The Snap (Part 2)

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A/N SMUT warning

Jen made it home around lunchtime her car laden with supplies, putting away the groceries she crept around the house not wanting to wake anyone as she retrieved their soiled clothes, taking them to the Laundry room.

Inspecting Black Widow's leather jacket she took in the sheer amount of rips and running repairs, as Jen suspected it was beyond saving so she tossed it, having bought a replacement while she was out. Thankfully they had a good military surplus shop the next town over, so she was able to get most of what they needed in terms of tactical gear.

Moving back to the kitchen Jen set about stocking the backpacks she'd bought at the surplus store with gear and food ration packs. She did this every time they came by, she knew it wouldn't last long but she liked to do whatever she could to help ensure their survival.

Several hours later as she crammed the last of the supplies into the bulky bags Nat and Sam appeared in the kitchen looking in much better shape than first thing this morning.

Sam smiled when he saw what Jen was up to "You know you're an Angel right?" He chuckled.

Jen rolled her eyes "Hardly, though I did pick up extra of the chocolate pudding packs you like"

Throwing his hands up as if praying to the heavens he announced to the room "You're not an angel you're a goddess"

Nat laughed at his antics "Come on Bird Brain, we're going to go check over the Quinjet, give our saviour a little alone time with her man" she winked at Jen from across the room.

"Thanks Nat" Jen laughed as the assassin dragged the grumbling soldier out the door "Think I heard the shower turn on a second ago... go get him tiger" Nat called over her shoulder as she shut the door behind them.

Heading upstairs Jen entered her bedroom hearing the shower was on as Nat had suggested, deciding to surprise Steve in the shower, they could talk afterwards.

Tiptoeing into the bathroom Jen leant against the doorframe for a moment to drink in the sight of Captain America in all his glory in her shower. It was a generous sized double shower cubicle for the average person but somehow Steve managed to make it look tiny with his hulking form.

Jen was transfixed watching the water run down his back and over that delectable ass, as he turned she stated thinking she'd been caught staring but Steve had his eyes firmly closed a look of pure bliss on his face as he sluiced the weight of the last couple of months from his shoulders.

Biting her lip Jen continued to voyeuristically survey the god in front of her eyes lingering on his abdominal muscles before drifting lower.

"Do you intend to continue to stare at me or will you be joining me before the water runs cold"

Steve's voice broker her from her reverie, a slight blush already building on her cheeks as she raised her guilty eyes to meet Steve's amused baby blues.

Recovering herself Jen smirked at the super soldier "It's quite a view I've got here Steve, maybe I will just watch"

Steve chuckled over the sound of rushing water "Fair enough, but if you don't get that gorgeous ass of yours in here right now, I will not be held responsible for my actions"

Jen grinned, stripping off quickly and entering the shower enclosure into Steve's waiting arms, with a deep sigh he held her close, "that's exactly what I needed"

Placing a gentle hand on his cheek Jen searched his eyes seeing the difficulty of the last few months written here clearly. "I missed you" she murmured a gentle thumb stroking his cheek, "Not as much as I missed you" Steve whispered dipping his head to place a sweet lingering kiss to her lips.

Turning her in his arms Steve manoeuvred them both underneath the warm spray with his arms wrapped firmly around her from behind as he bestowed small kisses along her shoulder and the crook of her neck. Jen sighed, relaxing back into his embrace happy to have him home with her once more. Releasing her at last Steve slid his hands along the wet skin over her rib cage, upwards to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing against her nipples roughly.

Arching her body back against him at his long absent touch Jen could feel his fully erect cock pressing into her ass. Dropping her head back onto his shoulder, she turned her face up to him, demanding a kiss that he was only too happy to bestow, his tongue sliding demandingly into her mouth to taste her.

Dropping a hand from her breast, Steve slid it down the smooth plane of her belly, down into the sprinkling of curls between her thighs and lower still over her sex, into her already soaked folds.

"Always so ready for me Doll" he groaned.

Need rough and sharp spiked through her, making her whimper at his touch the sound travelling directly to his groin.

"Please Steve, it's been too long" she muttered against his lips, the urgency evident in her voice.

Steve growled, his control snapping as he plunged two fingers into her heat, his thumb finding its way to her clit and bearing down hard.

"Oh God yes" she hissed, bucking her hips into his hand.

One hand travelled up to his head, holding him to her so she could kiss him, desperation urging them both on into a kiss that was all tongue and teeth. The other hand snaked around between them to grip his shaft, a harsh gasp escaping his throat as she held him tightly, pumping her hand up and down his length.

"I need to be inside you" he groaned roughly against her lips "Please" she panted in return, twisting in his arms and pressing her body back against his, her arms wound around his neck.

Backing her against the wall, he dropped his hands to her ass, lifting her and pinning her to the wall with his hips, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Jen gasped in surprise, Steve wasn't usually this dominant, their love making was slow and sensual. Very rarely had she experienced the Captain in the bedroom, though she revelled in it when he came out to play, there was something so primal about being claimed in such a way. She couldn't help but melt into him, her breathing ragged, eyes open wide staring into blue eyes dark with lust.

Steve chuckled darkly, at her expression "Help me out Doll I've got my hands full" he commanded, his fingers squeezing her ass.

Jen followed his order without hesitation, dropping a hand from his broad shoulders between them, adjusting him so his tip was nudging at her centre. Holding him in place, Steve sank into her in one thrust, both groaning loudly as he bottomed out, her walls clutching at him as she stretched.

"Fuck, I've missed you" she groaned, returning her arm to his neck and pulling him back to crash her lips against his.

Without warning he pulled out halfway then slammed back into her, pushing her hard into the tiled wall. The shower still pounded over them, but Jen barely noticed as Steve sheathed himself in her over and over frantically, both desperately chasing their highs.

It didn't take long for them to build and crash over the edge of the cliff, screaming out their release as they sagged together, the water turning cold.

Lowering Jen back to the shower floor onto unsteady legs, Steve held her tenderly to him the Captain having retreated sated to be replaced with her loving and tender boyfriend once more.

Word Count 1296


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