Consequences (Part 2)

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Thirty minutes later found Heather cursing Natasha for getting her into this predicament, as she turned this way and that, horrified at what she was seeing in the mirror.

Last month for her birthday Natasha had very kindly bought her a new pair of Pyjamas. Heather had initially been thrilled on opening what she had imagined to be a thoughtful gift, squealing with delight when she saw the silky navy blue material.

Once she removed them from the packaging and saw the pattern on the shorts however she'd been less thrilled. Especially because she was in the middle of the living room surrounded by the team at the time.

Heather had squeaked, gone bright red and hurriedly tried to shove them out of sight. Which of course attracted the attention of everyone in the room, Natasha had laughed so hard she fell off the sofa as Heather had bolted from the room, before anyone could fully appreciate just what her supposed best friend had done.

There was a gentle knock at the door, which opened and shut quickly behind the red head in question.

"You" Heather huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and issuing a death glare.

Natasha grinned as she checked her out "Hey good looking" she said laughing.

Heather whined "It's not funny Nat, what the hell is Steve going to make of this?" She sat down with a flump onto her bed, dropping her head into her hands.

She felt the bed dip as Natasha sat next to her, bumping her shoulder gently with her own "Look, maybe it's about time you said something to Steve. It's not healthy, watching you moon over him all the time, everyone thinks so"

Heather looked up in horror "Everyone?" She squeaked.

Natasha gave her friend a sympathetic yet incredulous look "Yeah everyone, the pair of you aren't subtle"

"What do you mean the pair of us" she asked confused.

"You two are as oblivious as each other!" Natasha sighed, shaking her head in despair.

Jumping up from the bed she held out her hand "Come on, time to meet your destiny" she cried dramatically.

Heather couldn't help but laugh at her friend "Oh alright then" she grumbled taking the proffered hand.

She snatched up her blanket as she went, wrapping it securely around her waist to hide her shorts.

Natasha raised an eyebrow in response "I don't know who I'm going to run into between here and Steve's room, don't you think that's embarrassing enough?" Heather hissed.

Her friend laughed and shoved her out into the hall, shutting the door behind them.

Miraculously they met no one as Natasha escorted her to Steve's room, 2 floors up, until they reached his door. It opened suddenly revealing a very amused Bucky who stepped out, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Pep talk?" enquired Natasha with a smirk.

"Something like that" Bucky grinned, he motioned for Natasha to come with him "Come on let's leave them to it"

Both giggling like school children they left Heather standing staring at Steve's door terrified.

"Oh by the way Doll" Bucky called from down the corridor "Nice Pyjamas!"

Heather's head whipped round shooting a withering glare at their retreating forms. Natasha merely snorted with laughter as they raced around the corner "Have fun!" leaving her alone in the deserted corridor.

Breathing deeply Heather reached up and tentatively knocked on the door "Come in" she heard Steve call out.

Stepping though the doorway she stood on the threshold rooted to the spot shocked at the sight before her.

Steve stood with his back to her winding his gramophone, wearing nothing but a tight pair of black boxer briefs. Heather felt her temperature spike dramatically and her breathing become shallow as she stared awestruck by America's Ass.

Dragging her eyes away from his delectable rear end heather realised the entire room was bathed in candlelight. Clusters of candles adorned every surface gently flickering, creating a warm glow.

The gramophone burst into life, a lilting 1940's esque melody filling the room "Wow, Steve it looks lovely in here. You didn't need to go to so much trouble for one of Tony's games"

Steve looked up at her from his records, a shy blush on his cheeks as he turned to face her.

Heather inhaled sharply, desperately trying to keep her eyes locked onto his beautiful face. His boxers were leaving nothing to her imagination, no doubt left in her mind that the serum had affected every muscle in his body.

Steve burst out laughing at Heather's reaction, as she turned her eyes skyward, fidgeting on the spot.

"Well it might be one of Tony's games, but there was no reason we couldn't have some fun with it, we always have a good time don't we?"

Heather lowered her gaze to Steve's anxious face "Yes of course we do Stevie" she smiled.

He visibly relaxed, smiling at the nickname "I don't think you've ever called me that before Doll"

Heather blushed "First time for everything, Doll is it now?"

"Seemed appropriate given the setting" he grinned "So can I ask you a question?"

"Of course" Heather replied, walking towards him yet still trying to avert her eyes.

"Why do you have a blanket wrapped around you?" He quirked an eyebrow at her, looking pointedly at the grey material wrapped around her waist covering her legs.

"Ah well yeah about that..." She took a deep breath "So Natasha thinks she's funny! They were a gift for my birthday... I'm so sorry" She whispered, dropping the blanket to her feet she covered her eyes with her hands, not wanting to see his horrified expression.

When no sound was made Heather chanced a peek through her fingers, noting that instead of horrified, his expression was full of lust. He none to subtly ran his eyes up her long legs, over her shapely torso clad in the silky material, finally resting on her full parted lips.

"Um Steve?" She started, his eyes snapped to hers recovering himself somewhat, he cleared his throat.

"Heather why do you have my shield embroidered on your... your... well shorts?" He asked curiously.

"Like I said Nat thinks she's funny" she stated, hands on hips and giggling nervously.

There was indeed an image of Steve's shield embroidered on her shorts, carefully placed over the juncture between her thighs and body looking exactly like a bullseye.

Steve smirked "It kinda looks like..." he started before she cut him off, holding up a hand to stop him "I know don't say it" she cringed.

"Well then Doll" Steve said stepping toward her and holding out his hand "We're rather underdressed for the occasion but, may I have this dance?"

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