stupor. It was painfully obvious to everyone she had a massive crush on the Captain. To hide it would be a near impossible task, so instead she played on it, flirting with and teasing Steve until he blushed beet red was a daily challenge for her.

Mel knew nothing was ever going to happen there, Steve didn't think of her that way. She was way to "Modern a Dame" as he'd called her once. Whereas he was an old school gentleman, something that she found a major turn on unfortunately.

"Oh god! You didn't get a lip piercing this time did you?.." Steve started, overhearing their conversation as he entered the kitchen. Catching sight of them grouped by the counter he came to a complete dead stop, eyes wide staring at Mel.

Bucky smirked at his best friend, releasing Mel to move to the table for breakfast.

Mel winked at Natasha, before turning to fully face the super soldier, she'd been looking forward to teasing him all morning.

"So big boy, what do you think?" Mel smiled provocatively, tipping the Captain a wink.

Steve stood rooted to the spot, mouth gaping, the only giveaway he'd even heard her was the pink tint spreading along his cheekbones.

Mel slinked towards the frozen super soldier, swaying her hips slowly, noting the way his gaze dropped fractionally as she sauntered closer. Throwing a glance over her shoulder she grinned at the sight of her best friends, shaking silently, desperately trying and failing to keep a straight face.

She turned her full attention back to the Captain, like a predator stalking its prey, doing a little twirl for him fluffing up her long, soft pink hair "So? What do you think?"

Steve gulped as she gazed seductively up at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Looks... Looks lovely Mel" he stammered, completely red in the face. He quickly side stepped the tech, moving to join Bucky at the table.

Looking round Mel caught Tony staring at her, finally looking up from his phone an amused look playing across his face as he tried not to laugh "You shouldn't wind the old man up you'll give him a heart attack one day"

Mel shrugged "One day, he might surprise us all and give as good as he gets" grinning to the room at large she skipping gleefully from the room "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab" she called over her shoulder.

Tony turned back to look at Steve fixing him with an infuriatingly superior look "Cap are you ever going to do anything about the raging boner you have for that woman?"

The reaction around the table at his words was immediate. Sam and Bucky looked at each other then back to Steve bursting out laughing at his shocked expression. Wanda and Natasha leaned on the kitchen counter watching the super soldier curiously, while Bruce gaped at the billionaire shocked at how baldly he'd put it.

Steve sighed, leaning back in his chair "I'm not her type Tony, you know that"

"That's an excuse and you know it Cap" Tony declared getting to his feet, crossing the room to drop his plate and cup in the dishwasher.

"How do you know what her type is anyway Steve?" Natasha enquired, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

"Well come on, she's... she's so modern and I'm so... so... old fashioned" Steve cried, throwing his hands up in the air.

"That's just appearance Steve, deep down every woman wants a bit of good old fashioned loving" Wanda smirked.

Steve looked up at the women leaning on the counter, suddenly very aware they knew Mel better than anyone on the team.

"Are you guessing or do you know that for a fact in this case?" He asked carefully.

Natasha snorted "We know Steve, Jesus you're so oblivious, Mel is held over heels for you everyone knows it, now would you please do something about it" she said, with a roll of her eyes.

"Seriously?" he asked incredulous.

Bucky's hand landed heavily on his friends shoulder "Seriously punk, we can all see the way you look at each other"

Steve looked to Sam for confirmation, who nodded "Seriously!"

He looked to the table for a moment thinking hard, then back to Natasha and Wanda "Ok so if I'm gonna do this I'll need your help"

Wanda whooped punching her fist in the air as Natasha grinned deviously at the super solider "Bring it on Stevie"

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