The Snap (Part 4)

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"Steve are you ok? Did something happen with you and Jen?" Nat peered at her friend concerned he'd had his jaw clenched so tightly since the second they'd left the house, she feared he'd get lockjaw

Two hours had passed in complete silence as they raced back to the spot where they'd stashed the Quinjet thankfully now full stocked once more and taken off on their way to fetch Wanda.

"Doesn't matter" he mumbled "We should be focusing on the mission"

Nat opened her mouth to argue only to be cut off by Sam "What exactly did Tony say Steve?"

Steve sighed knowing full well that it hadn't been Tony on the line but he wasn't quite sure how to break to Nat that Bruce was back after all this time. It was cowardly of him but he knew losing him had hurt her more than she was prepared to admit, so where did he start.

"He said we need everyone... which is why we're on our way to get Wanda and Vision" Steve knew choosing to avoid the issue for the moment would most likely mean he'd get his ass kicked for it later, but he'd deal with the fallout when it happened.

"Stop avoiding the issue Steve" Nat declared fixing him with a determined look.

"Wait what... how did you..." he started then remembered her earlier comment "Oh you're talking about Jen" he sighed.

"Of course I'm talking about Jen... Wait who did you think I was talking about?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Err... Nevermind, doesn't matter" he needed to distract her "Something did happen" he confirmed quietly.

Sam shook his head at Natasha, he could tell something was very badly wrong but had more sense than to bring it up "Leave it" he muttered quietly but she wouldn't be diverted so easily.

Nat took in his tense almost angry form this was not the Steve she knew "You're angry aren't you, this isn't how I would have expected you to react Rogers, I'm disappointed in you"

Steve snapped his head up glaring daggers at the women he considered a friend "You knew" he accused.

"Well yeah, but only for like 6 hours longer than you, we spoke after breakfast" Nat sighed "She was nervous about telling you Steve, now I understand see why"

"You're kidding right?" he asked incredulously "How else was I supposed to react?" he ground out running his hands agitatedly through his overlong hair.

Nat snorted "Um let me think, maybe you could have been happy about it, geez what did you say to her?"

"Happy!" Steve thundered "Happy about the woman I love leaving me for someone else! Jesus Nat, I knew you were emotionless at times, but this is a new low even for you"

Sam threw his hands up in frustration and rounded on his friend "You just couldn't leave it alone could you Nat"

"Wait what the hell are you going on about Rogers?" Nat was floored, this conversation had taken a very strange turn.

Steve jumped up storming down the Jet away from the assassin, but she wasn't having any of it jumping out of her seat at once and chasing after him. Sam grabbed her arm to try and stop her "Leave it don't you think he's suffered enough, you know how much he loves her"

Natasha glared up at him wrenching her arm free "That's exactly why I can't let this go Sam, somethings definitely gotten lost in translation here and I know it"

"What exactly did she say to you? Tell me exactly" Nat demanded standing directly in front of the super soldier forcing him to acknowledge her.

"Fine" he shouted "Jesus if it makes you feel better fine. She said it was an accident that she didn't mean for it to happen"

Natasha groaned "So where exactly in that sentence did you get that she'd met someone else? Think it through Rogers, could she possibly have meant something else"

Disgusted she stormed back to the cock pit to grab his phone, unsurprised to see he had 6 missed calls and multiple texts from Jen, chucking it at his head she snarled "Call your girlfriend you idiot, you've made a mistake"

Steve glanced down at the phone at his feet without seeing it, replaying everything she'd said in his head. He had jumped to the conclusion and pushed her away when she tried to argue, could he have projected his fear onto her? Natasha knew what she was intending to tell him though he realised looking back to the furious assassin a baffled expression on his face.

"What was she going to tell me Nat?" he asked slowly.

"Oh no, not a chance" she defied him crossing her arms over chest and glaring at him "Ring Jen and ask her, you're getting nothing out of me idiot" she sneered hurling herself back down into the pilots chair with unwonted venom.

Sam and Steve looked at each other in stunned silence for a second, it wasn't often Natasha completely lost it, Sam bent down and picked up the phone at Steve's feet.

"I don't know what's going on man, but I suggest you do as you're told" he said softly, pressing the phone into Steve's hand.

Steve nodded using speed dial he held the phone up to his ear, it connected on the second ring "Stevie?" Jen sobbed.

Steve felt his heart breaking he hated to hear her cry, it hurt even worse knowing he caused it.

"Hey Baby, he said softly I owe you an apology, I overreacted and didn't give you a chance to finish. I'm so sorry" he said in a flood of words.

There was another sob at the other end "You know I love you Steve, h-how could you think I'd do... do that to you?"

"I'm always scared that I'll lose you one day, one way or another, I guess I'm just waiting for it" Steve admitted.

"Idiot" she huffed but he could hear the smile creeping back into her voice.

"That's what Nat told me too" he chuckled gently.

"What else did Nat tell you?" the alarm evident in her voice.

"She made it clear I'd made a mistake, but wouldn't tell me what you were going to tell me, said I had to call you" he said looking towards the blonde at the front of the jet "Damn straight" she called back to him.

"I heard that" Jen laughed "Tell her thanks for me will you, she's a good friend"

"Will do" Steve said smiling "So Doll what is it you need to tell me?" now the drama was put to bed Steve found his curiosity piqued.

The line went silent in response.

"Doll you still there?"

"Yeah Stevie still here, given the way you guys had to run out of here it's not the most important thing right now, concentrate on what you're doing we'll talk when you get back" she sighed.

"You sure Doll? It's nothing bad is it?" He asked worried.

"No nothing bad" Jen promised.

Word Count 1180


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