Silent Night

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"Oh my god Steve! Where are we going it's freezing" Holly whined, practically jogging along in Steve's wake trying to keep up with his long strides, though even that wasn't keeping her warm.

"You're seriously complaining about being cold?" he asked, turning sideways to look at her confusion flashing across his face when he realised, she wasn't there but at least 3 paces behind him.

"Sorry" he grinned at her sheepishly, consciously slowing himself down so she could keep up.

Holly huffed, trying to catch her breath, finally falling back into step at his side "It is minus 4 out here" she rubbed her hands together, attempting to bring back the feeling to her numb fingers.

"Slight exaggeration, but why didn't you bring gloves?" he rolled his eyes, though he still stopped and reached for her hands enclosing them, in his larger warm ones.

Holly sighed, starting to warm up at last "Oh Stevie, you're always so warm"

He chuckled at the nickname, she only called him that when she wanted something and the way she was looking up at him and batting her eyelashes, he suspected he knew exactly what it was.

"Fine come here" he barked out a laugh and held open his jacket.

Leaping into his warm body, Holly tucked her arms around his back, underneath his jacket and buried her face in his shirt clad chest, inhaling his cologne with a deep sigh.

He laughed once more, his chest rumbling against her cheek, closing his jacket around her tiny frame to hold her close. He dropped his face to her hair, the scent of jasmine wafting through his nostrils, relaxing him instantly.

Holly chuckled "I really must get you a bottle of my shampoo, though it is a little weird how much you like it"

Steve started guiltily, clearly he hadn't been as subtle as he thought "Nah Doll I only like it on you"

Holly sneaked a glance up at his smiling face, did he just say he liked the way she smelled. Shaking her head, she admonished herself internally for thinking crazy thoughts, choosing to instead whine into his chest "Can we please go back to the Tower now? It's warm there"

"No" he sighed "Trust me, it'll be worth it. I'll keep you warm I promise"

Holly reluctantly released him, stepping backwards away from his body heat and into the frigid air, feeling even colder than before. Steve clocked the shiver, taking her hand in his he tugged her down the sidewalk with their hands intertwined, tucked inside his jacket pocket.

Holly felt her face grow red at the contact but prayed the cold flush would hide her reaction.

A block later they stopped outside a small run-down looking church in the middle of Brooklyn, Holly was confused until she spotted the sign declaring tonight's carol service, due to start in few minutes time. The carollers were already assembled on the front steps, they'd arrived just in time.

Pulling Holly round in front of him Steve tagged them onto the back of the waiting crowd near a wall to protect Holly from the bitter wind. Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her backwards into his chest, holding her close to keep her warm. Holly sighed contentedly, resting her head back against his chest, peering up at him with a radiant smile into his upside-down face. He chuckled down at her, resting his head atop hers as the music started.

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin, Mother, Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

They stood quietly listening to the beautiful and eerie sound of the carol echoing around the surprising quiet New York streets completely at peace. Holly's hands unconsciously crept up and covered Steve's their fingers interlocking as they huddled together, tightly clasped to one another, neither one wanting to be anywhere else, but to stay right here forever.

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

As the song finished, Holly sighed Thank you Stevie, you were right this was worth braving the cold for"

Steve swallowed nervously, it was now or never "You're the only one I wanted to bring her Holly"

She peered up at his suddenly serious face, reading the uncertainty in his eyes, taking a deep breath, Holly took a chance, not allowing this moment pass, as so many others had.

Twisting in his arms, Holly rose up on tip toe, her hands sliding up his strong chest to rest on his shoulders. He didn't once drop his hold on her, enclosing her more securely in his arms as she moved, pulling her closer still, until they stood face to face, his hands splayed across her lower back.

They paused staring into one another's eyes, the same thought running through both their heads "I'm glad" she whispered at last, leaning in to press her cool lips against his softly.

Steve responded gently at first still unsure, Holly chuckled against his lips, sensing his hesitation. Throwing caution to the wind, she curled a hand into the soft hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to her and pressing her lips firmly against his.

He groaned quietly in response, his lips parting to allow her to slide her tongue into his mouth to dance sensually with his, the kiss deepening further still.

Breathlessly they broke apart, gasping for air, still moulded together, wide smiles on their faces, as they rested their foreheads together.

"I've wanted to do that all year" Steve whispered.

"What took you so long?" Holly responded, pulling his lips to hers once more.

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