4th of July (Part 3)

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Reaching up she pulled his mouth back down to hers, crashing her lips against his, moulding her body flush against his once again, running her hands up his broad chest across his shoulders, clinging to his bulging biceps.

Steve hesitated for half a second before groaning against her soft lips, gripping her hips with bruising force grinding her against his length.

Cassie felt the heat pooling between her legs, she hadn't been this hot for a guy since she didn't know when. It wasn't her style to throw herself at men either, but this was different, Steve was different and tonight she was feeling brave, brazen and bold.

"I don't usually do things like this" Steve breathed against her mouth

Cassie sniggered "Things like what? Luring willing young women to your apartment under the guise of watching the fireworks"

"Well... yes to be honest"

Cassie puled back slightly looking Steve in the eyes curiously "How long has it been Captain?"

Steve's eyes widened "I...well..."

"Steve you have made love to a woman before, haven't you?"

"Well...I...No actually I haven't"

Cassie couldn't help it her mouth fell open of its own accord as she gaped at the perfect specimen of manhood in front of her. "But surely women throw themselves at you all the time?"

Steve chuckled nervously "Well I don't know that I'd say all the time, I've had opportunities, I dunno I guess I was waiting for someone special" he trailed off not quite meeting her eyes.

Cassie could see he was embarrassed, she found it quite frankly adorable "Steve..." she started gently lifting his chin to pull his eyes back to her "I'm honoured... are you sure you want to?"

Steve nodded "I've never wanted anyone like this Cassie, I want you"

Cassie smirked and rolled her hips against his, earning a groan in response "I can feel that Soldier, it is your birthday after all and fireworks were promised"

Turning him slightly she pushed him back and down into one of the chairs on his balcony, hitching up her dress to slide onto his lap straddling him.

Cassie pulled his arms back around her, kissing him with all the passion she had, wanting to show him how much she wanted him. She nibbled on his lower lip gaining entrance and sliding her tongue into his mouth to tangle with his once more.

She set to work on the buttons of his shirt leaving his mouth to trail kisses from his ear, down his throat, continuing down his chest with every button she popped open.

Steve rolled his head back, closing his eyes enjoying how she was making him feel, so totally distracted by her touch that he didn't immediately realise she'd slid off his lap between his knees until he felt his belt being undone and his zipper lowered.

He lifted his head and looked down at her wondering if she was going to do what he thought she was. He didn't have to wait long to find out as one of her hands slid into his boxers, stroking his length.

"Cassie you don't..." he trailed off "Shhh, let me take care of you Captain"

Steve swallowed thickly, lifting his hips from the chair to allow her to swiftly pull his boxers with his pants lower freeing his straining cock from his constricting clothes.

Cassie's eyes widened at the sight of him, long, thick and begging for release, Steve chuckled at the expression on her face "Super soldier remember"

She grinned up at him, running her fingers over his length, up and over his tip and back down, he sighed staring hypnotised by her movements "Tease" he muttered. He rolled his head backwards onto the chair again only for him to jerk upwards seconds later as he felt her slide him into her mouth, swirling her tongue over his tip, making him cry out.

Cassie lowered her head taking more of him in, relaxing her gag reflex until she felt him hit the back of her throat. Steve exhaled sharply releasing the breath he'd been unconsciously holding while he watched her lower herself onto his length.

She hollowed her cheeks, sucking hard while he hissed in rapture, he wasn't going to last long if she continued like this.

Taking a firm grip on the base of his throbbing erection she started to firmly pump with her hand, bobbing her head over him, alternating between sucking and swirling her tongue around his length.

She slid him all the way out running her tongue across his tip tasting his precum and then took him in as far as she could once again.

Steve groaned and fisted his hand in her hair roughly, pulling loose the pins from her elegant up do, she groaned against his shaft making him twitch in her mouth with the vibration.

"Shit Cassie" he cursed hoarsely starring down at the red lipped angel between his thighs, her soft hair cascading in waves around her face, it was the most intensely erotic thing Steve had ever seen.

Looking up at him from under her lashes she watched him come apart at her touch, his chest heaving as gasped for air. They locked eyes just as Cassie squeezed him tight and sucked hard one last time, Steve gave a shuddering moan and exploded in her mouth shooting his hot seed directly down her throat.

Cassie held him tight milking him with her mouth, making sure she caught every last drop before pulling him out of her mouth with a lewd pop.

Steve gasped for air, his orgasm still coursing through him as the fireworks began above them, Cassie lifted her head to watch smiling at the sky.

Leaning forward Steve pulled her to him kissing her roughly, as she still knelt between his legs "I'll show you fireworks alright" he ground out against her lips.

Pulling his pants up he helped Cassie to her feet, lifting her easily, throwing her over his shoulder and marching back into his apartment. She squealed in surprise as her stilettos fell from her feet clattering to the balcony floor.

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