The Snap (Part 1)

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Jen paced back and forth staring at the phone in her hand willing it to ring.

It must be bad whatever was going on Steve would never leave her to worry when he was away unexpectedly on a mission. Even if he couldn't physically contact her, Sam or Nat would let her know they were ok in his stead. She stopped pacing for a moment her hand absentmindedly drifting to her stomach, he'd been back less than three days this time.


Jen rounded the corner breathing hard a stitch in her side as she pounded down the pavement in time to the beat of the music in her ears.

Finally reaching her front gate she leant on her fence stretching out her sore muscles, her skin prickled as she belatedly realised she was being watched.

Snapping her eyes round to her front porch her face broke into a wide grin "Nat!" She screeched leaping over her gate and bolting into the blonde's outstretched arms "Oh my god it's so good to see you, what are you doing here?" Jen asked pulling back to look into her friend's face.

It was Sam who answered standing up from the chair on her porch "We were cheekily hoping for a comfortable bed and maybe a home cooked meal" he laughed as she leapt at him wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tight.

"Well someone's pleased to see us" a deep familiar voice rumbled behind her.

Sam winked and released her so she could bolt into the open arms of the super soldier "About damn time you made it home Stevie" she grumbled against his chest.

He'd been gone for nearly three months this time, though she hadn't seen the others for at least five.

"You know I don't stay away because I want to" he whispered against the top of her head as he dropped a sweet kiss on her forehead.

Looking up at the man she loved she noticed the tiredness in his eyes, the slightly unkempt look to his hair and the state of his newly acquired beard. Twisting to look at the others properly she saw Sam sway slightly before he leant back against the railings, noting the grimy film to his battered uniform. Natasha ruffled up her hair pushing it behind her ears giving her a wan smile that didn't reach her eyes, Jen raked her eyes down the assassins worn suit, the badly patched rips standing out starkly, she woman could do many things back sewing was not one of them.

"You guys look dead on your feet, how long have you been on the move this time?" Jen asked the group as a whole.

Steve sighed and pulled her closer to him "About 27 hours I think"

Natasha looked at her watch "Make that 29 hours and 17 minutes"

"Is that all?" Sam grumbled.

Right Jen declared pushing backwards out of Steve's arms "All of you need showers, I'll make you some breakfast and then bed, no arguments"

Nat held up her hands "No energy to argue, besides that sounds amazing, any chance of some of your delicious French toast?"

Jen laughed "For you, anything" she joked shooing them all inside.

Once she'd located enough towels Jen flipped the booster for the hot water, sending Nat to her bedroom to use her shower. Sam she directed to the main bathroom, letting them both know there was spare clothes for them in the bedrooms they usually used when they stopped by.

Steve stayed downstairs with Jen helping her with breakfast which basically meant getting in her way while cuddling her at every opportunity.

Jen sighed as his arms slipped around her waist once again while chopping fruit "Not to complain Stevie but you'll get breakfast much quicker if you leave me too it"

"Not Hungry anyway" he mumbled against her shoulder, tightening his arms around her slightly.

Jen smiled, concentrating on the task at hand, finally popping the tray of food under the grill she was able to turn and drift happily back into Steve's arms, sighing contentedly into his chest.

"How long will you be staying this time?" she asked quietly.

"Don't know" he sighed tiredly "Maybe a while this time. There's not as much heat these days we might be able to stop moving around so much"

Daring to hope Jen looked up into his beautiful blue eyes "Stay here with me Steve?" she asked, reaching up to cup his cheek with her hand.

He turned his head placing a gentle kiss against her palm before lowering his head to capture her lips in a slow sensual kiss that scorched her soul, God how she loved this man.

A discreet cough sounded from the hallway, breaking the kiss Jen looked round into the quietly amused eyes of Sam and Nat hovering by the stairs, she smiled apologetically.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but the smell is driving us wild, is the food ready?"

Jen twisted in Steve's arms to look into the oven "Yes it is, grab a seat and I'll serve"

Shooing Steve to the table Jen retrieved breakfast, dishing up quickly and setting over loaded plates in front of the tired superheroes, who immediately tucked in with the inhuman enthusiasm of someone who hasn't eaten for a few days.

"Geez guys at least chew, I don't want to have to heimlich a cherry out of one of you" Jen grimaced. Vague mumbles in acknowledgement was all she got in response, but they also slowed up slightly to her relief.

Once breakfast was done, Jen directed them back to bedrooms with instructions to sleep and not to worry if she wasn't there when they woke up, she was going to run into town and get supplies.

Sam and Steve nodded in response heading for the stairs the latter of the two dropping a chaste kiss on her cheek as he passed.

Nat followed Jen back into the kitchen with her plate "Oh Nat thank you, but you don't have to, go get some sleep"

She dropped her plate on the side and retrieved a long plastic item from the pocket of her borrowed hoodie "I found this in the bathroom, I thought you'd probably want to tell Steve yourself rather than let him find it"

Jen turned slowly realising what Nat was holding out to her "Thanks" she whispered, looking up into the bright eyes of her friend.

Nat smiled turning to lean against the counter "I'm so pleased for you both, Steve will be thrilled"

Jen shook her head "Will he? it's not like we've ever talked about this, it's hardly an ideal situation"

"Nothing's ever perfect, but the kid will have 2 loving parents, it could be worse" Nat shrugged.

Jen chewed her bottom lip nervously "Maybe"

Nat stepped forward enfolding the brunette into a comforting hug "Just tell him, what's the worst that could happen? she whispered.

Smiling reassuringly, she left the kitchen in search of her bed.

Word Count 1169


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