Chapter 17: Temple Trouble

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I slept fitfully that night. My sixth sense wasn't bothering be, but I new we were being watched. I lay on my back and watched the stars. Knuckles and Silver had shown me a few consolations, but one was the most familiar; here is was called The King, but back home it was known as Orion. I gazed at The King for a while, remembering laying outside with Stephen watching the stars.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap. I sit up and look around. Everyone else was asleep. Silver as usual slept closer to me by the fire. Sonic slept a ways off with Tails and Sally. Bunny and Antoine were on the other side of the fire. Knuckles Slept close to the horses, making sure they didn't wander off and Shadow was leaning against a rock with Rouge close to him.

I put a hand on my sword hilt and get up. I went and sat on a rock and kept watch. I wasn't sure what was out there, but I wasn't letting my guard down.

I took this time to get a closer look at my sword. The blade was a bright silver and this hilt was gold. Part of where the hilt met the blade curved down to protect the hand and two branches curved up toward the blade. It was light in my hand easy to handle.


I jumped at the sound of my name and turned to see Sally. She was only a few steps away.

I relaxed and put my sword down. "Oh, it's you," I said just above a whisper. "You scared me."

"Are you alright?" Sally asked, walking up and sitting next to me.

I nodded. "Just can't sleep. Then I saw that no one was keeping watch so I thought I'd watch for a while."

Sally smiled. "I can't sleep that well either," She said. "I'm blaming the full moon."

I smile back at the squirrel. "I usually am restless during a full moon."

"So, how old are you, Emily?" Sally asked.

"Eighteen," I answered. "I'm short for my age though. Some people thought I was at least thirteen."

Sally laughed. "Well, I wouldn't say so. I'm nineteen and people who first meet me think I'm fifteen."

I laugh quietly. "Good to know I'm not the only one,"

Sally smiled and looked over at Tails and Sonic. "Sonic really changed from the trip to earth." She said.

"I've noticed." I replied. "But it's a good change, don't you think?"

"This Jesus he keeps talking about," Sally said. "Did he really do everything Sonic says he did?"

I nodded.

Sally looked back at Sonic and Tails without saying anything. "Well, don't stay up too long. We have a long journey tomorrow."

"I'm only staying up for a little longer." I assured her. "Night Sal."

"Good night, Emily." Sally replied and she went back to sleep.

"Em…" Said a far off voice.

"Mmmnn," I said, not wanting to wake up.

Then a hand touched me. "Em, did you sleep here all night?"

I finally open my eyes to see Silver was waking me. I look around and realize that I was leaning against the stone I kept watch on and I was still facing the swamp and I had a death grip on my sword hilt.

"I guess I did," I said, sitting up and yawning. "I couldn't sleep last night so I thought I'd keep watch for a while. Didn't expect to fall asleep."

"We already have breakfast going, hon," Rouge said, coming over with a plate of eggs. "Knuckles found a nest nearby and said they were good to eat."

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