The Snap (Part 3)

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A/N SMUT Warning

The atmosphere in the bathroom was significantly lighter than before their shower, Steve appeared more relaxed the weight of the world now removed from his shoulders. Reaching for a towel he tenderly dried Jen not apparently looking for any excuse to keep her in his arms a little longer.

Reaching up Jen wound her arms around Steve's neck rising on tiptoe to bestow a small kiss on his lips one that turned quickly passionate when Steve prevented her retreat by claiming her mouth once more. Breaking apart with a sigh Steve lent back against the sink bringing Jen with him, her palm on his newly acquired beard, Jen smiled up into his face "I think I like this look on you"

Steve chuckled raking his own hand through his somewhat bushy and messy beard "Necessity unfortunately, I don't get recognised as much with it as without"

Jen raised a sardonic eyebrow "You mean the star-spangled outfit doesn't give you away?"

The smile slipped from his face at the light-hearted comment "There's no stars on my outfit anymore, you know that"

Jen sighed as his eyes turned cloudy "Hey, hey look at me" she murmured gently as he looked away, one hand still laid softly on his cheek.

With reluctance Steve returned his gaze to her but found he couldn't quite look her in the eyes his gaze lowered to the floor. Jen used her other hand to tip his chin up forcing him to meet her eyes "Hey none of that, you know you did what you had to, and the world does too. It doesn't mean this is forever" placing another gentle kiss on his lips Jen drew back to survey his face. Steve gazed at her dispassionately for a moment finally nodding his head "I know, but..." he trailed off lost in thought.

"But what? She probed gently, receiving no answer but Steve hauling her into his arms once more squeezing her tightly.

He gave a deep shuddering sigh "But what kind of life can I offer you" he muttered sadly into her hair.

Jen pulled back to look up into his distant and glossy eyes " I just want you Steve and I'll take you anyway I can get you" Steve smiled in response but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Can you trust me on that?" Jen asked quietly holding his gaze with determined eyes.

Steve swallowed and nodded though Jen wasn't convinced.

Seeking to distract him from his suddenly melancholy mood she stood on tip toe once more peppering his face with little kisses until at last he cracked a smile and claimed her lips roughly desperation and desire fuelling his passion.

It was Jen that deepened the kiss further by sliding her tongue past his lips, but she allowed Steve to win the battle for dominance the Captain coming to the fore once more.

"Perhaps. We. Should. Bedroom?" Steve gasped out, between kisses.

"Good Plan" Jen concluded, muttered against his lips.

Pushing himself off the sink, Steve reached down to firmly grasp her ass, lifting her from the floor. Taking the hint Jen wrapped her legs around his waist their towels falling forgotten to the floor as Steve carried her into the bedroom, mouths still connected.

Still without breaking the kiss he made his way to the bed, cradled her to him and lowered them down carefully. He supported their combined weight on one arm, until Jen was pressed flush against the mattress. Lowering his body onto hers, he rolled slightly to the side so he didn't crush her and to allow his hand access to roam freely.

Jen lost herself in the feel of him pressed tightly against her, the taste of him, his touch and the smoothness of his skin under her fingertips.

She wasn't sure how long they lay entwined on the bed, hands roving each other's bodies whispered endearments caressing their skin, nothing mattered as he lowered his face to her core.

Desperately she bucked against the sensations, whimpering as he nibbled and sucked on her sensitive nub, sliding 2 fingers into her soaked entrance.

His beard rough against the sensitive skin of her thighs, only drove her higher faster.

Her first orgasm hit her suddenly, white spots clouding her vision as Steve crawled back up her body, kissing her deeply and sunk into her with one fluid movement.

He groaned into her throat as he slid into her up to the hilt "I've missed you Doll"

Jen chuckled, the vibrations causing Steve to groan again "Is has been too long" she sighed.

Gathering both of Jen's hands in one of his, pinned them Steve above her head, his fingers interlacing with hers "Hold on Doll" he growled in her ear, nipping at her lobe.

Withdrawing from her, he slammed back into her hard enough to push her slightly up the bed.

Mewling she twisted desperate to touch him again.

Chuckling against her ear, Steve slammed into her again, breathing incomprehensible words across her skin. He pounded into her with abandon, completely undone by the feel of her walls fluttering around him and the way she cried out his name.

Only when he could feel she was nearing her release, did he loosen his grip on her hands. Allowing her to splay one hand across his lower back, nails racking down his skin with each thrust. Her other hand tangled into his hair, tugging his face to hers, tongues dancing together in a passionate kiss.

Changing the angle of his hips, he thrust against her secret spot, once, twice and then for a final time, as she ripped her mouth from his screaming his name. Her walls clenching around him, Steve followed her with a rough expletive and a final thrust, as he spilled himself within her.

It didn't take long for sleep to claim Steve but Jen lay awake in his arms, she wanted to let him sleep but had no way of knowing how soon he was likely to be called away again and she needed to talk to him. Twisting in his arms Jen placed a hand on his shoulder gently shaking to wake him.

"Steve" she called quietly "I need to talk to you about something"

"Hmmm" he hummed against the top of her head as he started to fall back to sleep instantly.

Smacking her hand on his chest to attract his attention he jerked, snapping his eyes open "M'wake, I'm awake, what's up Doll?"

"I said I need to talk to you about something" Jen told his chest unable to bring herself to meet his eyes.

Noticing her sudden nervousness Steve pulled himself up into a seated position giving her his undivided attention "What's the matter?"

Jen sat up slightly away from the super solider still staring at his chest, chewing on her bottom lip, not sure how to start.

"Hey" Steve said softly grasping her chin and forcing her to look up into his worried face "What is it?"

"It was an accident" she gasped at last stumbling over her words "I didn't mean..." she trailed off.

Steve's eyes narrowed feeling as though someone had plunged a dagger in his heart "You've met someone else, haven't you?"

Jen gaped at him wordlessly, so completely unprepared for that reaction.

"You're not denying it I notice" he said tightly, hopping off the bed grabbing his clothes from the chair where he'd left them.

"What! No! I mean it's not that... I haven't" She stuttered as Steve stormed around the bedroom pulling on his clothes so violently he almost ripped his T-shirt clean in half.

"I'm a big boy Jen, you should have just told me, I mean how could I possibly expect a woman like you to wait for me" he ground out slumping down on the end of the bed his back to her.

"No Steve, you've got the wrong end of the stick... I haven't...." she cried desperately, tailing off when the phone on the bedside table began to chime distracting them both.

"Is that?..." Jen began pointing to the phone.

"That's the number I gave Stark" Steve said slightly shell shocked, he'd never expected him to call.

Standing he strode over to it flipped it open and pressed it to his ear "Tony?"

Word Count 1380


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