Brooklyn Nights (Hawks)

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A/N: This is an angst chapter so if you don't like angst please go on to the next chapter.

You and Keigo are becoming very distant with each other. He's now your fiancé but it's not going very good sometimes he comes home drunk it's gotten you upset when he does that but he barely seems to care. You and Keigo have gotten into many fights and he has made you cry. But that's love, right? Maybe your overthinking it. But you remember when you first met. You two met when you guys were kids like 3 at the park and you guys were instantly friends. It was friends,best friends,bffs, then lovers, fiancé. Time went by so fast sometimes you wish you could turn back to clock from when you guys were Bffs but you can't do that. Now you're sitting on the couch waiting for Keigo to come back. 'He's probably drunk or with another woman' you think. You hear the door knob jiggle and the front door opens. Keigo looks over to you. He came home late but he didn't look drunk like he usually does. Keigo walks over to you looking at your mascara that has been ruined. "I'm sorry that I came home late those bastards really put a number on me." You look at keigos arm you see something purple yet again you see that on his neck and his shirt is a little torn up. Those purple marks kinda look like hickeys and he smells like another girl's perfume. "Are you sure those aren't hickeys cause you smell like another girl?" You say questioning him. "NO, no, no, hehe where'd you get that idea." He says nervously "Your scent is not that cologne you normally wear it smells like perfume and." You touch the "bruises" "those are hickeys I know the difference don't think I'm dumb." You say to him "clearly not but I'm sorry babe it was an accident I swear." He says trying to hug you. You push him away "I'm not dumb stop lying you cheated on me and you didn't stop yourself." You say upset at him. "Please just forgive me Y/N baby I'm sorry I'm so sor-" you cut him off "No. you think I'd just forgive you for cheating on me I'm sorry but thats not gonna happen sweetheart. I'm not that easy. I've been played and I don't need to be again. My heart can't forgive this Dejâ Vu." You say crossing your arms. You end up getting into an argument of I'm sorrys and whatever comes out of your mouth. Your makeup gets more ruined by crying more out of being upset,mad,betrayed. Then he said the thing he will regret. "I should've never got engaged with you." He says looking down then walking into the bedroom locking the door.


"Y/N!" Hawks says with full joy in his voice walking over to you. You stop in your tracks and turn around. "What babe." You say as you watch him get on one knee. "Will you make me the happiest guy and marry me?" He says half smiling. With tears in your eyes you say "Yes, Yes I will." He puts the ring on your finger "I love you, Keigo." You say hugging him "I love you too, baby." Hawks says putting your legs around his waist then making out with you. He brings you to the bedroom and lays you down on the bed while still kissing you. That night was filled with love and lust.


I stood there crying remembering the day we got engaged. It wad the best day of my life. Now I'm starting to think it was the start of the worst days of our relationship. "TAKE YOUR FUCKING RING BACK THEN!" You sat throwing the ring down on the ground before rubbing your eyes . You didn't know where to go now you had NOwhere to go. You pick up a picture of you and hawks. If Only you could turn back the clock. You took your phone and some emergency money and went out of the house you closed the door in sadness. You found a hotel. You rented an apartment room. You went to the room put in your earbuds and cried. You ended up crying yourself to sleep. You wake up checking your phone.

20 missed texts from 'My everything<3' 25 missed calls from 'My everything,<3'

Why would he wanna talk to me he clearly said he should've never gotten engaged with me. Whatever, imma call him back. Before you. Can he calls you

Ring ring ring

"Y/N.." Keigo said
"hawks.." You said stern
"Look I'm sorry for what I said I was just lost in the moment." Keigo said
"If you wanna wait to forgive me I'll let you." Keigo said
"Hawks, I don't think we can be together anymore." Yous said
"Why not." Keigo said
"I don't think I can be with you anymore my heart just can't my hearts to pure but my minds not." You said
"Please Y/N I need you, I love you, please just please come back to me." Keigo says. You can hear the sadness in his voice
"After you said what you said I don't think I can." You say
"I'm so sorry I'm like a broken record at this point." Keigo says
"Hawks.. what I'm trying to say is this isn't gonna work out. This is the end of us." You say
You could hear him crying
"Please just listen to me." Keigo says
"Hawks i can't.. I can't anymore." You say
"I wish I knew how you feel." Keigo says.
"Well if you want that then...Its not that I don't wanna love you.
Its not that I'm really over it, you know.
Its just that I can't watch us bleed to death.
When we used to be happy." You say
"I wish we had the love we had when we were younger." Keigo says
"Me too." You say
"Goodbye Hawks..." You say
"Wait what?!" Keigo says.

You hang up

I'm sorry but I just can't do it no more, my love.

Its not that I don't want to love you
Cause I really tried, and I
Just wanna hang with the old you
For just one Brooklyn Night adieu.
Have a drink with your former self
We both won't act like someone else
Maybe then we'd both tell the truth
For just one Brooklyn Night adieu...

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