Chapter 5: Return to Angel Island

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The room erupted in laughter as I told everyone about the time when I acidently threw a fruit at Sonic, which had been properly dubbed "The Fruit Tale."

Sally looked at Tails. "You really dumped Sonic with water?"

Tails laughed and nodded. "He curled up into a ball." He said. "You should have seen his face when he uncurled again."

Everyone laughed again, even Sonic laughed. "You guys should have heard Emily when I tickled her."

"She's ticklish?" Tails asked.

"Very," Sonic said with a chuckle. "Especially-"

"Don't you dare, Sonic Hedgehog." I said.

"On her Knees!" Sonic said quickly before leaping out of his chair, just barely dodging a punch in the arm from me.

I chase after him for a moment, at least until Knuckles caught him and pinned his arms to his sides.

"Knux! Let me go!" Sonic said squirming a bit.

"Em, his ribs!" Knuckles shouted to Sonic's horror.

"KNUX!" Sonic shouted as Knuckles gave away his weakness.

I take advantage of the situation and dig my fingers into Sonic's ribs. He shouted and laughed and squirmed in Knuckles grip. "Payback sucks, Sonic!" I say as I tickle him more.

"Em! STOP!" Sonic begged. "I yield!"

I finally stop the torture on Sonic. Knuckles let him go, allowing Sonic to catch his breath. "I take it we're even?" Sonic asked.

I smirk and bite my lower lip. "Maybe," I answer, turning away. I didn't get to see the look of horror on Sonic's face.

I caught a gleeful look in Knuckles eyes and I get on my guard. I hold up a hand to Knuckles. "Knuckles, when Shadow grabbed my knees once during training, I made his wrist go numb." I warned.

Knuckles got the hint and relaxed. I was thankful. With Knuckles' strength I wasn't sure if I could bend his wrist.

"Looks like we missed a lot of action last time," Rotor said. "Em, do you mind if I see your iTouch? I always like to see Tails' works."

"Sure," I reply and toss it to Rotor. "It needs some repairs on it anyway."

"Repairs?" Tails asked, looking at my Touch.

"The chaos energy did something to the app you put on there." I reply. "I have no communications on it and all my maps are gone."

"Should be an easy fix," Rotor said, turning my iTouch over in his hands.

"Hey," I said looking around. "Where's Amy and Cream?"

"They went into Mobotropolis for an overnight concert." Tails explained. "They'll be back tomorrow."

Soon there was a knock on the door. Sonic stood and went to open it. While he was gone, Antoine started a new conversation. "So, vwat is it zat you do, Emily?"

"I write," I answer. "Usually fictions and fantasy stories, but I think people like my stories. I know my little sister Sarah likes my stories though. I also do art, drawing and leather carving mostly."

"Sally, you should have seen the knight she carved." Tails said. "It looked a lot like the tapestry back in the palace."

I blush. That knight was my pride and joy when it came to my carvings. I had won champion with it at fair and third place in state.

Sonic soon came back with another hedgehog. He was a lighter blue in color and had a grey mustache. But other than those two differences, he looked very much like Sonic.

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