Consequences (Part 1)

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A/N Warning Mature content! Turns out it i find writing like this about Captain America really easy :-)

Time to play a game!"

The team groaned it was always dangerous to play Tony's games. It always ended up with someone drunk, someone naked and someone embarrassed. If someone was really unlucky they might end up all three by the time he was done.

Undeterred he arrived in the spacious living room with a tray of shots, all gently clinking as he walked.

"Everyone grab your phones" he hollered.

Warily they all started fishing in their pockets/bags for their phones.

"Why do I need my phone?" Natasha started warily. The last time the phones had been involved in one of Starks games FRIDAY had spent most of the next day wiping any and all traces of the nude photos if the assassin from the internet, so it was hardly surprising she was hesitant.

Tony winked at the red head, most of the team was convinced he still had the photos they just couldn't prove it.

"As you will see you all have a new app called consequences" a chorus of complaints rang out in the wake of the pronouncement.

"Wait what? You hacked my phone"

"Not cool man"

"You better not have looked at my photos Tony, I swear to god"

"Why what's in your photos?"

"None of your business"

"This is why I never wanted one of these stupid things in the first place"

Tony called for order by waving his hands at the group "First no I did not hack your phones, FRIDAY did"

"Same thing" muttered Sam.

"Oh and Wanda, nice ass" Tony winked at the witch who turned the same colour as her magic.

"Right so the rules of the game people are... First you type in a man's name, what he was wearing, a woman's name and what she was wearing. It has to be people in this room btw" he said cocking an eyebrow suggestively at Wanda, who flushed in response.

"Then where they were and what they were doing... now here comes the twist... FRIDAY is then going to collate all the responses and will generate a random story" he paused for dramatic effect, as they all stared silent and bored at the excitable billionaire.

Heather finally spoke up "Tony have you ever played consequences before? Because that's not how it goes"

"Nope" Tony stated firmly thrusting a shot into her hands "But my game my rules"

"Right next part then before entering each section on your app you have to do a shot"

Bruce looked horrified "But Tony that's 6 shots of whatever the hell you've given us... What is it anyway?" He asked eyeing the glass.

"So what about the super soldiers over here? We're all gonna be on the floor and they'll be fine" shouted Clint, glaring at Steve and Bucky.

Tony considered this "True, so they'll have to do 2 shots for each of everyone else's"

Steve cocked an eyebrow "Seriously?"

Bucky just shrugged "Alright bring it on Tin man"

"Hang on a sec!" Everyone looked at Natasha who was staring at the app in her hand a confused look on her face "Why the hell is this game called consequences? There's nothing on here about any consequences"

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