4th of July (Part 4)

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Steve marched her straight into his bedroom dropping her carefully onto her stockinged feet, her stilettos abandoned where they fell on the balcony, turning her so that she faced away from him.

Cassie giggled as he kissed down the side of her neck, running his hands across the soft flesh of her back sliding his fingers underneath the straps of her dress, lowering them down her arms, exposing her aching breasts "We're missing the fireworks Captain"

He pushed the straps the rest of the way down her arms causing her dress to drop to the floor, pooling at her feet. Spinning her around he crushed her to him again loving the feel of her bare breasts against his chest "No we're not Doll, we're making our own... Have I told you how much I love it when you call me Captain" he growled against her lips.

Cassie smirked in response "Show me how much Captain" deliberately emphasising the last word.

Steve smirked down at her, walking her backwards to the bed until it hit the back of her knees, she fell backwards, biting her lower lip she scooted up the bed.

His arms shot out grabbing her ankles, hauling her back down the bed towards him, Cassie shrieked at the sudden movement not understanding his intent until Steve hooked his fingers into her red lace panties, sliding them down her legs and discarding them over his shoulder with a wink.

Shrugging out of his shirt Steve sunk to his knees spreading her thighs, hooking her legs over his shoulders and bending his face to her core placing a gentle kiss to her folds. Cassie sighed, propping herself up on both elbows watching the Super soldier go to work.

Gently he teased her with kisses and kitten licks making her squirm with need under his touch "Please Captain"

Steve raised his gaze to her face, her mouth open, eyes glazed, cheeks flushed. Clamping a strong arm over her hips he thrust his tongue inside her entrance to taste her as he screamed his name "Oh Captain!"

He chuckled against her folds sending vibrations straight to her clit and making her buck her hips into his face. Withdrawing his tongue, he fastened his mouth to her sensitive bundle of nerves nipping and sucking as he abruptly inserted two fingers into her right up to the knuckle.

Cassie screamed his name again arching her back off the bed with the pleasure, Steve starting pumping his thick digits into her at a furious pace, crooking his fingers to reach just the right spot inside her, all the while torturing her clit with his mouth. She lost it his screaming incoherently, bucking wildly against his arm holding her down, turning into a whimpering mess as she felt the tug in her belly, her orgasm building to fever pitch.

"That's it Doll, cum for me" he moaned against her clit, at his word she came apart at the seams, dark spots blurring her vision as she rode her high. Steve continued his ministrations gradually slowing to gently bring her back down to earth. His cock was rock hard again begging to be buried up to the hilt into her soaking pussy.

Quickly divesting himself of his pants and boxers, flinging them into the same corner as Cassie's panties he crawled onto the bed between her legs, scooting her further up until her head hit his pillow. He kissed her deeply sinking into her in one fluid motion. Cassie cried out at the feeling of being so full, she could feel every vein and ridge against her walls, the feeling was almost enough to push her over the edge again.

"Jesus Cassie, you're so tight" Steve ground out his forehead pressed against hers, holding himself still to allow her to accommodate his size.

Cassie gasped "Nope, Super soldier remember" chuckling.

Steve grinned down at her, kissing her passionately until she was ready for him to move.

She was surprised as he set a languid pace, sliding slowly out of her and then slamming back into her making her scream out each time.

This was love making at it's finest all breath, all touch, all tangled sweaty limbs as they held each other close trying to sink even further into each other with every thrust. It blew Cassie's mind she had no idea sex could be like this, how Steve knew exactly what to do she had no idea, either he was a natural sex god or fibbing about being a virgin but right now she didn't really care which it was.

They lost track of time, lost in one another, the feeling of their bodies moving as one. Cassie felt her orgasm building inside her once again, she tried to hold on knowing Steve wasn't close but when he hooked her hip around his, changing the angle and hitting her sweet spot dead on she no longer had a choice, her walls clamping down and squeezing Steve's rock hard cock. Her second release was even bigger than the first, robbing her of speech leaving her gasping for breath.

Steve kissed her long and hard as she came back to earth then pulled out of her abruptly.

"On your knees Doll" he ordered.

Cassie whimpered at the sudden loss but quickly flipped over onto her stomach and up onto shaky legs.

Pulling her back and up flush against his chest, he fisted a hand in her hair, kissing her roughly and thrust into her again in one fluid movement, Cassie groaned into his mouth in response.

Steve broke the kiss and gently nudged her back down onto her knees a hand pressing on her back sliding over her smooth skin "Best hold on Doll"

Cassie nodded weakly gripping the bedspread as Steve pulled out and slammed back into her again over and over at a brutal bruising pace, his strong hands digging into the flesh on her hips as he chased his own high.

She screamed his name over and over and over until she was hoarse spurring him on, until with a loud expletive Steve exploded into her once again coating her insides with his seed as he ripped yet another final orgasm from her body, her walls spasming around his cock.


He pumped into twice more milking his cock and then pulled out falling down onto the bed next to her. Pulling her exhausted body down next to him into his arms she immediately snuggled into his chest. They lay quietly catching their breath "Who knew Captain America had such a dirty mouth, Language Stevie!"

Steve chuckled into her hair "I think I may enjoy you calling me Stevie even more than Captain"

Suddenly there was a banging on the door to the apartment "For Gods sake Steve!" bellowed Tony, "You left the balcony door open, we heard everything from 3 floors up over the fireworks!"

Steve went bright red and groaned while Cassie giggled quietly in shock, there was no way he'd be living this down anytime soon.

"Proud of you Captain, I had no idea you had it in you, looks like all the videos I sent you did the trick" Tony shouted with a laugh returning to the party.

Cassie grinned at the Super soldier who blushed beet red, well that solved that mystery.

A/N Thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed it, I'm not going to beg for comments but if you feel so moved I'd love to hear from you :-)

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