Modern Woman (Part 4)

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A/N Pure SMUT warning

A lazy grin spread across the super soldier's face at her words, stooping to kiss her once more he was brought up short when she ducked out of his hold and stepped into his bathroom.

Straightening up the smile sliding from his face to be replaced with a confused frown, he watched Mel spin in the doorway to face him. With an exaggerated and flirtatious wink she crossed her arms in front of her, gripped the hem of her black T-shirt and pulled it over her head, depositing it on the floor next to her and placed her hands on her hips in challenge.

Steve inhaled sharply taking in the sheer Navy lace bralet that had been hidden under her plain clothes. Stepping towards her he reached out and pulled her to him, one large hand placed on her lower back the other resting on the smooth skin over the ribcage.

"I don't remember you showing me this tattoo before" Steve murmured his mouth curved into a smirk as his gaze fell to the picture of his shield peeking out from underneath the Navy lace, adorning the tender skin above her left breast.

A slow smile spread across Mel's face "Maybe I was hoping you'd find it someday"

Steve chuckled "I'm wondering what else you haven't shown me now"

Stepping back out of his arms once more Mel grinned impishly at him "Oh baby you haven't seen anything yet"

Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her skirt she pushed the garment over her hips towards the floor straightening up as the material hit the floor.

Steve surveyed the goddess in front of him, taking in the Captain America themed lacy French knickers she wore with only a slight pink tinge to his cheeks.

"I didn't know they made Captain America underwear" was his response along with a disbelieving smile.

Mel shrugged "They don't" turning she reached into the shower to switch on the water leaving it to warm up "I had these made special, just for you"

"Lucky you were wearing them today then" Steve responded.

Mel nodded "Definitely my lucky day"

Reaching for his belt buckle she undid the clasp and pushed the baggy pants from his hips with a look of disgust "Never let me catch you wearing these again"

Chuckled Steve shook his head "No Mam"

"Now did you want me to help get that dye out of your hair or can you manage by yourself" Mel asked with a lilt to her voice, as she pulled one bra strap down her arm, pausing to wait for his reaction.

Eyes wide as he realised she intended to join him in the shower, Steve felt his mouth go dry "I definitely need help"

Mel dropped her gaze the evident bulge in his tight black boxers "So I see" she murmured provocatively.

Stepping back into his embrace she placed her palm to front of his boxers, squeezing him gently through the material "And what will you give me in return?" she whispered eyes boring into his.

Steve groaned at the touch of her hand, hauling her into his arms and crashing his lips to hers.

Invading her mouth with his tongue, he marvelled at the sweet taste of her, hands roaming her soft skin, pressing her ever tighter against him.

Mel responded in kind, running her hands over his muscles, cupping his face and sliding into the hair at the nape of his neck.

Flipping open the clasp holding her bralet closed Steve pulled back briefly to allow her to remove it. Gripping her pert backside, he lifted her onto the sink the shower now forgotten, slipping between her parted thighs to drop his mouth to the exposed flesh. Mel arched into his touch her fingers clutching at his shoulders as he engulfed her nipple, fingers expertly pinching at the other.

Mewling in pleasure she hooked her legs over his hips pulling him closer to grind her overheated core against his arousal. Steve could feel how damp she was through 2 layers of material, the knowledge drove him wild.

"Careful Doll or I might just have to take you right here, right now" he hissed against her flesh.

Mel chuckled grinding against him once more with a low moan "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep Captain"

Peering up at her Steve considered briefly if she was seriously challenging him or joking. Grinning at his confusion Mel raised an eyebrow "I thought you were giving as good as you got today?"

Grinning in response Steve stepped back from her, pulled her from her perch atop the sink and spun her, trapping her between the sink and his muscular body. Eyes boring into hers through the mirror he placed a gentle kiss to her shoulder hands trailing down her sides, leaving fire in their wake "You may regret saying that Doll"

Mel pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, noting how his cock twitched against her ass with the movement "Make me" She defied with a smirk.

Hooking his thumbs into her panties Steve pulled them down her long legs, allowing her to kick them away as he dealt with his boxers the last remaining barrier between them.

Using his foot he pushed her legs further apart and backwards causing her to automatically bend over the sink, eyes wide and wild at the thought of what was about to happen.

"Don't keep me waiting Captain" she hissed out in anticipation and desperation, she'd waited for this so long.

Cock in hand Steve stroked her folds with his tip groaning loudly on finding her wet and ready for him "Hold on then Doll"

Guiding himself into her entrance he slid into her fully, both crying out in exaggerated sexual agony at the feeling.

Mel arched her back revelling in the feeling of being filled by him, it almost being enough to push her over the edge before they'd even started. Holding himself steady Steve attempted to gather his wits, but one look at the wild, wanton expression on Mel's face reflected in the mirror and he fell apart.

Pulling himself from her body he pushed himself back inside forcefully, extracting a long feral moan from somewhere deep inside Mel.

Spurred on by the noises she was making and the way she was looking at him in the mirror Steve buried himself in her over and over, harder and faster with every thrust. Surprised not only that Mel wanted it that way, but that she was encouraging him to use her so completely, actively basking in the bruising brutal pace he was inflicting on her body.

Mel could feel her body building to fever pitch quicker than she wanted, but the sexual tension had been ready to snap for some time, neither of them was going to be able to hang on much longer.

"Right there baby, that's it harder" she cooed, as he found just the right spot that made her toes curl.

Gritting his teeth Steve slammed into her so hard they both heard the sink crunch in protest, but niether could even contemplate stopping at this point.

With 3 more ferocious thrusts Mel came apart at the seams, screaming out her release her walls spasming around his cock so hard it trigged his own orgasm. Hips stuttering, fingers gripping her hips hard enough to bruise Steve emptied himself into her, shouting out her name in pure ecstasy.

Mel sagged boneless over the sink, her forehead pressed against the cool glass of the mirror, breath fogging the surface as she panted, attempting to normalise her breathing.

Possessed of super soldier stamina Steve recovered quicker, pulling himself from her exhausted body she whimpered quietly at the loss her legs wobbling and threatening to give.

Reaching first into the long abandoned shower to turn off the now cold water Steve returned to scoop her up into his arms bridal style. Carrying her back to his bedroom and laying her carefully on his bed, sliding in next to her to pull her back into his arms unable to keep himself from touching her.

With a sigh Mel drapped her arm over his chest, snuggling into shoulder as his arm snaked around her back.

"Well" she huffed out finally with a tired chuckle "I'm not entirely sure you're that much of an old-fashioned gentleman after all"

Steve grinned down at her upturned smiling face "I think I could get used to being a bit more modern"

Word Count 1413


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