Modern Woman (Part 2)

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A/N This story will contain funnies, fluff and some smut in later parts

"You want to do what?" Wanda shrieked between her fingers, her hand over her mouth, eyes wide with horror

Natasha leaned back against the door to Steve's room regarding the soldier with interest.

"You know she likes you just the way, you are you don't need to go to all this trouble..." she queried an amused smile tugging at her lips.

Steve grinned "Maybe it's time to prove that I can give as good as I get"

Wanda squeaked, dropping her hands from her face finally "Well that will do it alright... but it's awful extreme"

Running a hand through his blonde hair, ruffling it up in that sexy way that made all the girls swoon, not that he noticed, Steve sighed.

"Sometimes you have to go to extremes for love"

The two women exchanged raised eyebrows before bursting into hysterics.

"Dramatic much" Natasha smirked from the doorway.

Wanda laughed "Well I still think you're crazy... but I'll grab my purse, we have some shopping to do"

Wanda and Natasha left Steve's room "See you downstairs in 5" still chuckling to themselves.

3 hours later they were back in Steve's room his purchases spread across the bed.

Wanda, who was now finally on board once the shopping began, was gleefully bouncing around looking at their purchases and trying to decide where to begin.

"Bathroom now" Natasha ordered crooking her finger at the super solider indicating he should follow. Steve's last thought before they got to work was "What had he gotten himself into!"

Mel wandered into the kitchen, following the gorgeous smell wafting down the hall that had enticed her, Bruce and even Tony to leave the lab.

"Oh my god! Wanda's cooking" Mel squealed excitedly, Wanda's cooking was second to none.

Wanda looked up from the pot smiling "It's almost done, why don't you set the table"

Bruce and Mel grabbed handfuls of cutlery and plates, while Tony sorted the drinks out. One by one the rest of the team appeared at the doorway having allowed the smell of Wanda's cooking to distract them from whatever task they'd been doing at the time.

Bucky and Sam had clearly been in the gym as they arrived dressed in their sweats with wet hair, Vision drifted though the wall from the library right behind Bruce making him scream and drop a plate. They all laughed at him teasing him about turning green which just earned them a death glare from the scientist.

Mel busied herself helping Wanda dish up, handing out the plates of food to those already sat at the table. Completely preoccupied with trying not to drop 3 plates at once, she didn't witness the new arrivals enter the kitchen behind her.

Tony who was already tucking into his food not waiting for anyone as usual froze, eyes wide his fork suspended halfway between his open mouth and the plate.

Bucky abruptly began to choke on the glass of water he was drinking, eyes watering trying to prevent it from rushing out his nose. Sam absentmindedly pounded him on the back, not one for missing an opportunity to hit the super soldier, while shooting amused glances to the doorway. Bruce like Mel had his back to the door, they looked up at the sounds of Bucky choking then at each other confused. Bruce swivelled to look over his shoulder, following Tony's shocked gaze "What did you do?" he breathed horrified.

Mel turned to see Natasha in the doorway grinning widely at her and then turned her gaze to the man next to her, her uncomprehending eyes not recognising him for a second "Steve?" she gasped her mouth falling open in shock.

She barely recognised him and not in a good way. Gone was his beautiful blonde hair replaced with a bright vivid red, styled slightly spikey, pulled down and swept across his forehead. Admittedly she liked the style but the colour did nothing for him.

Eyes sliding down over his grinning face she realised he was uncharacteristically dressed all in black and much more casually that she was used to. His hoodie was emblazoned with the Avengers logo and his baggy combat trousers were slung low on his hips, a metal chain hanging between his back pocket and belt. As she stared, he pushed his right sleeve up his arm, a collective gasp of horror rippled around the room as he revealed a full tribal tattoo sleeve.

Mel squeaked appalled hiding her face in her hands not wanting to see, but then immediately parting her fingers to peak through unable to look away, what had he done to his beautiful body.

"Well..." began Sam "Well Steve, I never thought anyone would be able to top Mel's flamingo pink hair, but here I am proved wrong"

"What on earth were you thinking?" Tony demanded torn between the desire to snap a picture or slap some sense into the man.

"Mel said she wanted to see me give as good as a got one day, so here I am giving it everything I got" Steve responded waving his tattooed arm towards Mel.

Mesmerised Mel watched his arm wave through the air before she registered his words "Oh no! Don't you blame this on me, I wanted you to fight back a little as in tease me not... not... well this" She cried gesturing to all of him.

"I think he looks sexy like this don't you agree Wanda?" Natasha called across to the witch who quickly ducked behind the counter on the pretence of having dropped something to hide her laughing face.

"Absolutely" she called from the floor.

Mel glared at the red head "You helped him do this, didn't you? Jesus Nat, why didn't you talk him out of it?"

"I don't understand Doll, don't you like my new look?" Steve affected a hurt look but couldn't stop his lips from twitching up into a smile.

"No, I..." Mel started, realisation hitting her like a tonne of bricks "You're winding me up aren't you?"

Steve, Wanda and Natasha burst into hysterics "You should see your faces right now! Natasha gasped, through the tears running down her face.

The entire table huffed out a deep breath, collectively releasing the breath they hadn't realised they were holding.

"I dunno, I kinda like it" smirked Bucky "You've finally joined this century Stevie"

Mel spun to shout at the super soldier "He should be dressing like a grown up not like some gothic emo teenager!"

Bruce looked at Mel thoughtfully "It's not all that different to how you dress Mel" he said quietly.

Mel snapped her gaze down to the man next to her "You what? I don't... I mean... oh god you're right" She stared down at her own all black outfit, thoughtfully touching her pink hair.

"Wanda" Mel shouted suddenly making everyone jump "Tomorrow we're going shopping, Nat I'll need you too"

"Yay more shopping" Wanda clapped her hands together gleefully.

"Finally!" Natasha breathed out triumphantly, a smirk plastered across her face.

Turning back to Steve Mel marched across the room into she was right in front of him "Right Mr you're coming with me, I refuse to look at you like this for a second longer, we've got to sort this"

Steve laughed staring down at her "But what about dinner?"

"Shoulda thought about that before pulling this little stunt" she grimaced at his red hair again.

Rushing out the door, she grabbed him by the sleeve of his hoodie, dragging him with her

"Save us some food would ya" he shouted to Wanda as he was unceremoniously hauled from the room.

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