Chapter 2: Lonely Island

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Deep in the heart of a dark mountain, something stirs. It had been sleeping blissfully for who knows how long, dreaming of revenge against the one called Silver. But now, it awoke. It's green unearthly eyes gleaming.

It chuckled in the darkness around it. "Welcome to Mobius, Little One." It rumbled. "Enjoy your stay while you can."

Another thunderous rumble of laughter rolled from it; making the mountain itself, tremble in fear.

Silver felt very uneasy all day. He was gathering herbs with Espio because Charmy had caught a nasty cold. Silver was constantly looking over his shoulder and was jittery.

"Afraid a tree is going to grab you, Silver?" Espio asked.

Silver shook his head. "I'm just uneasy about something. I'm not sure what it is though."

Espio picked another herb and looked at the young hedgehog. His white fur was gleaming in the bright sunlight. Silver had always been a sharp kid; ready to help and knew when to listen. Espio had always pondered if the reason why Emily had been captured that first time was so Silver could be rescued. Espio knew Silver still dreamed about his being captured, but he never talked about it. Espio handed the leaf to Silver. "Chew on this," He said. "It'll calm his nerves."

Silver obediently took the leaf, hesitated but put it in his mouth and chewed it. It didn't really have a taste to it, but it did help Silver calm down.

"I'm sure you're just restless." Espio said. "With the days being so nice there hasn't been much going on the island, and it's probably starting to get to you."

"Maybe," Silver replied, not convinced.

Silver liked Espio. He was no older than Knuckles, but there was a kind of wisdom around Espio that Silver respected. Espio had taught Silver how to fight and defend himself. It had been hard work, but Silver liked to keep his mind busy.

The two fell into silence as they finished gathering and headed back to the village. The village seemed to be abandoned now that everyone was back in Mobius. It was quieter, and somewhat lonelier.

They walked into the CDA's hut to find Charmy half asleep on the couch. His face was pale and he sneezed often.

"Watch carefully, Silver." Espio said taking some of the gathered herbs and prepared them for use. He held up a flowery herb that seemed similar to a daisy for Silver to see easily. "This is Feverfew. It'll help him with the fever."

Silver watched Espio ground the herb into a powder and mix it into a cup of water. He gave it to the young bee who drank it without question. Espio gave Charmy some other herbs to help him get over his cold, listing most of them to Silver. Silver had a photographic memory and learned quickly, maybe thanks to his teletecnicness. Silver watched with interest on how each herb worked and how it was to be given.

After the herbs had been given, Charmy had fallen asleep and was soon snoring. "A good sign," Espio said quietly. "He'll be back to his old self in no time."

"I think Emily used herbs after I was rescued." Silver said, mostly thinking aloud. "But she used essences of herbs instead of the plants themselves."

"The essences can be very potent." Espio said. "I use them only in an emergency."

Silver sighed and gazed out the window.

Espio looked at him and smiled slightly. "You miss her."

Silver looked at Espio and blushed. "Sure I miss her," Silver replied. "I know she would have loved it here in Mobius. I wish she could have gone with us."

"She has her family to watch over, Silver." Espio explained. "I'm sure she wishes you would have stayed. You two did have a bond. I do believe that Shadow said it was similar to the one he had with Maria."

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