Consequences (Part 4)

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Heather laughed down at Steve's smiling face "Oh really, would you like me to go get him for you" she teased.

"Oh no Doll you're not going anywhere" he purred, as his hands settled onto her hips grinding her down on his length.

She moaned at the sensation biting her lip as she stared down at the gorgeous man between her thighs,

Steve growled nipping at her collarbone "What did I tell you about biting your lip Doll"

Heather winked "Do your worst Stevie" pulling her lip back between her teeth again.

The sound of ripping material shocked Heather as Steve flung her pyjama top in two different directions.

Chuckling darkly she leaned down to kiss his lips pressing her bare breasts into his chest "That was seriously hot"

"You've not seen anything yet doll" Steve grinned deviously.

Spinning her around and back down to the bed, Heather found herself once again pinned under his weight, his hot lips moving in sync with her own.

All teeth and tongue the need behind their kisses building to fever pitch.

Steve broke the kiss again but didn't leave her this time, instead he began trailing hot open mouthed kisses down her throat across both breasts, down the planes of her stomach, only stopping as he reached the edge of her shorts.

Moving back up to her face he chuckled against her lips "I think I'm getting rather attached to these shorts Doll. They make me feel like I have possession over the very core of you"

He reinforced his comment by sliding his palm over the shield rubbed her throbbing centre through the damp material as he slipped his tongue back into her mouth caressing her own.

He moaned into her mouth "Jesus Doll you're so wet already"

"It's all for you Stevie" Heather whimpered, tangling her hands in his blonde hair and pulling him back to her for a passionate kiss as his continued to rub her through her shorts.

Steve swallowed every moan and whimper she made until he slipped a finger underneath her shorts probing her wet folds and sliding inside her.

Tearing her mouth from his Heather jerked under his touch "Oh Stevie!" she cried writhing underneath him as he pumped his finger into her entrance adding a second and then a third.

Crooking his fingers, he dragged his fingertips across her hidden sensitive spot, his thumb rubbing her clit firmly.

Instantly Heather became a whimpering mess at his touch Steve having to hold her down with his arm to stop her from wriggling at the sensations he was evoking in her.

Lust darkening his face Steve removed his hand from her shorts climbing backwards off the bed.

Frustrated at the lost contact she propped herself up on both elbows again in time to see Steve whipping down his boxers freeing his straining cock from his tight boxers.

Heather inhaled sharply not entirely convinced he was going to fit inside her.

Steve noted the shocked look on her face "Don't worry Doll, he'll fit, trust me" he smirked, reaching out to pull Heather's shorts down her long legs and flinging them over his shoulder.

Dropping to his knees he pulled her to the edge of the bed by her ankles, flinging a leg over either shoulder.

Steve leant forward placing gentle kisses along her wet folds, using his tongue he encircled her sensitive nub sucking hard and nibbling.

Heather shrieked, jerking wildly under his touch, Steve once again obliged to hold her down with his arms.

Smiling against her woman hood he delved his tongue into her entrance humming against her tasting her fully

"Oh my god Stevie!" She cried flinging a hand across her face, her eyes rolling back into her head

"Look at me Doll!" Steve commanded, leaning back up on trembling arms, panting heavily, she watched open mouthed as Steve plunged 2 fingers back inside her, his tongue once again on her clit.

He pumped his fingers into her at furious pace tongue lapping at her sensitive spots, it was all heather could do not to scream the place down.

Her release built quickly crashing over her like a tidal wave as Steve nipped at her clit, tumbling over the cliff she screamed his name falling back onto the bed completely spent after the most mind blowing orgasm of her life.

"Fucking hell Stevie" Heather mumbled incoherently, as he crawled up the bed between her legs shifting her up until her head hit his pillows, a proud look on his face.

Heather smiled up at him, pulling him down for a long sensual, languid kiss, the urgency of their coupling forgotten for a second, as they lost themselves in one another.

Steve reached between them to position his head at her entrance, groaning as he sank into her slowly, filling her completely.

Heather sighed into the kiss relishing the feeling of being completely full of him as he sheathed himself fully inside her.

Steve pulled back staring into her eyes gently brushing her hair out of her eyes so tenderly Heather could have almost cried.

Gently he pulled out of her to his tip before sinking into her deeper than before as she yielded more fully to his length, stretching for him.

Steve settled into a slow pace, almost teasing that allowed their kiss to remain unbroken, each sighing into the other with each stroke, hands roaming over each other's body with caressing, gentle touches.

Heather felt the familiar tug below her stomach beginning to build "Stevie" she moaned.

Steve increased his pace slowly, as their pleasure heightened wanting to take his time with her.

Steve gritted his teeth fighting to retain control "Please Stevie" Heather begged, as his control snapped.

Snapping his hips into her he pounded into her at a furious pace moaning her name.

Heather could feel her release getting closer and closer, when Steve lifted her hips slightly changing the angle, so he hit her hidden spot dead on she screamed out. Her second orgasm of the evening hitting her like a freight train.

Steve followed panting hard, half a dozen thrusts later, as her walls convulsed around him. Squeezing his cock, milking him of every last drop of his release he collapsed on top of her. Being careful to hold most of his weight on his forearms either side of her head, completely spent.

A few minutes later when his energy return Steve pulled out of her making her whimper once again at the loss. Turning onto his back he reached for her pulling Heather into his strong arms.

She went willingly sighing into his chest completely at peace with the world.

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