Consequences (Part 5)

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A/N I had intended to leave it at 4 parts but it just didn't feel finished felt like we needed the morning after

"Well, Nat will be pleased" Heather giggled snuggling closer into Steve's chest, as they finally caught their breath.

Steve chuckled, twisting to look down at the woman in his arms "So will Bucky"

Heather leant up on her elbow, cocking her eyebrow at him.

Steve laughed at her quizzical expression "He's been bugging me to tell you how I feel for ages"

Heather's mouth fell open "You're kidding me, Nat's been bugging me for ages too"

Steve considered the information for a second "You don't think they had a hand in this somehow, do you?"

Heather laughed "Out of everyone here who would be the ones that could hack Tony's system? Who was the only person that knew about my pyjamas? And finally who was the one that made sure I had no more than one shot during the game? He out of everyone would know you'd never take advantage of me in an impaired state"

"Yep they definitely did it" Steve burst out laughing "Must remind myself to thank them both sometime"

Heather laughed for a second, then suddenly registered what Steve had said "Wait did you just say how you feel?"

Steve smiled shyly in response "Caught that did you?"

"So this isn't a one-time thing then?" She asked hopefully.

Steve reached up to pull her down into his chest, kissing the top of her head as he arranged her so she was wrapped snug around him "I hope not, I've been in love with you for ages Doll. I just didn't know how to tell you. Bucky kept telling me you felt the same but I never thought for one second I'd ever get that lucky"

"Unlucky you mean" Heather grumbled against his pecs "Because you're stuck with me now I'm going absolutely nowhere" she said grinning cheekily as she looked up at him.

He grinned in response "Thank goodness"


"Yes Heather?"

"I love you"

"Love you too Doll"

Heather jolted awake as someone pounded on her door, groaning at being woken from her dream about Steve; it was a good one too.

"Come on Punk, get up!" shouted Bucky through the door.

"What the actual Hell Bucky! why are you bothering me!" Heather shouted, as she stomped to the door throwing it open and glaring at the super soldier.

Bucky froze fist in mid-air, his eyes wide with shock.

Heather abruptly realised she was wearing her bullseye pyjamas and nothing else, as Bucky glanced downwards, starting to smirk. Heather quickly half closed the door, peeking out from behind it "What are you doing at my room perv? Go bug Steve or Sam"

"Err Doll" Steve called gently, from the bed behind her.

She froze, eyes wide as Bucky's smirk started to melt into amusement before her. Turning, heather looked back to the bed, belated realising she wasn't in her room.

"It wasn't a dream, was it?" She squeaked, flushing red.

Steve started to laugh, "No Doll it wasn't" Bucky snorted behind her eyes glossy with tears of laughter, as he fought to maintain control.

Heather turned back to Bucky, who was still desperately trying to stifle his hysterics "Oh clear off would you" she muttered, closing the door in his face with a bang.

The second it shut Bucky begun to howl with laughter "See you down at breakfast guys" he gasped in between gales of laughter.

Heather groaned head sinking into her hands "Well that's just great, everyone's going to know now aren't they"

Steve leapt up out of the bed, approaching her he forced her hands away from her face and threw a consoling arm around her shoulder. Tipping her chin up towards him he deposited a soft kiss on her lips before laughing "There was no chance they weren't going to find out, I want everyone to know you're my best girl"

She smiled up at the man she loved, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading through her, as a wicked idea crossed her mind.

"Well then if that's the case I think I have an idea" a devious smile forming on her face.

5 minutes later Heather strolled into the kitchen wearing one of Steve's pale blue shirts over her pyjama shorts, the sleeves rolled up 3 times to make it fit.

Bucky who was still laughing was whispering in the corner with an equally ecstatic looking Natasha. Both fell quiet watching Heather as she entered the room and busied herself behind the counter with her morning coffee.

"Well don't you look bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning" groaned Clint looking very much worse for wear.

"You need to learn to hold your liquor better" Tony admonished the archer from across the table, turning his attention back to the brunette, he grinned "So little lady mind telling me whose shirt you're wearing? I suspect I may know the consequences from last night's game based on that alone?"

"That's quite an assumption to make Tony" commented a shirtless Steve from the doorway, watching Heather like a predator stalking his prey "Though not necessarily inaccurate... So that's where my shirt went Doll, I did wonder"

Heather giggled and batted her eyelashes at him "If you want it come and get it"

Steve laughed, stepping forward to stand behind her at the counter, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pressed a light kiss to her temple murmuring "Looks better on you anyway" before pulling her chin up and crashing his mouth to hers with all the passion he possessed.

They broke apart breathless moment later, Heather immediately having to suppress a giggle at the looks on her teammates faces.

Bucky and Natasha looked positively gleeful, throwing each other a loud and celebratory high five. Tony for the first time ever had apparently been stunned into silence at the thought of Capsicle actually getting laid.

Clint and Vision looked confused like they were missing a piece of the puzzle, the latter turned to Wanda a question on his lips, only for her to shush him with a laugh and a promise to explain later.

Sam looked from Steve grinning with his arms wrapped around his best girl to Bucky and Natasha's self-satisfied expressions. Quietly fishing a 20 from his pocket he slipped it across the table to smug Bucky with a sigh.

Composing himself Tony snorted "Well I guess we all know what the consequences were, anyone care to venture a newspaper headline?" he asked turning back to the team.

"Yeah I've got one" Bucky boomed from the end of the table "It's about damn time!"

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