Consequences (Part 3)

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"Why Captain I thought you'd never ask" Heather said coyly, batting her eyelashes.

Steve smiled and pulled her in close, but not too close considering how little they had on. Placing a gentle hand on her hip, he took the other in his and drew it to his chest, holding their intertwined hands tightly against him.

They swayed silently to the music relaxing into the closeness between them, Heather sighed leaning her head on his shoulder. Snuggling even closer she breathed deeply, inhaling his scent, God this man smelt amazing.

"Who would have thought, Captain America can dance" she sighed into his chest.

He chuckled, Heather felt the vibrations deep in his chest against her cheek, something very soothing about it.

"You forget Doll, back in the 40's dancing was one of our main forms of entertainment. There were several dance halls on this block alone... Not that I got an opportunity to dance with such a beautiful dame as you that often"

Heather coloured at his compliment glad, he couldn't see her face "Why not?" She asked.

"Ah you've seen pictures of me before the serum, no one wanted to dance with the little scrawny guy" he sighed the note of sadness evident in his voice.

She pulled back to look up into his sad face "I would have" she whispered, reaching up on tiptoes to press her lips against his cheek gently.

Steve turned his head looking down at her, confusion and indecision clouding his eyes.

Heather stared back at him, mesmerised by his bright blue eyes she was like a rabbit caught in headlights.

Nervously she darted her tongue out wetting her lips, tracking the movement his eyes clouded with unmistakable lust. Heather shivered in his arms, unconsciously moving closer to his body. She inhaled sharply as she felt his length pressing into her hip, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from moaning.

Her reaction wasn't lost on Steve, he watched her face flush, her eyes darkening as she nibbled on her lower lip, raising a hand to her chin he tipped her face up to his.

"If you keeping biting your lip Doll I'm going to lose it" he whispered.

Heather didn't know what made her do it, but rather than releasing her lip she winked at him. Steve growled in response smashing his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue between her lips to taste her.

She twisted in his arms rising back up onto her tiptoes and wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer still as she deepened the kiss.

Steve's hands fell to her waist, lowering until he firmly cupped her cheeks, lifting her against him. Heather took the hint jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist without hesitation.

Holding her securely in his arms, Steve headed straight to the bedroom, his lips never leaving hers.

Gently laying her on the bed he nestled himself between her thighs, tangling one hand in her hair as he kissed her senseless. The other sliding over her pyjamas, caressing her breast through the silky material, running a thumb over her nipple causing her to growl lowly in her throat at the sensation.

Breaking the kiss to ghost his lips along her collarbone, he smiled against her skin as she whimpered beneath him. Bucking her hips she pressed her core against his erection, grinding herself against him desperate for the friction.

Abruptly Steve surged upwards, leaping backwards away from the bed, a myriad of emotions crossing his face as he struggled to get a grip on himself.

Heather whined at the loss of contact instinctively reaching for him, hiking herself up on her elbows she gazed at him concerned, eyes wide.

"What is it Steve? Did I do something wrong? Do you want to stop?" her eyes started to water as she braced herself for the inevitable rejection.

"No, no Doll, don't get upset, you didn't do anything wrong" Steve rushed forward to sit on the bed when he saw her reaction, careful to sit just out of reach.

"Then what the hell Steve, you better have a damn good reason for getting me all riled up like this and then fucking off across the room" Heather practically shouted, anger rising like a flash fire.

"Language" Steve admonished quietly.

Heather bolted upright "Do not even start with me right now" fists clenched at her sides, she scooted to the edge of the bed preparing to run back to her room as quickly as she could.

"No Doll wait, let me explain" Steve grasped her wrist, trying to pull her back down onto the bed.

She turned back to the super soldier, snatching her wrist from his grasp and folding her arms across her chest.

"This better be good Steve because I'm all set to bolt back to my room, and will be hiding there for at least a week" she huffed, as she flushed red.

"Doll it's not like I don't want to, you can see I do" he tried to console her, indicating his tented boxers.

Heather dropped her gaze to his boxers, quickly looking away as she felt the heat pooling between her thighs, right under the Bullseye on her shorts.

"It's just I've wanted you for so long, but I don't want you to regret this in the morning. You've been drinking, I don't want to take advantage of you" Steve explained trying to placate her.

"You... I... What?" Heather gasped surprised "Is that the only problem?"

Steve nodded the disappointment written across his face, which turned to confusion as Heather grinned crawling onto his lap straddling him.

"Heather! No wait it's not right" he gasped, leaning backward on his hands to stop himself from touching her.

"I've got good news for you Stevie" she chuckled "Tonight I've had a grand total of one shot, the first one in fact well over an hour ago... I can assure you my judgement is in no way impaired and you do not need to worry about me regretting this in the morning"

Relief and confusion flashed across his face in equal measure "But how did you get away without doing all the shots? Tony was determined" he queried, as he snaked his arms back around her body holding her close to him again.

Heather smirked "Bucky, he did all my shots as well as his own, took them out of my hands when no one was looking. No idea why actually but I wasn't complaining at the time and right now I'm loving him"

Steve grinned up into her beautiful face "I love that man"

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