Modern Woman (Part 3)

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A/N This story will contain funnies, fluff and some smut in later parts

"Where are we going Doll?" Steve asked chuckling as she shoved him into the Elevator and hit the button for Steve's floor with her fist.

"Your room, to get all of... well that off you" Mel shook her head "For the love of god tell me that none of it's permanent"

Steve Chuckled "The hair dye is wash in wash out, though Nat has warned me my hair may be a little orange for a while, the tattoo... Well look..."

Mel looked down to the arm he was holding out, with his other hand he reached up under the sleeve of his hoodie and pulled the fake tattoo sleeve down, over his wrist revealing his unblemished and perfect skin.

She sighed in relief as it came off "Oh thank goodness"

"What's the matter Doll? Didn't you think it suited me?"

Mel rolled her eyes "Don't get me wrong Steve, seeing you with a tattoo was actually kinda hot but I wouldn't have wanted you to mark your gorgeous body permanently to prove a point" she threw at him before thinking it through belatedly and realising what she'd said.

Silence followed her admission the tension in the room suddenly skyrocketing "Gorgeous huh?" Steve asked softly, raising a hand to Mel's chin and lifting, forcing her chocolate brown eyes up to his sky blue's.

Seeking to diffuse the sudden tension Mel laughed nervously, shrugging she stepped backwards to the elevator wall "Oh come on Steve you know you are"

He continued to stare down at her thoughtfully, a slight smile on his lips, leaning over towards the panel of buttons he brought his palm down square on the emergency stop button causing the elevator to slam to a sudden stop.

Mel squeaked in surprise, flattening herself back against the wall as Steve bore down on her, placing a hand on the wall either side of her shoulders.

Once the lift had shuddered to a complete stop, Steve wrapped his arms around her, gathering her close, he swooped down to capture her lips with his own.

Tangled a hair into her hair, he kissed her with a passion that Mel didn't know he possessed. Raising her own hands, she fisted them into his hoodie pulling him closer, deepening the kiss as she opened her mouth allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth to tangle with her own. Mel groaned as his other hand found its way to her backside, gripping her tight and pulling her flush against him, pushing a muscular thigh between hers, pinning her to the wall.

"Captain Rogers you have activated the emergency stop on the elevator do you require assistance?" FRIDAY called into the elevator.

Pulling back Steve shouted at the ceiling "No thanks FRIDAY, we're fine" Mel grinned at him, pulling him back down to her, she tangled her hand in his vivid hair, crashing her lips back on his.

"Err Cap?" The sound of Tony's voice filled the small space "You know there are cameras in there right?"

"Best turn them off then Tony, otherwise you're going to get quite the show" Mel called out, tearing her lips from Steve's momentarily, Steve grinned impishly in response to her words.

"Oh no, get out at the next floor or I will come up there and make you" Tony shouted as the elevator started moving again.

Mel sighed mumbling under her breath "Party pooper"

Steve placed a kiss on the tip of her nose and released her, stepping back till he reached the other side of the confined space, his arousal evident even through his baggy trousers.

The door pinged and slid open "Well we really should get that stuff out of your hair and you out of those clothes anyway" Mel said as they left the elevator.

"I rather thought we'd started on the latter already" Steve said laughing as he followed her down the hall.

Stopping outside his door Mel looked at him thoughtfully "Was that the point of all this?" Pulling on the chain on his trousers.

"Well yes and no" Steve confirmed unlocking his room and ushering her inside.

"No, the point wasn't to make you want to rip my clothes off exactly... but it was supposed to... I dunno make you see me like the type of guy you would usually go for"

"You're an idiot" Mel huffed heading for the bathroom briefly pausing at the confused look on his face.

"What makes you think I like guys dressed like this? When have you ever seen me with one? When have you ever seen me with a guy for that matter? For all you knew I was a lesbian"

"Nat never gave me any indication that I was the wrong gender" he chuckled.

Mel laughed "Oh Nat said did she, using my friends against me I see... how did that work out for you?"

Steve shrugged "You're here aren't you... though I confess it didn't go as I'd expected"

Mel walked back over to him, hands settling on his hips just under the hem on his hoodie "Know why?"

Steve inhaled sharply as he felt her hands drift higher, edging under his clothes, fingertips gently skimming over his sides "No please do enlighten me"

"It's because I don't have a type" she said sliding her hands higher, bringing his hoodie with her hands, forcing it up over his head and flinging it into a corner.

Bringing her hands back to Steve's chest she began to trace lazy circles on his bare skin "Well actually that's not strictly true, I do have a type but it's very specific"

Steve brought his hand up to cup her cheek using his other hands to gently lift her chin, so she was looking into his eyes "What is it?"

Mel smiled "You" she stated simply.

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